Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Rant 021 / I Fart Weapons of Mass Destruction

Go to to sign the petition to end child pornography! You know you want that sick shit to end! Go there, light a candle and enter your name, country and email! That's all. No money needed and no viruses! And spread the link! Let the motherfucking pedophiles suffer!!!!!

A few days ago when I joined the G4B2S server for the HL mod Natural Selection, there was an interesting discussion on life. One guy was saying that if a person really wants to do something, he will be able to do it. A person is capable to doing anything if he wants to. Then another guy asked him if anyone can be a brain surgeon. He couldn't answer. This proves that some people do understand this, but just not deeply enough. The answer should have been yes. The fact is, will is not an ability that does any specific things, the way strength or IQ do. Will is an ability that amplifies an or all abilities that you need to use. Normal people have lifted cars with their bare hands to save their loved ones. That is normal strength, amplified by an immense amount of willpower. There are people who receive their first degree in their sixties. That is normal intelligence and diligence, amplified by their great willpower. Therefore, any person can be a brain surgeon, if they want it hard enough to have sufficient willpower. But you see, thinking you have enough will and actually having enough will are two different things! You can scream and shout in your mind that you have enough will to do this, but in the end only the actual amount of your willpower really matters. The less able you are in the required way, the more willpower you need. For a mentally retarded person to be a brain surgeon will require an amount of will so huge, he'd need more reason than just seeing his parents die and wanting to do something to stop that sort of things from happening to others. In fact, seeing everyone he know die may not be enough. So therefore, yes anyone can do anything they want to, but only if they want it hard enough.

There was a time in JC when a close friend of mine just dated his first girlfriend. And there was this time when I said something offensive about her, jokingly. He looked at me in a fierce way and told me to stop. And I looked back at him smilingly and asked," Are you telling me this because you want to, or because you think you're supposed to?" He couldn't answer, and broke up with her after a few weeks. The fact is, people often like to believe they have fallen for girls who look damn good. This way, it is often their lust affecting their decisions, instead of their love. This is a grave mistake that has killed many marriages. A guy must figure out if he really likes the girl for her vagina, or for her soul/mind. To me, the mind/soul is the most important, but the looks cannot be repulsive in any way. Beauty/cuteness will be a mere bonus to me. To date a girl for her looks is foolishness.

Another thing is that people often behave the way they think they should. They learn that sort of behaviour from TV and such and think that is the right way to be in life. They do not bother to figure out for themselves what they, themselves, really want to do.

To date a girl for sex antithetical to civilization and society. Civilized society is founded on the concept of marriage. Free sex basically doesn't seem right. If marriage is abolished to make way for free sex for all, most children will grow up with single parents, or two merely co-habiting parents who may leave anytime without guilt. As free sex becomes rampant, marriage will seem less like a viable choice to adults. People are already seeing marriage not as a necessity in life, but a way to receive the legal and financial incentives marriage offers. If these do not exist, marriage would already be a thing of the past. Pre-nuptial agreements, increasing divorce rates, acceptance of single parents in society. All these point towards the fact that marriage is gradually become less of an important part of life, and more of a novelty for first-timers. But people will do as people will. No matter what, Man never does anything that will kill himself.

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