Interesting facts:
1) the amount of ozone-destroying materials in the atmosphere has recently stopped increasing. Scientists estimate that in about 10 yr's time we will begin to see some improvements in the situation. May even stop getting bigger!
2) there's an article on "Engrish" in
3) Single-party democracy does work.
4) my random bullshit that i type on my msn's personal msg section seems to be getting some positive response. maybe I'll record them all down and publish them sometime in the next 10 yrs.
5) some scientists believe we have gone passed the "point of redemption" in the subject of global warming. The best we can do is slow down the process and see what comes. I'm going to do my part by exercising less and thus producing less heat.
6) I am not funny.
7) the best one can do when talking to someone who's not funny is to smile politely.
8) I usually do not know when i've said something really nice until they tell me that i had. (YAY!)
9) I am not known for saying nice things. I believe I need to change that. (YAY! for you!)
Friendship is a strange concept. It can, all at once, be a farce, something to keep you from going mad from this mad, mad world, and the one thing that saved you from the greatest disaster of your life. It can cause one to experience anything deemed possible in one lifetime. Tragedies, great happiness, important lessons, and gloomy rants like this. Friendship can occur between any people( or any person and any object, as seen in the movie Castaway) and can result in just about anything you can think of: new friends, intimate relations, new opportunities, betrayals and many more.
The fact is, friendship is a necessary part of life. It derives from human interaction, which is essential for human life, as much as food or water. Humans cannot live without human interaction and friendship. Experiments have shown that people would rather commit suicide when faced with complete isolation from any humans for even a period of a year. Even with a complete array of entertainment choices. Yes it has been tried before. A volunteer was locked in a room with enough food for a year, a tv, computer(without an internet connection) and other forms of entertainment. When they returned after the agreed period(10 mths if I'm not wrong) he was found dead(hanged). Even in isolation cells in jails, people can interact with others when they receive their haircut or when their meals are delivered. Or in the case of sailing, all sailors sailing alone usually brings along a satellite phone or laptop. However there are cases of people being completely isolated for a year or more, and survive without going insane. A documentary on Discovery Channel on Asian religions includes an interview with a chinese Taoist priest who stayed in a forest alone and meditated for a year. A rare case.
But friendship does not necessarily follow interaction. Antisocial asswipes do exist. These people have problems instead of friends. When they interact with other humans they generate an intense aura of human repulsion that friendship never forms. It can affect people even miles away, via the internet. Such people usually do not live long, and no one cares if they do. In fact, no one cares about them to such extent that they almost do not exist, unless someone accidentally comes into contact with their magical aura of repulsion. In such cases, negative emotions form and loud noises(or voices anyway) will be heard, proving the existence of this aura, thus the person emitting it. It's almost like how black holes are detected( they are "seen" by observing the anti-matter that is ejected from it).
But in most normal humans who are at least not too repulsive, friendships usually causes good things to happen. Friendships in such cases can become memorable, and not in any way that is deemed sexual. The point is, friends are needed for a person to be a person. A person without friends will always be "that guy/girl", never "him" or "her". In any friendships, both parties always learn something from it. For me, I am learning generosity, and I have learnt how far people can be pushed. I have learnt to have my own ideas, my own way and that someone else's idea is not always better than mine.
Yes. If not for my friends, I'd still be a miser, an asshole and a mindless zombie. And an antisocial asswipe for that matter. I will not thank them, because firstly, they should have learnt as much from me as I them. And secondly, some of the lessons were pretty harsh. Not that I didn't deserve most of them, but it just doesn't feel right to thank someone who shouted almost childish insults at me.
Everyone is the way the are because of the way everyone else are. I am no exception to this rule.
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