Minting money causes inflation. Inflation causes poverty.
Not minting money causes poverty.
Not having sex makes you want to have sex.
Having sex makes you not want to have sex.
Thinking must be the hardest job in the world.
Thinking must be the easiest job in the world.
“Damn Bin Laden. He promised us 72 naked virgins in paradise for blowing ourselves to smithereens, and all we are getting is ONE lousy 72-year old virgin! What a ripoff!”
Your mom's vagina
Borat and Clerks 2 are 2 really good movies. Politically incorrect and, sometimes, obscene. Hilarious all the time.
To make yourself seem as if you've died, breath deeply in and out until you feel faint. Then forcibly exhale against closed lips and pinched nose. Expected results are that you will faint and stop breathing for several seconds. Untested by me. Will definitely kill some brain cells though. May even cause a stroke, by the sound of the description. Use only in desperate situations!
Valsalva maneuver :
In medicine, the Valsalva maneuver is performed by forcibly exhaling against closed lips and pinched nose, forcing air into the middle ear if the Eustachian tube is open. This maneuver with slight modifications can be used as a test of cardiac function and autonomic nervous control of the heart or to ‘clear’ the ears (equalize pressure) when external pressure increases, as in diving or aviation.
Ever stopped doing what you are doing and wonder why you do as you do, and do what you do?
If this is the first time you're reading my blog, then it may sound like a strange thing to do.
Everyone works for money. Those who don't belong to an endangered species known as "Perfect Employees".
But why? Why do we do work for money? Why do we want money? Why money?
It seems to me I had almost spent the past 20 yrs of my life doing things I had been told to do. Not things I feel should be done. I was told to study hard, get a good job and enjoy your life however I want when I retire. I realize this is not completely right.
Let's go back to our lives' primary objective. We live to reproduce, and/or to help others reproduce, directly and indirectly(To what point? That's another story for another day). We cannot do this all the time. Therefore, for the rest of the time, we live for happiness. Those are our primary objectives. Not money. Not fame. Not a stable income. Do you not see that if you want them, it would really be because you believe they lead to one thing - happiness? All you wanted at first was just that! Happiness. Then people would get work so hard towards their preferred means of achieving happiness that they just forgot why they were doing that! In the end, they just want what they worked for, and sacrifice their happiness.
Therefore I was told to study hard, get a good job and etc. A dream of parents who grew up in poverty. A dream of people who worked so hard for money, all they want is money and think money the Almighty, the One and All. This is no longer the post-WWII era. We are living in a time when all our basic necessities are met easily. In fact, we have too much. And we are working for more! Money should no longer be God!
The thing is, we should stop working for the excessive amounts of these basic "necessities". We should focus on higher things, what I would call luxuries because we can live without them. Yes, admit it! We have everything we need to survive. And much more. But these "much more" is not what we need! And what we should want!
What we should focus on is things that will please our souls. Our bodies are pleased. It is time for our souls to be happy too. Money is not happiness. Money leads to happiness. But the process of making money is never happy. Therefore Money does not necessarily give a person more happiness. I believe we need focus on happiness. A simple idea. A complex concept. Forget making loads of cash. Think. What makes you happy? Money? Then your views are horrendously undeveloped. Money only gives you more happiness then you already have when it is given to you for no work done, ie free money. Of course you have to get a job. You need to satisfy your physical/material needs after all, before working on higher goals. So what higher goals do you need? What will make you happy? Solve your problems. Remove your unhappiness. What the causes are and how to remove them, are questions only you can answer. Thinking is the hardest job in existence, but it is not impossible.
Work for money, but don't kill yourself over it. Work to ensure your survival and the survival of your loved ones. This should be done first, before working for anything else.
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