Friday, 30 March 2012

Rant 963 / Stacking Bags

Looks like it's going to be impossible to stick my Huawei E170 3G USB modem into my iPad.

When I asked Starhub, my ISP, about whether I could upgrade this to their new Mifi E5830 modem I was told that it's not possible. The alternative is to acquire a second SIM card that's under the same 3G plan under the Multi-Sim service. This option will cost me S$10.70 per month and an additional S$10.70 as the activation fee.


Moreover, my iPad doesn't have 3G capabilities.

Of course there is a way out of this.

I'm shopping at DX again, this time for 3G routers. These little battery-powered routers use the broadband from the USB stick and become an access point for my iPad.


Lots of little details to watch, from what I've read.

For one, most of the routers, including the "portable" ones, require AC instead of having a battery.


Another detail is that it must support HSDPA/WCDMA. Not all do I think.

Finally, to reduce the messiness of this whole setup, I require an actual female USB socket in the router itself. No mini-USB socket with a USB cable nonsense.

At the moment, the HAME MPR-A1 looks like the best option.

However, it's still new so there are no reviews at the moment.

At US$24.70, this is a pretty good deal considering that it meets all my conditions. The catch, however, is that the battery only lasts up to 4 hours.

To improve my chances, I'm buying another, albeit less attractive, router SKU73349. It's basically the same except heavier.

The former costs US$24.70 and weighs 58g while the latter costs US$36.70 and weighs 91g.

Either can be cheaper than the option of getting a new mobile broadband plan in the long run, as long as they last several months.

Another alternative is to get a real 3G plan for my phone and use it as an access point. The problem is that it makes the phone heat up quickly and drains the battery.

Alright, so there are some decent free games on the iPad after all, one of them being Temple Run and another called Zombie Highway.

Both are focused on whatever the mechanism is that detects the tilt angle of the tablet.

I'd like to get the FF games but they're expensive :|

As for Productivity apps, the only app that suits my needs seems to be Google Docs Editor but it's kinda crappy in that the table is flattened to the left side of the screen when the table is blank, like if you set the width of each column to zero.

It works but it's ugly.

The thing is, if I don't discover a better one soon, I'm going to buy it.

That's not true. I'm just like that Yorick and for a period of time, I even played as Yorick exclusively. In addition, I made smurf accounts and pretended to be a newbie just so that I can end what the comic termed as "the perpetual circlejerk of blame".

Yeah yeah it's all my fault, now STFU and move on.

LoL has yet to display this error throughout my entire experience with the game.

It gets kinda tiring to watch others deflect blame though. They're probably the kind of people who would cause a traffic accident with witnesses who are willing to testify against them, and then when they go to court they hire a lawyer and plead "not guilty".

I'm not even joking! Such people actually exist in abundance around the world, but are more frequently found in LoL.

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