Sunday, 18 March 2012

Rant 956 / Senor_Hybrido: Your Cheap As Fck Blogger

Tried cold brew coffee for the first time. It's... not acidic!

Not too good because I prepared it at 8pm last night and I'm drinking it at 11.30am now.

Supposedly it's best to leave it for 24 hours, ie prepare it at 11am yesterday. Now it's kinda bland, but it shows that it works!

Hence I've prepared a second batch for tomorrow.

This is the recipe I've adapted to suit what is available to me. Basically I add the usual amount of water into the usual amount of coffee, stir it, leave it covered at room temperature, then strain it with my paper filters.

This is just like the tea I used to drink. Back then when I was still using large 1L bottles instead of this big mug, I'd leave a tea bag in the bottle and either drink it immediately or leave it in the fridge for the next day.

So I've been looking at the prices of iPad accessories on DealExtreme and the price of the HDMI cable surprised me - it's more than half the price of the same product offered by the online Apple Store.

US$27.30 is about S$34 nett, while Apple sells it for about S$57.80 nett.

Everything else is cheaper though.

That's my current unconfirmed cart.

2 screen protectors, 2 holders, 2 cases and one of that cable for a total of US$68.01 or about S$85.70.

If I'm not getting spares and just get the more expensive one of each type of item plus the cable, that will cost me a total of about S$58.

I guess I was almost right when I said that I could get all the accesories I want at the price of that HDMI cable from the Apple Store.

Initially I was planning to get 3 screen protectors and get $0.50 off each, but to get bulkrate I must add $1.70 for shipping. If I buy 4, that would be worth it. The only problem is that I have no reason to buy that many spares.

Also thinking about getting a USB hub. It's only like S$4 for the cheapest 2.0 4-port ones with decent reviews.

When I first saw the article entitled "5 reasons NOT to buy the new iPad" I just had to read on to see what the reasons were.


1. You’re already got an iPad 2

2. LTE only works in North America

3. The screen alone is not worth the upgrade

4. Still largely the same unexciting hardware

5. It’s not the only tablet   


Firstly, I don't have an iPad. Or even a decent smartphone because Nokia N8 is a Symbian device.

Secondly, LTE is a 4G thing, and the one I bought was a wifi-only because I am going to use my mobile modem with it.

Thirdly, it's not an upgrade if you have nothing in the first place.

Fourthly, I know, but see the third reason.

Fifthly, it's the only tablet with a display like that. No other tablet has a resolution like it until Samsung releases it next tablet... probably.

That feel when every single attempt to discourage you from what you're doing turn out to be utter failure.

Music 40 years ago:

Music now:

Yep, just a typical LoL game.

I think there's this misconception that to be successful, you just need great ideas.

IMO there are two things that one needs, one of which being that.

The other is the ability to get things done.

This second ability is what makes people rise to the top. Even if they have absolutely no good idea, they can still be the right-hand-men of better people.

The first is what makes these "better men" better, but it's simply useless on its own.

Plenty of people have ideas. Like, seriously, everyone has at least one.

Turning them into reality is important part.

Of course, that's only true in an ideal world.

In our world, there's yet another factor - the ability to convince others that your idea is the best.

Because let's face it, this world is too grey. There's no such thing as the perfect idea, only ones that differ in their costs, effects and risks. There are a million ways to make a million, and more methods to earn each thousand that we can ever finish analyzing carefully.

With such an incredible array of possibilities and an even wider variety of moralities and personal principles, we cannot expect people in general to be able to agree on a single "best" idea on their own.

Hence the importance of persuasion.

IMO, the priorities of this three would be as follow, from the most important to the least:

- the ability to get things done
- persuasion
- ideas

If you have the first and the third, it's not enough, eg Creative and Steve Wozniak.

If you have the first two, you can still be a pretty successful person but it's nigh impossible to ever be the top dog.

Finally, if you have the last two, ie you have great ideas and can convince others that they're fantastic but you're never able to show results, then you're just full of hot air. Sure you can convince others to get things done, but you will encounter problems you have to deal with yourself no matter what.

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