Friday, 2 December 2011

Rant 902 / Free MMOs Everywhere!

It's now 4.30pm on Friday. I'm already 600g lighter than I was on Wednesday during my first IPT session.

I think I'll be light enough even before I get out of camp on the coming Friday.

Did a lot of walking today. Not much yesterday due to bad sleep.

Slept much better last night and got more productive during the day. The fact that I can't do anything next week also helped motivate me to do more today.

Made two fixed deposit today after purchasing 2 cashier's orders from POSB. First was free but the second cost me S$5. If I bought them online they would have been free but for some reason, the max was far lower than necessary. Even stranger was how the service was not available when I tried to get multiple cheques to bypass the limit.

One deposit was at UOB since it was having a promotional rate of 0.95% for 18 months .

The banker tried to get me to sign up for other programmes that offer more interest rates but I decided to spend some time to mull on it.

First thing she tried to get me to get was some long-term thing that offered 3% interest per annum. "Long-term" in this case means at least 15 years, during which I can only withdraw 15% max after 2 years. But it's risk-free and it's got a whopping 3% interest rate versus the 0.95% of the fixed deposit's promotional rate.

The second one had minimal risk and will incur a low fee. Those made my ears switch off and I can currently remember nothing about it. Something about emerging market bonds. Whatever.

I'm also not inclined to get the first because plenty of things change in 15-25 years. After such a long time, the Singapore Dollar can be worth as much as the Indonesian Rupiah is today. Who knows?

Certainly not the Indonesians 15 years ago.

And it felt weird when she kept exclaiming about how young I was to have the money I was depositing.

I have to lose both parents for it. That's one reason I'm not as excited about having it as she seems to think I should be.

After that I went to Hong Leong to upsize my current fixed deposit that had already matured earlier last month.

With my current deposit amount, I qualify for a pretty damn high promotional interest rate.

I agreed to 2 years for the even higher rate.

Honestly speaking, I've never got such a high interest rate before since I started putting my money into fixed deposits, so what I signed up for is fantastic. In fact the highest I can remember getting was around 0.8%.

Right now the lowest promotional rate for 1 year is 1%.

Also received 2 sets of 2-tier ceramic casserole aka tingkat as free gifts. They will cost me S$40 if I make an early withdrawal, which isn't an issue at all but shit happens, so it's something to take note of.

But I don't think it's a good idea to put all my money into one bank, or I'd be getting an even better rate. However, placing all your cash into one bank is exactly what all banks want.

And I like how nonchalant that bank teller was. The amount was about twice that of what I deposited at UOB and she didn't appear to give a damn about it.

Garena is getting Firefall!

The game looked pretty good back when I first saw it but I have reservations about it as usual because games tend to get overhyped a lot these days.

Garena seems to be getting really successful at what it's doing, and surprisingly so given that it thrived on piracy, IMO. Then again, it was standing on this really grey area by saying that it is giving gamers a new platform, kinda like Battlenet except for all games.

The problem is that the games would need to be kinda cracked to be able to play on Garena, which means you can't tell if a player is using a legit copy because it doesn't matter.

And it worked. Now it's even managed to publish good games for free!

I'm looking forward to playing Firefall. Maybe I'll even spend some money to support it... if I survive the coming year.

Corpse Party looks like a really awesome game. Spent more than an hour watching someone playing on live on Vidyavidya. It's a classic JRPG-style game, except it's in the horror genre.

The Japanese are good at horror stuff, so the game turned out to be quite successful, according to Wikipedia.

Too bad it was 3am by the time he finished the first chapter, so I had to go to bed.

I'd buy that game but it's on PSP. Totally sucks. Maybe I'll watch recordings of it on Youtube but it's just never as fun to watch it live where you can talk to the player.

Lineage 2 is now free to play. According to my bro they made it much more casual than the original, ie much less grinding which the game was notorious for.

Still not interested. I'm still haunted by my bad memories of it back when it was first released. I was addicted to it but at the same time I found the grinding so painful.

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