Thursday, 1 December 2011

Rant 901 / New IPT BMI Programme

First IPPT Preparatory Training (IPT) session tonight. It certainly was informative.

Apparently obese guys like myself can opt for the weight-loss programme aka "BMI programme" instead of the normal one that involves Personal Performance Targets (PPT).

In the former, all we've got to do is to lose a certain amount of weight. Everyone has to fall under a certain height and weight level to begin with, and we must reach the next level by losing weight within 9 months, or we'll have to go for another 8 sessions of Remedial Training spread over 3 months.

Each level is only 3-4kgs apart as far as I can tell, so each of us are expected to lose that much over 9 whole months.

Sounds pretty easy for me, but only because of my current situation.

Ever since I started working where I am now, I've been steadily losing weight. So far I've dropped 7kgs and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. I can't remember how long exactly I've been working but it's probably since March.

If so, that's almost 1kg/month.

I won't even have to attend any of the sessions -  I just got to go to work!

At any point within the 9 months after my last birthday, if I'm confident that I've hit the next level's weight requirement, I can just book a session and, before it begins, request that my height and weight be measured.

Then I'll be considered to have pass my IPPT till my birthday.

I'm only 2kgs away from my next level, so I'm not even planning to attend any sessions till I feel like it, probably somewhere in February.

Maybe even just before Christmas, when I'm back from reservist training and Shanghai trip, both of which I believe will make me lose even more weight.

Firstly, I handle a machine gun in my current unit, and that's pretty heavy. Handling it will probably be tiring work.

Second, since I'm going to be alone in Shanghai, I'll probably not eat a lot. Perhaps I'll buy a lot of food back to the hotel for dinner but I won't be eating outside if I can help it. There is only one food that I absolutely won't eat in the hotel - fermented beancurd. I'd be asking for it if I do.

As for the PPT programme, it's significantly harder. Then again, if not for my job, even losing 2kgs would be hard.

Anyway, everyone in that programme fall into different categories depending on their best result since their last IPPT window. They must reach the standards of the next level in order to get out of this.

The main problem isn't that. The trouble really lies in the fact that in the following year, they will remain in the level they had reached and must hit the standards of the next higher level in order to pass regardless of whether their performance had become worse since they last came for training.

I have no idea if it's the same for the BMI programme, and I don't really care. From today onwards I have practically no problem with IPPT till my birthday next year.

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