Looks interesting. Strange setting for a comedy though. Nazism has rarely been associated with humour in the mass media.
Mr Rogers won, hands down.
I think it's intuitive to believe that larger supermarket chains will always undercut smaller independent shops.
Strange that our Shop N Save prices a number of its items higher than what can be found in other shops in the neighbourhood.
I only prefer Shop N Save to other shops because their aisles are wider. My bag and I, we occupy a lot of space. In those smaller shops I have to keep holding my bag behind me to move, and switch to reverse gear if someone going in the opposite direction wants to go around me instead of going through another aisle.
My 13 vouchers for 6 pieces of Burger King's Mexican Drumlets from GobblerDeals.com have arrived!
(This is a bug trap, a piece of very sticky tape for trapping bugs.)
This guy needs a professional exterminator.
Or a frickin nuke.
What's with all the hype about Diablo III?
The Chinese are already playing Diablo V!
Clearly the rest of the world is getting its Blizzard games generations later than the Blizzard fans in China.
And I like how the Lord of Destruction made a comeback in the 5th game. I knew Baal wouldn't die so easily <3
So the power was out for an hour just now due to maintenance. Supposedly it was supposed to be down for four hours but the power was back after one. I even called the guy in charge (contact number was in the notice letter that all the residents were given) to make sure it wasn't a temporary thing. Y'know, because of the computer.
Anyway it caused by modem to die again. So now I have to use my mobile modem instead. :(
So Scarlett Johansson got some of her nude pics leaked. Google is full of them.
What's up with everyone taking their own naked pics with their phones?
Why doesn't anyone ever use a frickin real camera?
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