Should I go for facial treatment?
I'm considering it because:
1) I have to meet people face-to-face, and the condition of my skin rarely inspires positive comments.
2) I've spotted some offers that appear to be very cheap. $20 facials from those places sound really tempting.
As usual, I should probably sleep on it.
Dead Island makes me very nauseous, and I play FPS games frequently.
This sucks.
It just takes 5mins for me to feel kinda sick. Within 15mins I'm totally ready to quit.
The game's still fresh and interesting to me; all I've done so far was to complete the first main quest of retrieving the security card.
I just cannot handle the bobbing and (apparently) the field of view (FOV).
What a pity.
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy is a... pretty uninteresting game. The concept was good but it was terribly boring.
Also, the user interface (UI) was kind of confusing. It definitely needs to be revamped to make it more intuitive for players.
Gameplay was weird. On one hand, I respect the developer(s) for making the AI able to detect players as long as they're visible, unlike in many other games where I'm magically invisible as long as I'm about 50m away from them, eg Deus Ex Human Revolution.
On the other hand, I found this boss whom I was supposed to kill for a quest just standing there with the speech bubble symbol indicating I could talk to him, presumably for some sort of deal. I just shot him and be done with the quest. Why bother?
Just tried a bit of Bastion, a recently released game and the only game I've ever seen that's produced by Warner Bros.
It's actually kinda good. Visually it looks very colourful but the narration, which plays a big part in the game, sounds like something I'd associate with film noir.
Anyway it's an action RPG about this guy who woke up to find his bed floating on a bit of his bedroom floor in the air. For some reason, rocks would fly up and form a path as if to tell him where to go.
Stranger still, he decided he'd go to the Bastion, a place "they" agreed to meet at if something happens.
As if he had a choice.
Kinda interesting. Way better than Divine Cybermancy and my current impression of Deus Ex Human Revolution. Dead Island's still more interesting to me, but until they solve the problem of the extreme nausea I feel, I'm not touching the game at all.
League of Legends is still the most interesting game I have though.
Speaking of LoL, I'm getting the hang of Yorick.
Yorick should never ignore Omen of War, the melee ability that does the most damage. Seriously, not only does it hurt, it gives me a 5s movement speed boost. In any fight, that should be the second spell I cast, the first being Omen of Pestilence of slow down the target(s).
With the speed boost and slow, I should be able to chase anyone down as long as he/she is unable to teleport/leap away.
In addition, I love Exhaust and Ignite, so I become quite effective in hurting people but turn less tanky.
I don't mind having less survivability though because my spells must hurt. That's the most important thing in this game - to hurt. What's the point of spamming shitty spells more? Battles don't last long enough for that.
The capability to cast more weaker spells is only useful in the early game for harassment. In mid and late game, it's the damage that counts.
Therefore, I've begun to save IPs to buy level 3 attack damage Marks. I'm only about 1200 exp away from hitting level 20, so by the time I can use level 3 runes, I'll be able to buy a few of those.
I need more of those and less of the Ability Power (AP) runes I've been buying for Mordekaiser. Those runes were also useful for Gragas and Maokai, but Yorick definitely needs more Attack Damage in order to boost the effectiveness of his ghouls which become an important source of damage later in the game.
When I have 3 of them out for 5s, that's practically a 105% boost of my attacks, albeit spread out among the enemy heroes in the area (ghouls automatically focus on enemy heroes when they're around, otherwise they go for the creeps).
And if there are still enemies about after 5s, I can re-cast everything again after another 2-3 seconds. Yorick seriously shines as a lane pusher. I can practically push a lane without the aid of creeps and still have no worries about losing HP due to my lifestealing Omen of Famine.
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