Sunday, 27 February 2011

Rant 736 / To Be Or Not To Be Asian

Malaysia should really stop marketing itself as "truly Asia". I don't steal TVs and water heaters as souvenirs when I stay in hotels.

Or am I truly Asian?

This is making me feel so un-Asian.

Ok, the next time I stay in a hotel I'm going to steal the bathtub.

Time to study some old David Copperfield shows.

Gaddafi is giving out guns to civilians who support him. I don't know what he is trying to do. Obviously he knows the consequences of this action whether or not he wins, eg lots of magically disappearing guns.

That's only one in the myriad of possibilities. There is no way he can benefit from this. He loses and gets ousted or he holds on to a piece of land that's as easy to control as Somalia. Either way, he's fcked now.

Game over, man. Game over.

And his son supports the idea. What on earth is he thinking? Does he hope to inherit the country at all? Or maybe it's actually true that...

Ever heard of win-win? Well, this is a lose-lose situation. Neither side is winning here.

The arms dealers, on the other hand,

Watched Endhiran recently. It's the Indian movie aka "Robot".

Of course I skipped the dancing parts. It requires an acquired taste, IMO.

The plot was not what I expected. Given that I haven't watched a single Bollywood film before this one, I can't say if it's bad. For all I know this sort of plot is exactly the standard in Bollywood.

What I mean is that I don't find myself rooting for the good guys in the movie. In fact, the professor dude was more of an anti-hero to me.

The entire cause of the conflict in this story was the immature/foolish behaviour displayed by 2 well-educated men. Not the robot "villain"; it was the ultimate victim.

Hence the story of this film was closer to the ones in Fallout: New Vegas than those of most movies, primarily because there really isn't a side that is completely white or black. Everyone made mistakes and the ending wasn't exactly a happy one.

As for the effects, they are great but could have been better. Gigantic stuff can be pretty epic but the huge "robot formation" was not nearly as impressive as the amount of effort required to make it. There needs to be more exaggeration, which I think they could learn from Japanese anime. I don't know if it's just me, but I find that the Japanese are great at using exaggeration. For example, the giant robot could have stomped the ground and created an earthquake instead of smashing stuff one by one.

Rant 735 / Money-making Tips For Bloggers

My earphones stopped working properly. Actually it's been acting up for weeks now but yesterday, one side stopped producing sound completely. At first, like 2-3 weeks back, the left side got a lot weaker after I accidentally dropped them. Yesterday, for some reason, the right side stopped working after I left them alone for the night.

It might have to do with me cleaning them with a cloth, although it makes no sense. Maybe I pushed dirt into the tiny holes.

Nevertheless I need a new set of earphones.

Randomly took a peek at our utility bills for February. Had a big surprise. Our electricity usage dropped by about half! Our consumption rate has been around 1000kWh per month for the last 5 months, according to the records printed at the back, but this month, it's at over 400kWh.

What on earth just happened???

Let's see... What changed this month?

Nothing. I've had this new PC since January, according to my blog. Oh wait.. the end of January. Might be one factor.

Also, I've been sleeping without the air-conditioner, but that started like in December I think.

Or did it? Too bad I didn't record that down. I don't remember when I began that habit now. My mum has also stopped using it at night ever since her unit's remote control detection mechanism stopped working. I have no idea why she's not using the power button on the unit itself.

This still doesn't make sense. 500kWh, over 30 days, makes roughly 16.7kWh per day. Divide that by 24 gives me an average rate of 0.7kW, or 700W. One air-conditioner unit and a seriously green PC can't cut power consumption by that much... can they?

Does my new PC consume so much less electricity than the old one?? But it's more powerful than its predecessor!

Something is wrong but I'm not going to dig further. Why try to fix something that doesn't need fixing?

So something got me thinking about moving to Canada again today. I had kinda forgot about it ever since I switched to studying Translation and Interpretation (Eng/Chi).

I googled for quite some time and what I found didn't look good. Sure, there are quite a few vacancies for translators and interpretors in Canada, but like 95% of them are for French/English. In fact it appears to be easier for me to get a job in this industry in the US than in Canada.

Before I go on, I should probably get this straight:

Translation - written work
Interpretation - oral work

And there's still a need for a certificate if I want to be a professional translator/interpretor. From what I've read and heard, it's pretty hard to get it here in Singapore due to the difficulty of the tests. Together with the fact that almost all Singaporeans are proficient in these 2 languages to some degree, it's not worth the effort to be a certified interpretor for English-Chinese here.

On the other hand, I need at least a year of experience in this line of work if I want to apply for PR status in Canada as a translator/interpretor, in addition to getting a job there. Maybe I should try another trade. Maybe as an entrepreneur if things work out in my apprenticeship.

For Vista or Win7 users:

1) Go to C:\Users\*name*\Searches
2) Open "Indexed Location"

To make hidden files visible:
1) Go to Control Panel
2) Open "Folder Options"
3) Open "View" tab
4) Under "Hidden files and folders", check "Show hidden files and folders".

Enjoy the endless possibilities.

Here's a very handy guide for making money out of blogging.

Author's mentioned right on top in green, so thank him if you find it useful. His email is at the bottom on the right. Other than the proxy clicker, I don't think it mentions any illegal stuff. Surprisingly legit for something produced in 4chan.

Another tip frequently seen is to avoid mentioning that forum in your blog, but that's only when you have ads. This is because if you attract their attention, you might get flooded by them. Apparently Google gets suspicious when you have lots of traffic from a single source and may not pay you.

Since I'm not putting ads here and I have comment moderation on, I don't feel the need to avoid the name. Furthermore, I believe in using mild words in this blog, so it shouldn't be pissing anyone off.

If you're wondering why I'm posting this, it's because it may become useful to me in the future. Who knows? It's always good to be prepared.

I would probably feel guilty if I have ads and I get an increase in traffic for posting this. It's not right to make money out of someone else's work. Of course, someone might make money off my work. I'm actually fully aware of the possibility.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Rant 734 / "Google" Has Been A Verb Since 2006

A ban on huge weddings?!? And I thought absurd news only come from the US and Europe. Now even the Indian politicians have gone mad. Is global warming and the tropical sun frying their brains?

Now I'll have to admit that I haven't been to an Indian wedding in India before, so it's very possible that I may be wrong about the quantity of food wasted. But as a Chinese, we do have similar customs regarding food when there are guests. Most people outside China do not follow this custom but some hosts do order too much food when they are having dinner with guests in restaurants. This is especially true in Shanghai, where they order so much food in proportion to the number of people that it can be quite shocking for those unprepared for the sight.


Food minister K.V. Thomas calculated nearly 15 percent of all grain and vegetables in India was wasted through weddings and other social events, the paper said.

I guess there is a point but this seriously is the wrong way to go about doing it IMO.

I was about to suggest that they could do it like Singapore, raise food prices and give a few hundred bucks to the citizens. One thought led to another, and now I wonder, how much are those hundreds of dollars of Growth Dividends worth in comparison with the price hikes in recent years?

In other words, how much did the expenditure of an average person among "the poor" in Singapore increase due to rising prices this year? Is it S$800? Remember, "the poor" aren't supposed to eat a lot, especially when a lot of them are retirees who didn't have sufficient retirement funds.

If so, is that how they came up with those numbers when the government decided to give out money? Such an amount, if the amounts do correspond, would theoretically help the poor maintain their budgets while not benefiting anyone else.

$800 in a year means about $67 per month or slightly over $2 per day. Y'know, this number looks about right. Slightly insufficient perhaps, but looks like it's almost enough to cover the $0.50-$1 increase in most of the prices in the market in my neighbourhood.

I haven't seen anything regarding the general expenditure of the elderly and the needy in Singapore, so all these are just conjectures and guesses. Again, I could very well be completely wrong and they might as well wipe their asses with the 800 $1 bills. Or scrape with 800 $1 coins, whichever works.

Also, I've known a lot of people who buy stuff on impulse despite their budgets. I'm just saying that giving out cash isn't exactly the best idea for the undisciplined. I bet some people would be buying a frickin iPhone or something with the money and then complain for the rest of the year about how the government isn't doing anything to help the poor. But that's just my guess.

Minecraft. It's everywhere. Half the streams on are showing Minecraft.

It's even in my home.

I'm not playing the game. Seen some screenshots, watched my bro play. Despite the conspicuous absence of Silicon-Age computer graphics, it's apparently still a pretty good game, judging from its popularity.

Here's an example to properly express how great it must be:

My bro would rather play Minecraft than Bad Company 2.

Really! I gave him the EA account thinking he would find it more fun than I did. I've already described my experience playing the game and that I can only play Vietnam in the US and EU servers. At over 200ms ping, the fun factor is somewhat limited for me.

So a day later when I asked him about the game, he told me it was way too troublesome to download both the EA download manager and the game (why can't it be transferred to Steam? D:), and it was not worth the trouble.

While he was playing Minecraft.

Minecraft, from what I've seen and read, is the next step from Lego. You can build anything you want with cubes of different colours and show off your masterpieces when you play on an online server. You can build a castle, a ship or even an entire city.

According to the collective wisdom of 4chan, ie internet trolls, it is Paradise-in-PC for the autistic. Personally I think the game's the successor of Lego on the PC platform.

I'm not saying it's childish or anything. I've nothing against games that children play. There's absolutely nothing wrong with an adult playing with real Lego bricks, let alone a PC version of it. Furthermore, my late father used to build complex stuff with them, including the 12-inch-tall (?) hen that's still somewhere in my home. We place old 1-cent coins behind it to symbolise the hen laying cash instead of eggs, ie bring good fortune.

It's not a surprise given that he was an artist, a painter initially and then a designer-cum-wholesaler later.

Speaking of which, how the heck do I save these oil paintings he left behind?? Like the one depicting the Virgin Mary and infant Jesus.

For my case it's an oil painting copied from this or whatever the original was, but with a plain blue background and with slight differences in the details. There's a big crack on it but I have no idea how that can be removed at all. Furthermore, most of them are sagging too.

Fck me. I can just google! :\


So it's called art conservation.

Not many art conservators in Singapore. Worse, nobody is mentioning prices. A random guess says they're in the 4-digit range. Fortunately there's one close to Holland Road. Maybe someday.

Google, the next best thing to a hivemind.

Rant 733 / Nonchalantly Nonsensical

Youtube. I've been watching Ray William Johnson's vids recently and it might have been obvious. Currently exploring Youtube and I'm pretty amazed by one channel.

Mririan, better known as Magibon.

I'm amazed that she's getting views. No, seriously, all she does is stare into the camera for a couple of minutes every week, and she gets views. Around 100,000 views for the newer episodes, several million for her older ones.

I cannot emphasize enough how unique that is. A short Japanese greeting and then... minutes of staring. 100k people watch that every week.

How is her videos different from a single photo? Her fans can just use her photo as their wallpapers and save the bandwidth for other stuff. Watching her "shows" is no different from staring at a picture.

100k views. I'm having difficulty getting over that fact.

The Win98 version of 仙剑奇侠传had one major error when played on Vista - the ending cinematic did not play. So I defeated the last boss and... crashed back to windows. I don't know if this is an actual bug or if I was unlucky but I'm not about to replay the final boss fight just to see the ending.

Because there's always Youtube and Youku if I just want to watch that.

So I did. Didn't miss anything. The music never played throughout the game but I don't believe there was any outstanding music anyway.

Time to get the second game.

The second game had some viruses. Surprised me. The installer executable file (it came in a single file) was scanned by my NOD32 and found nothing. It was only during the installation when the progress bar was almost full when it screamed at me with those red flashing pop up messages that it's detecting viruses in the files associated with the installation.

So I let it quarantine everything. Also downloaded Spybot and Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware and scanned everything before playing the game. Had been lazy and putting off downloading these softwares but this shocked me into becoming slightly more diligent again.

Anyway the game was fine. All those suspicious files did not affect the game apparently.

As for the game itself, it's about this guy who grew up in the same village as the protagonist of the first game. In fact he appeared as a NPC little boy who had a pretty significant role in the early game. Unfortunately, he was found to be lacking in talent in sword-fighting when he grew older, preventing him from becoming the disciple of the first protagonist.

Gameplay was pretty similar to the first game. Huge mazes, lots of unnecessary loot (every RPG player loves loot, useful or not) and lots of very easy monster battles (aka grinding). This time, there's even music! Unfortunately, the cinematics lacked sound, likely due to compatibility issues. I sadden. It's kinda like reading the Singapore version of FHM. It's all about hot chicks except they're fully clothed.

Not that I'm saying it totally sucks but it's better than nothing for the guys. I mean, you'd have to be pretty horny to be able to fap to non-naked girls. And if they're that horny, they can't be far from being desperate enough to fuck anything that moves. Singaporeans should be grateful to FHM (and the internet) that the island doesn't have an interspecies relationship problem.

While it is rather absurd to turn a financial issue into a disciplinary one, I'm surprised the MOH is concerned at all that the prices for medical services in Singapore are high. I mean, it's been high all along and no one up there seemed to care, so what's the big deal now?

Like in the case of my father, when my mother told the hospital that we were broke, they suggested that they could stop the medication immediately and let him die at home without professional care. On one hand, I suppose that is the logical option when the patient's short on cash. On the other hand, I've always had the impression that people who work in hospitals should be nicer than that.

But reality is reality.

When you're broke, nobody cares if you die a painful death from cancer, alone at home.

And euthanasia still isn't legalised yet. :\

Work sucks. Work always sucks. If it doesn't suck your boss wouldn't have to pay you money to do it. You'd be there doing it pro bono instead.

So after a few accidents and miscalculations caused by late-night fatigue, I realised that it is possible to switch on the air conditioner for only a few hours each night, just long enough for me to fall asleep.

From what I've seen the body can tolerate a wider range of temperature when asleep. Therefore, it's possible to sleep with both the air-conditioner and fan on, but with the former set to switch off a few hours after.

A few factors should probably be taken into account including:

- whether you're a deep sleeper
- whether there is any other source of heat in the room other than the fan and you
- whether you're waking up close to noon or later
- whether you're using thick or thin blankets

Try it on nights when you can afford to lose a few hours of sleep. At worst, you'll just need to get up and either switch the air-conditioner back on or open the windows.

Personally I've done this several times when I somehow set the timer to switch off way too early. Found out about it only in the morning when I recalled when I went to bed and when it was supposed to switch off. Later I did it deliberately just to confirm.

Even though the fan was set to the lowest speed (because it's frickin cold even at that speed when the air-conditioner is on), I did not wake up during the night. Of course you can set the timer of your fan to switch on at a designated time but my fan lacks that function.

This also means that I can sleep without the air-conditioner at all, which is exactly what I've been doing on most nights. But sometimes, there are just nights when you keep thinking about stuff in bed, get worked up and hence feel warm. The heat then makes you toss and turn and prevent you from sleeping.

That's what this is for.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Rant 732 / 天下无难事,只怕有心人

The Committee may be right when it explained why censorship of Chinese dialects should stop. Even for me, I worry that the next generation in my family won't be speaking Cantonese. Maybe a few words and phrases here and there like the way I speak Hokkien. Not that my family has a lot of customs or traditions but it just doesn't feel right.

From a practical point of view, the extinction of dialects might do us some good. Life is less confusing when you only have to handle 2 languages. Hell, too many Singaporeans can't even handle two, causing too many conversations I've overheard in public to be a mix of both languages. They can't even keep a whole sentence in one language!

Reminds me of what I was told about my paternal grandfather. Apparently he knew a few languages and as he grew older, he began to mix all the languages he knew whenever he talked. That included Mandarin and Hokkien at least. Other languages he knew were Bahasa Indonesia, Latin and probably English. Bahasa Indonesia because he was an Indonesian-born Chinese. Latin because he had a Western university education and was a pharmacist before the Cultural Revolution overthrew all "intellectuals" and either killed them or forced them into becoming mere farmers. This is one of the reasons why I do not believe that my life sucks. In fact my life is absolutely fabulous; it's my future I'm worrying about :P

This is also one reason why I do not like to see fellow Singaporeans whining about their lives. Is it really that bad? Are they even close to the point where they see sweet potatoes as a delicacy, a rare treat? Because that's exactly how my father lived when he was around my age! What did you think the Red Guards did? Fight in wars? No, they helped farmers with their farms. My father used to say all he did was collect buffalo dung for the farmers and occasionally steal some sweet potatoes.

Anyway, why does it take a frickin degree to keep a person's sentences... pure? Is it really that hard to maintain a decently sized vocabulary in at least one language? And sometimes, even uni grads can't do it, but that's much rarer.

As for myself, I do that only if I have a long and serious conversation in Cantonese. My Cantonese vocabulary is terrible because I only use it at home and I rarely have conversations with anyone in my family. Probably just once or twice a week. A lot of times I have to use Mandarin and hope the other person can understand it.

My first external hard disk is dying. I guess it's about time. This Prezmate 3.5" 250GB external HDD had come with my original laptop, which was replaced by my current laptop a year or so after. That makes it older than this blog.

But how old is this blog anyway?

Since 2007. Hmm.. So I guess the HDD is about 5 years old now.

The symptoms it's showing are:

- had trouble being recognized by the computer when switched on
- had trouble reading data, long pauses at times
- power LED went off, HDD couldn't be read but according to the computer it's still attached.

I should probably try and copy the stuff over when I'm free. Not sure if that can be done though.

The last class I attended were mainly on essays that were written post-May-Fouth-Movement. These were modern essays that discussed people. One (not in chronological order), entitled <<杨柳>> by 鲁迅, was about the virtues of the working class. Another, <<合理与不合理>> by 杏影, was about people who can't differentiate between the good and the bad and would agree with either. The third was <<雷锋塔的倒塌>> also by 鲁迅.

None of these essays were directly discussing what they were really talking about, which is why they were special enough to be studied by students.

First, <<杨柳>> was, on the surface, wholly about the title subject, the willow tree. It compares the willow with other plants that were highly regarded in ancient Chinese literature, like the 牡丹 or tree peony, which require expensive things to grow well and return little to the grower. To explain "expensive things" I'll need a new paragraph for it.

In ancient Chinese culture, horticulture was rather different from its Western counterpart. Since ancient times, they have believed that many plants require human food to grow. For example, in the essay it was mentioned that the peonies require pork belly soup while grapevines require pork soup. These are not jokes, but actual "wisdom" passed down by generations of trials and error. However, most modern Chinese treat them as merely part of our history.

Now you know why the First Emperor was not completely wrong to burn books. Too bad he didn't do as good a job he thought he did.

Back to the story, these plants were compared with the willow, which required nothing and yet grew everywhere. Hence it was labelled "贱" or "cheap" by the people. According to him, it was not right to be given a bad name just because it was a tough survivor, while all the expensive plants did was to look good.

This essay was wholly about praising the willow only if you didn't understand the background of this ballsy guy who lived in the early Communist China which was highly oppressive, pretty similar to the USSR and its KGB. But if you understand what he's talking about, it's hard to deny that this guy had more balls than Chuck Norris, mostly because he wrote lots of such essays despite the very real risks while Chuck Norris was a fictional character.

Same with the other essay <<雷锋塔的倒塌>> written by him that we went through in class. On the surface, it was talking about the Legend of the White Snake, but in fact was a one-page-long statement that the people cannot be oppressed forever. In other words, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! In this essay, the Leifeng Pagoda, under which the White Snake was supposedly trapped, had collapsed. The collapse was real and this essay was written in response to the news when it was still news.

However, if his background is taken into account, it becomes obvious that the White Snake was actually a metaphor for the general population, the people. Fa Hai, on the other hand, represents the oppressive authorities. In the conclusion, the people were freed but Fa Hai was still trapped. The last was because if you follow his instructions on how to open a crab and stuff, you'll see a monk's head inside, symbolising Fa Hai who is still trapped in the crabs till the end of time.

In the last essay <<合理与不合理>> by 杏影, it talks about how unreasonable things become reasonable in the eyes of people who see it often enough. That's true enough. If you keep seeing bullshit happen all the time, it stops being "bullshit" after a while and becomes the norm.

For most of the essay, it seems to be defending people who would support anyone however they act. It was until the final paragraph that it could be seen that he was really criticising them, when he said how these people could sometimes be awaken by dreams of bad things. This is his way of saying that they do know what is good and what isn't, but that they're suppressing these thoughts.

According to the lecturer, this guy's essays are deep, suitable for scholars writing a Master's thesis but not for PhD. That was what his mentor told him anyway.

Finally beat Rebuild on Harder difficulty. Probably because I was lucky. Playing that game reminds me of Minesweeper. Most of the time in both games, the mental work is simple and routine... up to a point. Then suddenly it's all about luck. In Rebuild, it's when the first few hordes arrive. In Minesweeper, it's when all the obvious mines have been flagged and the rest are, at best, 50-50.

If there's anything I've learnt, it's that I cannot keep sending 3 guys to be trained all the time. In early game, I have to send only 1 while using the rest for other jobs. Also, it's fine to have useless tiles. In early game, these can help reduce the chance of essential buildings from being taken by the hordes. Finally, it's not absolutely necessary to keep the base squarish when there are police stations and malls ready to be reclaimed.

I wonder if I can ever beat the game on Nightmare.

After reading this news about Singaporean men disagreeing that local women are the best marriage partners, all I can think of is: unnecessary shitstorm incoming!

Is this like some kind of government ploy to distract the people from the 2011 budget?

So guys who give head to the ladies have a higher risk of getting oral cancer.

Researchers have found a 225-percent increase in oral cancer cases in the United States from 1974 to 2007, mainly among white men, said Maura Gillison of Ohio State University.

Oh yes, they should probably have titled it "Vaginas Linked to Oral Cancer Risk" but didn't want to piss off the feminists. Also,

In the United States, oral cancer due to HPV infection is now more common than oral cancer from tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of such cancers in the rest of the world.

It's confirmed - American pussies are more dangerous than cigarettes.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Rant 731 / I Am Not Going To Talk About The 2011 Budget

If only all kids are that easy to control.

Joo Chiat is to be Singapore's first Heritage Town. Isn't that the place to visit when you need sex... on a budget? What are they going to do? Use wax models of random old prostitutes? And what about the women themselves once the Board turns the place into some kind of a tourist attraction (money can do miracles)? It's not like their pimps contribute to their CPF accounts... do they? Or are they going to be part of the attraction, part of "the old world charm of Singapore in the 1960s and 70s"?

I guess that makes sense, in a rather unpleasant sort of way.

WOW! 70% of Singapore youths have never changed their web passwords! Come to think about it, I really shouldn't be so surprised. I've been getting so many spam emails from my friends because their accounts got hijacked or something that I no longer think about it. Personally I have changed each of my email passwords at least once in the last 2 years. I do have over 20 email accounts after all, so it gets kinda confusing if I change them too frequently.

As for online security, people (not just Singaporeans) need to be more concerned. Even a complete noob like myself has been on someone else's Facebook account from my own computer in the past without his/her consent. It's really not that hard to get access if you are curious enough. And no, I didn't get it by going on to someone else's computer.

Furthermore, just because a person has your passwords doesn't mean he will do obvious things that will get your attention. It's much more sensible to merely sift through your undeleted emails and other information quietly.

Also, there is a surprising proportion of people who use the same passwords for emails and Facebook. I'm just saying.

I still don't get how this can affect the children in any way. They've never heard the song; they'd never have heard about the song if their parents didn't tell them. If the children have never heard the song, how is this a crime?

And how is this perfectly fine? Even if the video is fake and they are child actors, the kids still had to read and memorise those lines about illegal drugs and murder.

So it's taboo to talk about sex with children but alright to tell them about drug abuse and killing people.

You've gotta fight!

For da right! (TO EAT DA POO POO!)


Also, why aren't they showing 2girls1cup instead?

Probably because it takes a lot more effort to say "DA RIGHT TO EAT DA POO POO DEN VOMIT IT OUT DEN EAT IT AGAIN!"

Finally, notice how the first guy talks about anal licking and fisting before asking the kids to leave. Kids, it's fine to learn about licking and fisting the ass. Even in nature, anal licking is perfectly normal. Not so sure about fisting though. I'm honestly quite ignorant when it comes to monkey sex (since they're the only animals with fists) seeing as I'm not much of a monkey man myself.

Thank goodness there is the Internet. If Internet access ever becomes a basic human right, I'm sure there won't be that many people listening to such speeches, religious or not religious.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Rant 730 / Contraceptives And Whores

Fixed the display glitch in the Chinese RPG by switching my System Locale in the Control Panel's Regional and Language Settings to Simplified Chinese. Now the game is perfectly fine without using fixes and cracks. Wow. I'm seriously impressed. Just yesterday I was spending an entire morning trying to install Fahrenheit and getting it to work. Had to download fixes that didn't work, followed by Orca which I used to delete a few lines. The guide I followed wasn't enough but eventually I removed an additional line in the Fahrenheit.msi that solved the problem.

Fahrenheit was a 2005 game. The Chinese game was released in 1995.

So I thought I'll just type some PAP-bashing stuff to balance my yin yang. The appearance of the following linked article also helped.

The rich-poor gap is one undeniable problem. LKY recently brought this up with his book and now even the AFP is discussing this issue. How does one close this gap without welfare?

That's a tough one that few, if any, countries have managed to solve. I think the government is going to have to go with this more or less standard approach. Housing and taxes, IMO are the major factors. Raise housing grants and the zero income tax bracket. Free money and shares are useless to the poor in the long term. A couple hundred bucks can only last so long, but no taxes for people with income below S$40k a year would help them for a longer time.

If the no-mercy stance that LKY has encouraged since independence has been working at all, it sure isn't showing right now. For all I know it could have worked and we're having fewer poor people than we could have had, but their voices seem to be getting louder as the Singapore population grows.

And I really have to agree with the following statements:

"Some feel that we're creating this place to be a playground for the rich," said Eugene Tan, assistant professor at Singapore Management University. "There are people who genuinely feel that Singaporeans don't come first."

I find it hard to come up with a reason with which to deny the first statement. Even if it isn't true yet, that's exactly the direction we're heading towards. You know what this reminds me of? Monaco.

As for the second, I suppose it can be true. After all, we're supposed to be a meritocratic society, right? I guess most of us Singaporeans never thought about what they meant when the government first said that, until now. Meritocracy and xenophobia don't mix, so someday, the PAP's going to have to get their priorities straight, or give citizenship to more wealthy foreigners. They have to get their votes from somewhere.

That would essentially be a trade of national identity for cash. You give citizenships often to successful (ie wealthy) foreigners while the middle class natives, feeling the increasing squeeze, leaves the country while they still can afford to. As this goes on, there is a gradual increase of the proportion of citizens who are first or second generation immigrants. GDP goes up, percentage of millionaires/billionaires goes up, proportion of the poor goes down, meaning of the adjective "Singaporean" gone.

I know, I know. Change. Progress. Who's going to build your homes. Etc etc. But the direction we're heading, is that the sort of progress we want? Exchanging what it means to be Singaporean for money? Or is being Singaporean all about money?

Hmm.. I think I've just hit on something. Singaporeans have always loved money. From what I've seen, Singapore itself really isn't too important to Singaporeans. I mean, most people who's been through NS would have said at one point or another during their lives that if Singapore is invaded, they would not be staying to defend the island, describing the desire to stay as stupid. I'm paraphrasing of course.

Therefore, there's a general lack of patriotism among the population. Ergo, selling the national identity for cash is not too absurd a goal in the long term.

Voila! The PAP has been right all along in creating a playground for the rich! Someday, being Singaporean would not mean being born here, speak English with a Southeast Asian accent or being kiasu. Someday, being Singaporean will just mean loving money and having lots of it.

To be fair, we do depend a lot on money. Money is the reason the country is stable. Money, spread properly, makes people content. Content people don't cause unrest. If not for the wealth of the country, it's actually quite amazing the number of angles the rest of the world can bash us from. Absence of democracy and the death penalty are just two of the very obvious ones.

Money is necessary as bribes. I'm pretty sure the government has made a lot of potential trouble go away using some form of monetary instrument. It's not a bad thing. Bad news often fan sparks into flames. What used to be a small matter no one gives a damn about can easily turn into huge national issue just because some journalist wrote an article about it.

Money also gives our country political clout. It is partly why nobody has tried to mess with us too much so far. I think the last time someone did was during the Konfrontasi, but that was really the British fighting Indonesia while Singapore was just a British pawn.

I met a taxi driver who used to serve in the British army and had friends who were involved in Konfrontasi. He was saying how the British officers back then really had balls, especially with the way they dared to charge ahead with nothing but a handgun. Anyway, according to his friends, it was quite lucrative to be in wars.

First, they got to rob/loot any enemy soldiers they capture or kill. Their officers would identify the enemies, prevent them from killing any high-ranking officers and instruct them to keep them alive as POWs instead. The looting usually netted a lot of money because the enemy soldiers preferred to hide among the civilians, ie carry their own money.

Second, promotions. Every one of his friends who survived the Konfrontasi had multiple promotions. Lots of sergeants rose to commissioned officers after the war, and a few even got "crabs" (aka Crests), ie Major, Lieutenant-Colonel or full Colonel. Also, there's a new rank of Senior LTC on the linked Wiki page that they didn't use to have in those days.

Watson won an American TV game show against 2 of its best contestants. We're talking about an AI designed by IBM and its hardware alone is pretty incredible.

2880 POWER7 3.55GHz processor cores, 17TB RAM. It contains no hard drive because hard drive is slow. Come to think of it, I once heard a lecturer in NTU mention that computers use hard drives only because RAM is too expensive. Hard disks, according to him, are more of a compromise between memory access speed and costs than a necessary part of a computer. In other words, if you can afford it you can build a computer with only RAM and without a hard disk drive. I guess this has just been confirmed by this AI.

I have to admit it brings to mind certain science fiction stories.

A train trip from Vancouver to Ontario costs more than a plane ticket if you want a bed. I've been looking at VIA Rail Canada and the prices are pretty surprising to me. I've rarely taken long distance train trips so yea, C$1400 per person for a "Cabin for 2" with discounted fare was nowhere close to what I expected.

Furthermore, those need to be booked like a year in advance because I've just checked the fares on a random date in June and the 2-person cabins have been sold out. Another date was a random day in November and the 3-person cabins were sold out while the 2-person ones weren't.

The length of the trip is about 4 days long. Basically, it's like staying in a moving hotel if you take a cabin because only these have private bathrooms. Meals are also included in all sleeper fares, so if you take all these into account, it's pretty reasonable. It seems that it's best to get the meals-included fare because there are only 8 stops along the way.

C$1451.52 (taxes included), or S$1881.28, per pax for a 3D4N/ stay from 8.30pm on 15th Nov 2011 to 9.30am on the 19th of Nov in a 2-person cabin (costs even more if only 1 person is staying in a 2-person room) makes roughly $470 per night per person with food and accommodation. Surprisingly, it's also more expensive per person for a group of 3 staying in a 3-person cabin.

Most of their trains offer complimentary wifi internet access and, according to the website, they're currently upgrading it to broadband access.

Too bad a round trip between Singapore and Vancouver would cost me over S$2k. If I were to try that train trip, it would take over S$4k. I could buy 2 more PCs that are better than my current one and still have a few hundred to spare, or I could get some insurance and pay the premiums for a number of years. Both of them would benefit me for years while the trip would be over in less than a week. Both the computers and the trip would give me happy memories.

Which means I'll go on that trip only after I have more than enough to pay for at least a year of premiums for all my insurance and buy at least 2 more desktops.

Recently noticed the ad on Care2 for this chocolate brand called "Endangered Species Chocolate". I was interested, so I tried to find it on Wikipedia. Instead of this brand, I found the page for "Rescue Chocolate".

While Endangered donates 10% of its net profits to charities for saving wild plants and animals, Rescue claims to donate 100% of its net profits to charities that protect abandoned pets.

Shipping is too expensive for me due to the nature of chocolate. Cheaper shipping (minimum US$20 for both) means it will definitely melt by the time it reaches Asia. Expedited shipping may guarantee the quality since they're supposedly packed with ice and insulation that will last a few days but cost at least US$80.

Out of question.

If prostitution is the world's oldest profession, what about birth control? We've always assumed that all prostitutes use various means to prevent conception when they're working, but is the history of contraceptives that long? I mean, people haven't always known that sperms + eggs = babies. The idea of sperms and eggs came after the idea that microscopic cells exist. Microscopes didn't exist till, what, the 16th century when someone looked through a drop of water resting on on a tiny hole?

So all the way before that, had people known that the stuff that the guys ejaculate will lead to pregnancies?

They probably noticed that. Or did they?

Actually, they didn't.

Ancient Mesopotamia had a form of birth control involving spermicidal herbs, though they definitely didn't know that was the way it worked. Ancient Egypt also used birth control methods that involve sticking stuff in the vagina and... lactation. I don't understand how lactation works either but I'll leave that for later.

Similarly, the ancient Greeks utilised plants for birth control.

Later, the Hebrew Bible described coitus interruptus as a means of contraception. Coitus interruptus basically means ejaculating outside the vagina.

The Chinese in the 7th century BC also found coitus reservatus and coitus obstructus, both of which I find very uncomfortable to imagine. Coitus reservatus means the guy prevents ejaculation while maintaining his erection through sheer will alone, and this also means not ejaculating even outside the vagina. On the other hand, coitus obstructus means pressing the base of the penis or the area between the scrotum and anus to prevent ejaculation, forcing semen to enter the bladder instead.

Anyway all these mean that being a prostitute really sucked in ancient times. First, herbs aren't very effective, I believe. Second, spreading a paste in a vagina deep enough to cover the semen and that it probably gets pushed in deeper means it must have been very hard to clean up after work, not to mention that herbs rot. Third, if only the Jewish Bible mentioned one effective (relatively speaking) method of birth control, I don't think the entire civilized world could have known about it.

What about the other side of the world? The American natives? All I can find out is that they had herbal contraceptive methods. Nothing on Google seems to say that they had any physical means of birth control like coitus interruptus.

Putting all these together, it can be deduced that whores must have gotten pregnant and needed abortions fairly frequently in ancient times.

Okay, now to the strange side-story of lactation. Apparently, lactation prevents ovulation. So if a mother breastfeeds for an indefinite amount of time, she could have safe sex without doing a thing. Wait... do couples do that? Use lactation as a form of contraception? That would mean either the dad does the daily sucking or she uses a breast pump till menopause.

Speaking of which, what happens to the remaining eggs when she reaches menopause? All females are born with lots of eggs, more than enough to last multiple lifetimes, so what happens to the ones not used or expelled?

According to this page, the death of eggs is a very common phenomenon. So whatever eggs are left after menopause will just die.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Rant 729 / Food And Whine

Apparently when you google "Two Worlds 2 ending", one of my rants entitled "Two Worlds 2 Ending Is Disappointing" is on the first page. This search term first caught my eye that day I saw the Iraqi visitor(s) but I never got around to trying it till just now. Too bad for anyone trying to find out anything about the game from that rant because the title was the only part of it that mentioned that game.

The actual rant that described my opinion of the ending was really the following one.

Rebuild is quite an interesting game. It's a turn-based strategy game in which you reclaim your city after a zombie invasion.

I like it mainly because it requires some thinking but not a lot. More importantly, you can close it at any time and reload at the turn, ie day, you're on. The graphics may be bad even for a Flash game but I find that the gameplay more than offsets this issue.

The concept is simple. You begin with 4 tiles - a police station, 2 suburbs (low-density housing) and a farm. The police station raises your defence rating, the housing allows you to have more survivors and the farm produces food that your survivors eat each turn. Other buildings include laboratories (for research, eg fertilizer ie farm upgrade), apartments (high-density housing) and bars (raises happiness, don't ask where they get the booze)

There are many factors you need watch in this game, including food, happiness, survivors. Food prevents hunger and hunger makes people unhappy which may cause them to leave. Happiness needs to be kept high or people may refuse to work or, again, leave.

Survivors come in several types: soldiers, builders, scavengers, leaders, scientists and (useless) civilians. Soldiers raise your defence rating more when put on guard duty and makes missions they're in safer (like bodyguards). Builders can change your tiles into more useful buildings more quickly and reclaim tiles with better speed. Scavengers find more food when sent on scavenging missions in tiles containing food. Leaders guarantee success when put in recruitment missions in tiles where other survivors have been spotted, and raises the happiness more when they throw parties in bars and churches. Scientists are the only ones who can do research in the labs you reclaim. Finally, civilians can be retrained into more useful people in schools that you have reclaimed.

The game prevents you from just remaining in a comfortable position with multiple factors.

1) You need more tiles for farms to have a steady food supply. There is only so much food that your scavengers can find around you.
2) Zombies tend to be attracted by your reclaimed buildings. When you reclaim a tile, you increase the perimeter of your territory. Larger perimeter means more zombies can attack you from more tiles.
3) Random events happen, usually bad ones. Disease can strike, killing your survivors. Bad weather kills crops. One of your survivors may steal food. Raiders may attack you. On the other hand, the Zombie Killing Squad may randomly come to your aid to clear tiles of zombies.
4) Occasionally a huge zombie horde may arrive and attack you. You will be given several turns' notice before they reach your barricades.

In other words, you can't stop trying to find more food, more survivors to defend yourself with and more tiles to accommodate the extra survivors.

The game is not too hard on Normal and Hard difficulties since I've already tried those. Harder is very difficult because bad random events keep happening and zombies are attracted to you sooner, making it very hard to spare anyone to go outside to recruit or find food. The hordes also keep coming whenever one is defeated.

One thing I've figured out is that beyond Normal, it's necessary to take big risks, even leaving your Fort's danger rating to over 40% once in a while at the beginning.

Another is that expansion needs to be planned a long way ahead to reduce the perimeter of your barricade relative to the number of tiles you have. In other words, keep your reclaimed territory as squarish as possible, leave as few corners exposed as you can.

Hospitals, farms and homes are more needed than labs and bars. Police stations and malls are also important because they raise your defence rating.

Why the heck am I typing so much about a simple Flash game?

Probably because I'm currently out of games. Which is why I'm going retro again, playing this Chinese RPG I completed once before... over a decade ago, called 仙剑奇侠传. Apparently, there have been sequels and even an online game for this title.

For a DOS game it is surprisingly playable on my 64bit Vista. The only glitch is a rather minor one that prevents the words from displaying on unimportant messages like random objects I find (old RPGs, y'know, you can find random stuff on random cupboards and shelves) and the text that tells me what I got after each (turn-based) battle. Except the numbers are displayed properly so I can see how much money and exp I get.

Therefore it's perfectly playable.

Despite having finished it before, there were lots of things that I didn't understand, especially since I couldn't understand most of the words. I believe my uncle who gave it to me also gave me a guide which obviously I no longer have. I don't even have the game but as far as I can tell it's now abandonware which you can download from lots of Chinese game websites.

Even now there are phrases I don't get, mostly because it's using a little of the older forms of Chinese that all martial arts novels used to use. One can easily recognize it by noticing how they express themselves using much fewer words as ancient Chinese used to do.

In times long past, Mandarin-users used to prefer single characters to express things we now use 2 characters for. This is because ever since the Revolution, they've encouraged people to write using dual-character 词 (or phrase, although that's not exactly accurate). An example one lecturer gave me was this:

we now say: 这朵花喜欢潮湿。
they used to say: 此花喜阴。

Notice the absence of a measure word (量词) and the reduction of each 2-character phrase into single characters. Which in turns makes you notice that if each of the 2 modern phrases are split into their individual characters, they've basically the same the same meanings and you're really repeating yourself whenever you say those words.

I don't know about you but I'd never noticed it until that particular lecture.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Rant 728 / Insipid

Finished Alternativa. It's not a difficult game.

I said it was bad the last time. I was wrong. It was worse than I expected. The ending was probably supposed to be a cliffhanger but instead turned out to be an epic anticlimax. Honestly, I've played better Flash games on Newgrounds than that. I'm so happy I didn't fork out US$25 for such a piece of junk.

To be fair, it had an excellent main menu and start, but the plot just never gets any deeper. Oh right, it did... at the final part. The moment it got a little exciting, THE END. WHAT?

It would have been better if they had scraped the cinematics and lengthened the game.

This is incredible! The Square Enix Complete Pack on sale on Steam costs US$75 (*1.3 = almost S$100) and contains everything SE has available on Steam, including:

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Front Mission Evolved with all DLCs
Hitman 2
Just Cause
Just Cause 2 with all DLCs
Kane and Lynch
Kane and Lynch 2 with all DLCs
Supreme Commander 2 with DLC

Those are the better games on the list. Total savings: US$489.82

This is going to be available till 20th Feb. Too bad I'm not interested in most of the games on the list. I know they're good but they're just not my cup of tea.

Started on Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom. Skipped the original game, Majesty 2, and went straight to this expansion.

This game is a RTS game with a twist - you only handle the big picture. Think about what it's like to be a medieval king. You don't tell your soldiers which guy to attack first when you send them there. Instead, you tell them where to go and what to do (eg attack, plunder, kill everyone).

Same with this game. You are given 4 commands, or flags in this game, Fear, Attack, Defend and Explore. By placing these flags on the points you want these to be done, you're telling your men what you want them to do. On these flags, you place bounties so that the more you spend, the more guys will want to do it.

But the game is hard. Either that or I'm retarded. Nevertheless I'm still stuck on the second mission after 5 attempts. The first mission was deceivingly easy but this second one wasn't.

The best I could do was defend my base but I could never spare anything for the Lich's structure, so I keep letting it be destroyed after about 40 days.

I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried building 2 towers to defend myself on my first attempt. I got overrun.

I then tried with 4 towers, 2 north and 2 south. The 2 northern ones eventually got overrun.

On my third attempt I built 4 towers in the same manner again, but with all my focus on the north. Eventually I wiped out all the portals (monster spawn points) there in about 35 days. My south was close to being overrun when the Lich thing got destroyed.

My fourth attempt began with a big focus on the Trader Post to the northeast. Again 4 towers for defence and with the extra money from a quicker Trader Post, I upgraded my Castle to level 3 for the extra tax collectors and guards. One tower on each side was upgraded. Base was fine this time but again, Lich's ritual thing was downed.

My fifth attempt had 5 towers on my base, 2 north and 3 south and I focused on getting an early Trader Post again. No upgrades. I just focused on resurrecting my dead guys instead of spending the money on upgrading buildings. By 35 days my south lost 2 towers and I had to rebuild them. North held just fine since one of the south towers was so close to the centre it helped both sides. I even spent some money to get my guys to defend the Lich. It still went down by 45 days.

I couldn't spare the cash for towers for the Lich! I could barely hold with 5 towers in my base!


Sixth attempt was much better now that I realized the impacts of the item shop's items and the pub. Still, I only lasted 51 days. Barely held my base, couldn't hold the Lich thing. The furthest I got was 2 towers around it and over 2k in bounty for defence.

This is getting annoying.

Rant 727 / 顺其自然

Shit! Cutting their deficits by US$1.1 trillion over 10 years??! Those guys don't sound impressed, but I am! If that's true, they must be cutting off a limb or something. That's an average drop of a hundred billion USD annually.

In addition, they're also cutting military spendings by US$78 billion over 5 years. Overall, these cuts sound like they exceed all the other cuts that were proposed before.

If this goes through, there will be a lot of unhappy people. I bet many will be using "wrong budget cuts" or "spending in the wrong areas" as excuses for not supporting him.

And people are saying the political situation in Singapore can't get any worse and SDA is a possible replacement for the PAP. Seriously, how can our situation be bad when our leaders are good enough to avoid all debts and even accrue a huge buffer in the treasury? Are we supposed to take that for granted?

As for the SDA, the news about the split means 2 undeniable facts:

1) Their leaders can't control the alliance and make it work together.
2) The members can't keep their mouth shut about internal troubles.

Unfortunately, point 1 alone is enough for me not to vote for them. The logic is obvious. If they can't even control a political alliance, how can I expect them to control an entire government? Point 2 only makes things worse. Do you ever hear the PAP announcing their disputes? Did they discuss, for example, that anti-homosexual Young PAP blogger who typed that insanely homophobic blog years ago?

No, because when you're a leader, you need to appear confident. To do that, you need to keep your collective mouth sealed about certain things. It gives everyone the impression that things are under control.

If you still don't understand, then think about the officers in the military. Are they supposed to share their troubles with their men? No. To do that would reveal a weakness, and weakness does not garner respect. Without respect, an officer is impotent. Same with a government.

TBH I'm not exactly a PAP supporter. I've never voted for them because there's no reason to vote for anyone atm. Give me a better choice and I might get off my chair and vote for it. But right now, such a party is non-existent.

I feel that it's unhealthy that the general mentality of Singaporeans is that the PAP is bad. I've never heard anyone say anything good about them, yet everybody I know has complained about something regarding the party.

At the moment it's sad. But in the long-term, it's bad. Must they go through a period of chaos before they appreciate what they now have? I don't want that, not when the possibility of me finding a job in Canada after graduation is so slim. Of course that's not my main reason but let's just leave it at that. I wonder if anyone will quote this paragraph in the future and deliberately make misleading statements about me. Typing this is evidence that I currently have little desire to dabble in politics.

Nevertheless I think we will see bad times in the future when we vote in some inexperienced noobs from the opposition, which we definitely will if this mentality goes on. Some Singaporeans even use the reason that our Ministerial salaries being too high as a reason for voting for the Opposition.

That makes no sense whatsoever! The complete absence of sense pisses me off so much!

Do they expect the Opposition members to voluntarily cut their own salaries to more decent levels (roughly 66% if, say, one cuts his S$1,570,000 to Donald Tsang's S$516,000) if they ever become ministerial-grade MPs?

The matter of ministerial pay is no longer debatable. No sane non-desperate politician will ever promise to do that. It's done and that's that. Now we can only judge whether they're worth the money. Of course they're not, but how close are they?

Nobody in Singapore has better training than LHL, no matter how bad he is compared to his dad. After all, he has had a lifetime of personal training from LKY himself. Qualification-wise, he's got the best certificate there is regarding politics in Singapore - his frickin birth cert. Experience-wise, he's certainly got more of it in regards to controlling a Cabinet than anyone in the Opposition. Even if he doesn't have the calling, he's got the training.

I'm not saying PAP's great. Heck, I don't think any of them MPs are even close to being worth their pay, but I'm definitely saying they're currently the best we have, unfortunately.

And we should not take everything for granted. I know it's hard since we all grew up in such a nice environment, but people should pay more attention to international news and see how bad things can get. I wonder if any of those guys commenting about local issues in the various news websites or forums even paid attention to recent events in Thailand, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.

That's how bad things can get, how incapable governments can be, and they aren't even the worst-case scenarios. For those, you've got to study some history, like pre-1789 France. Let them eat cake, eh? (I know, there's no evidence that she ever said it.) People should be grateful for what they already have.

做人要知足,因为知足常乐。Translation: to be happier in life, we need to understand limits and be satisfied with having enough. Not the best translation, still think that can be improved upon.

Anyway, I guess Singapore is proof that money can't buy happiness. Next time you need to teach that to your kids, just tell him/her to look around himself/herself, assuming you're Singaporean.

PS if you're a Singaporean and you've never thought about what I've mentioned above, you ought to be ashamed that you need a non-native Singaporean to tell you these.

How does one make kuay tiao edible again after leaving it in the fridge overnight?

If you haven't tried it before, it becomes dry and brittle after a night in the cold. This cannot be reversed by putting it in the microwave.

Does this mean leftover kuay tiao cannot be saved??

The menu theme song of Civ 4 has just won a Grammy award. A piece of game music won a Grammy award. The world is changing, ladies and gentlemen, the world is changing.

Meanwhile, another form of mobile gaming begins! A PS phone, Xbox Live on smart phones, everything is going mobile these days, as expected. Whether non-mobile consoles will go extinct is still hard to predict. It all depends on how powerful (eg graphics) and mobile (eg battery life, weight) these handphone consoles will get in the future.

Maybe someday we will get public phone chargers, if they can ever shorten the recharge time dramatically. Maybe they can be placed like public washrooms - on every floor in malls and inside of every restaurant. And they'd charge money per Watt-second or something, kinda like public phones.

Malaysia sounds like a bad place to do business in. Then again, it always has been. It's not just the organized crime. All the low costs and rents are bullshit once you consider the amount of bribes necessary to keep your goods intact. Even in the malls, the security guards require bribes if you set up a store there. Worse, you can't just pay them off with one huge bribe each year. It's been tried, and convenient amnesia happened.

Transport sucks too. Even after she ended her business venture in Malaysia, my mum was never able to find a transport company that didn't occasionally steal something from her cargo. The problem is that there's no way to prove it unless you stay in Malaysia to check the goods when they arrive in the country and then again immediately when they drop them off at the destination, so the police can't do anything about it.

Actually the problem about transport happens in Singapore too, but we were fortunate enough to find a trustworthy transport guy. That's primarily because my father was the one who encouraged him to set up his own transport business and became one of his biggest clients. His fees aren't the cheapest but it's worth the safety. Cheaper services have been tried but few ever leave our goods alone once they're loaded into their vans. The other safer ones, usually owned by locals, are significantly more expensive than this guy's. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he charges his other clients more.

It might have to do with the ease with which our goods can be stolen, fenced and smuggled. I don't think any customs officer ever gets suspicious about jackets. The smugglers can easily put them on and say the air conditioners in their vehicles are too powerful.

Playing Alternativa. It's... pretty bad. It's got a good concept but the execution has much room for improvement.

Alternativa is a point-and-click adventure game similar to Broken Sword and Monkey Island. Set in a dystopic future that reminded me of Soylent Green and 1984, it started with a disgruntled worker who was unceremoniously informed he had been laid off only when he arrived for work. Hence began his search for the Resistance.

The graphics are poor but not ugly IMO. However, the voice-acting and scripts were horrendous. They could have spared that cash and just used subtitles instead.

Most of the puzzles were quite simple and logical other than one exception that required trial and error, although it only had 30 (6*5) to 120(6*5*4) combinations according to the hint.

The game's not popular at all in the English-speaking world, judging from the number of walkthroughs available on Google. There's one written version (but incomplete) and one series of videos on Youtube. As such, it was pretty hard to find an answer quickly whenever I was stuck.

The other day in the Chinese Reading and Comprehension class the lecturer mentioned 孔子 (Confucius) and 庄子 since we were on the topic of 散文, or essays. Speaking of 孔子, it's important to pronounce the 子 normally because to pronounce it lightly ( 轻声) would give it a whole different meaning - a hole. Saying you respect Confucius is quite different from saying you respect a hole.

Same with 老子. If 子 is pronounced lightly, these two characters together mean "me". If pronounced normally, it's the name of an ancient philosopher and author of the 道德经. How hard you pronounce the 子 in "道德经是老子写的。" can mean the difference between "The Tao Te Ching was written by Laozi," and "The Tao Te Ching was written by me."

Anyway he was telling us about how different these 2 men were. If you want to be successful in life, you should study Confucian teachings. If you fail, you should study 庄子。

The reason is in the philosophies of these 2 wise men. Confucius believed in rigid rules, in stereotypes and probably in racism. Anyone who didn't behave the way a normal Chinese should was a barbarian to him. All cultures not from China was not culture. When one of his disciples returned after staying several years somewhere far to the south, he found him to be barbaric in the aforementioned sense and treated him as one, ie he got rid of him.

However rigidity and, hence, good discipline usually do produce more successful people. This is why his works are still famous today.

But when you fail and you're feeling down, you read the teachings of 庄子because to put it simply, he believed in letting nature take its course, or 顺其自然. What will be will be, que sera sera, so just relax and go with the flow.

It's funny and it's true.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Rant 726 / Forget The Song

This news makes no sense. Two points.

1) The Minister is implying that we should not react to the absence of free money just before the election.
2) The lift upgrading project was a "hongbao" in a way.

Not that I care about the extra thousand bucks. What's it going to do for me? My family consumes more than that per month (food, bills, etc) and there are twelve months in a year.

Now that I'm done with the disclaimer, let's move on to the actual point. He did admit that the economy did well last year. We all know we did get more foreign investments ever since the US tried to turn its currency into the new banana note (well, they kinda tried but not quite succeeded anyway).

So we're not getting free money this year even though the economy was good?

Despite all that, I do respect their choice not to buy our votes outright with (our own) money this time. I'd rather they spend the money on grants for the poor or raise their contributions to Edusave accounts.

The second point was just painful to read. It was such a feeble attempt to put them in a better light I felt it just backfired.

To put it succinctly, all the households paid $3000 each. Only the residents in 15 households per block benefited.

And it was figuratively described as a "hongbao", a red packet filled with money. The main thing is that nothing was free in this case, which is what most Singaporeans look for especially when it comes to hongbaos. It was nice, yes, because there are still lots of buildings out there without lift access on every floor. But to describe this as a "hongbao" would take a pretty broad interpretation of the term.

Nevertheless, if I ever vote I'll still be voting for the PAP. The most important Singapore has, IMO, is stability. Heck, we'd have nothing if not for that. To change the ruling party would destabilise our country. No, the situation is not dire enough to me that I would try to risk that.

Oh wow the last video was not transferred properly last night even though I gave it over 3 hours to finish the job. Before 10pm I had set the PC's shutdown timer to 1am and went to bed. It was at about 9% of the fourth video out of 7.

Amazingly slow.

After watching the videos that were successfully transferred over, it appears that it's only the end of the disc that's not so readable. The last second video was barely playable and keeps pausing after 6 seconds. The final video is taking forever to even begin to transfer.

Have to finish my assignment for Chinese Reading And Comprehension today by 2359hr. Chinese comprehension, university level. Ugh. Good thing this course has recorded lectures that I can watch if I forgot anything. And podcasts too. I love the organization of this course.

After such a long wait for A Dance of Dragon, I can't help but agree with this article. I've been waiting for the book for about 5 years, since the release of the 4th of the series. There has been so many deadlines I've given up on believing them until I see them available in online stores, and not just for pre-orders.

So if you're interested in reading A Song of Ice and Fire, don't. If you're currently reading the books for the first time, do yourself a favour and put it away. Do what I did for The Dark Tower series by Stephen King - discover it only after the final book is published.

The wait is bad. I want to read the book every time I see it mentioned somewhere, but I can't because it isn't out and even if it is, it's definitely going to be a long time before I see the following book after I finish it.

If he's going to take the same amount of time to finish the next 2 books, let's put it this way - he's already 62. I'm not going to talk about death because the national average in the US is 78. What I'm concerned about is the possibility that he could keep on writing till that age.

How often do you see a new bestseller on the shelves that's written by someone in his/her 70s?

As much as we avoid to mention it, minds age. He could write, but could he write well?

I understand that he doesn't focus very hard on it probably because you can't write well under heavy stress. Still, I'm fed up with the wait. I'm definitely not buying his books till his last one is out. I'm not going to refresh that urge to get the next book that won't be out for another 5-10 years.

It's not like it's entirely impossible. The Dark Tower series by Stephen King took 6 years per book for the 4th and 5th book, 5 years for the 2nd book and 4 years for the 3rd. The entire series was published over twenty-two years, from 1982 to 2004! He began the series as a budding writer,and ended it as a celebrity in the literary world.

People have died not ever knowing the ending of the story. Lots of people. According to King, dying grannies and death row inmates have written to him begging for hints of the ending. And he couldn't tell them simply because he didn't know how it was going to end either. Not knowing the ending of something is probably one major reason why people wish for immortality or, at least, longevity.

Almost done with this assignment, left 3 questions out of 12. One and a half hours remaining, but my brain is unwilling to work. Damned poetry. I can't even appreciate English poetry, let alone a Chinese one. And half the paper is on a poem.

As far as I can tell, <<雪花的快乐>> is about beauty and freedom. That's probably all I can confidently say.

Done! Not satisfied with the quality but I need a break if I'm to write any better than this, and there's only 20mins remaining. 15, since I prefer to hand it in 5mins before the deadline. I should probably have finished it yesterday to give myself another day to proofread and edit, but I never learn.

Finished New Vegas again. Didn't enter the NCR Correctional Facility to wipe out the Powder Gangers but I did accidentally wipe out their leadership when I cleaned up all the vaults in the game. Also forgot a few quests like the ones for Raul, Lily and Arcade. Not that I mind, since I'll have more stuff to do next run this way.

This is actually my first time getting Raul. He's not useful and in fact, I wasn't even planning on getting him. I only accidentally met him while exploring Utobitha, where the crazy Super Mutant with the blonde wig and sunglasses was broadcasting on one of the radio frequencies. I'm not actually sure he has a quest for himself but the ending seemed to imply there was one.

I was really planning on completing Arcade's quest but I really forgot. Really wanted to see the Enclave appear in this run.

As for Lily, I never knew she had a quest until I read about her on the Fallout Wiki after finishing the game.

Strangely, the Brotherhood was not mentioned in my ending. I did all their quests, let the Elder remain and then left them alone. When I left, he was telling me that he was going to end the lockdown, begin to explore the Mojave again and regain their strength.

According to Mr House's calculations, they would become the most dangerous enemy left in the Mojave after I defeat both the Legion and the NCR. One would have thought the ending would describe how the Brotherhood came back and demanded technologies from me or something. But no, their absence was conspicuous.

I think it has to do with a bug. As I recall, the conversation that was supposed to happen between Veronica and the Elder when she first returned to the bunker was never triggered for me. I think something bugged it and everything else after was not triggered, including Veronica's ending.

Finally, about the final battle, it was a big disappointment. I kept forgetting to set the difficulty higher and in the end, it was too easy even though all my bodyguard Securitrons died. I myself was never close to dying while the Legion soldiers died seconds after they appeared, causing long peaceful lulls during the battle, something I don't remember seeing in my first run.

Next run, I must make it a point to play on the highest difficulty (on Hardcore of course).

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Rant 725 / Those Formations

Having a test on Contract Law later. Slightly worried for 2 reasons. Firstly, it's 40% of my final grade (60% of my final grade in the next test in 2 weeks). Secondly, I find the line between "counter-offer" and "request for information" very blurry. I'll make a simple example:

A: I'm willing to sell this item to you for $50.
B: Would you accept $25 now and $25 next week?

Is that a counter-offer or just an inquiry? According to Stevenson, Jacques & Co v McLean (1880), that's a mere inquiry and not a counter-offer.

What if B had said," How about I pay you  $25 now and $25 next week?"

I think this means I still don't understand where an inquiry becomes a counter-offer. According to the textbook, if he had said," I will pay you $25 now and $25 next week," it would have been a counter-offer. From this I deduce that the second question I suggested above was still an inquiry.

How about... "I will pay you $25 now and $25 next week, ok?" :)

It's interesting what makes a contract a contract, legally speaking. Contrary to what you might think, a verbal agreement is a legally binding contract in most scenarios, unless it has to do with employment, properties or marriage.

Before I forget, I'm talking about Singaporean law here, which in this case is very similar to English law since most of the statute laws regarding this have remained unchanged since independence, according to the lawyer lecturer.

Anyway to make a contract, there needs to be these elements: the intention to treat/create contract, meeting of minds, consideration, offer and acceptance.

The intention to treat is obvious. A contract is made only if someone wanted it made.

Meeting of minds means both sides must be talking on the same frequency. If A has 2 cars and offers to sell to B "a car", then B accepts thinking he's getting the Rolls Royce, but A actually had his Mercedes in mind, there is no meeting of minds. Hence there is no contract.

Consideration, in this situation, means an exchange of something for something, usually something bad for something good. The consideration needs to be sufficient but need not be adequate. To be "sufficient", the thing(s) being offered (ie consideration) must be of economic value. If you sell a house for $1, it is not "adequate" but it is "sufficient". Technically you could even sell your house in exchange for a candy wrapper and it could form a legally binding contract, provided you can prove that the wrapper has any economic value (at least to you).

I think I can rephrase the definitions to:

Sufficient - of any economic value
Adequate - of suitable economic value

Furthermore, past consideration is not taken into account. For example, a friend goes bankrupt and you gave him your $1000 laptop out of sympathy. 5 years later he worked his way back up and even made a killing in the stock market. He then promises you that he'll give you $10k because he traded his stocks through your laptop.

Legally, that laptop is past consideration because it was given long ago with no explicit agreement that anything will be given to you in return. Ergo, this is not a legal contract. Ergo, you cannot sue him if he doesn't pay up.

One more thing about consideration is that obligations from existing contracts or the law cannot be considerations. For example, if you're trapped in a burning building and the firemen arrive, promising them $5M for saving you is legally useless. They're legally obligated to try and save you, so if they did it and you refuse to pay up later, they can't do anything about it.

Offer and acceptance may seem obvious but it is actually not that clear. For example:

A: I offer you $50 to fix my PC.
B: I'll see what I can do.

No acceptance here. A can't sue B if the PC remains in that condition till the end of time. But if B comes over the next day and fixes the PC, then there is acceptance and A is legally required to pay B $50.

Speaking of this, there's another example of something strange that the lecturer raised.

A: Can you fix my PC?
B: I'll see what I can do.

B fixes the PC. A was so happy that he/she/it gives B $50.

In this case, the $50 was not part of any contract (no consideration from B, for one), hence A is allowed to ask for that $50 back later. A would have been an asshole but not a criminal.

Or if you told him you'd give him $50 for fixing the computer while he was already doing it, it would still not be a consideration.

Whether any of these can be proved in court is none of my concern because I'm only interested in Contract Law today.

However, all these can be nullified due to any of the reasons already listed on Wikipedia under Defenses against Formation.

Biggest storm I've seen in a long time today. Such storms belong in December but it's already February. Global warming. Not that I mind. Rain is always good when you're indoors.


Bad sign. The only edible things on my desk is this re-sealed Lotte Fun-cap and the box with 3 packets of yeast I'm planning to use in the very near future. Actually I think I'll only need one. One packet of yeast per 3 cups of flour.

However all those recipes I'm using (I follow the general consensus of multiple recipes) are American, so I don't know if this French product is made with the same standards in regards to quantities.

Never mind. One packet is apparently 2 and a quarter teaspoon, so I could just measure them with my measuring spoon set.

As for the ant, I don't like it. I think I need to spray some insecticide the next time I go out for more than a few hours. If you don't understand why I'm fussing over a single ant, it's because this room is my final bastion of hygiene at home. The kitchen and living room are rarely cleaned and hence are pretty infested with ants. Tiny flies are tolerable because my room has a bathroom and the only way to prevent flies is to spray the drain with insecticide every week (for my home anyway). I don't like to spray insecticide too often for rather obvious reasons.

So nobody in Singapore and Malaysia is playing Bad Company 2: Vietnam. All the servers are in the original Bad Company 2. Tried that last night, horrible experience. Almost every player was trying to stack. Seriously, at one point when I checked the scoreboard, the opposite team was filled with general-ranked players while the best on my team were master sergeants (players gain ranks from points scored throughout their time in BC2).

People were complaining but none of the skilled players cared. A few were even gloating when they steamrolled over us saying, "Flawless," or "Too easy." I was thinking: Duuuuuuuude...

Near the beginning of the second game, one guy was even telling everyone to leave the server for 5mins to make the other team unstack. Nobody cared. I didn't. I just stayed long enough to be steamrolled till we were pushed back to our "Final Stand" base in 10mins, left and switched to Vietnam. What's the point of staying when I couldn't even get out of the base without being sniped by frickin tanks?

The stack over at the Europeans servers is pretty mild compared to that, so I'm sticking with Vietnam and sacrificing good pings for balance. The expansion is actually nicer to newbies because we get more stuff (like syringe for medics, used for reviving unconscious teammates) right from the beginning.

Now testing videocam again. After updating the PMB programme the last time I just left it alone. Now it's time to see if it's working.

Ok, a disc that used to work is still readable. Videos on it have been transferred to my PC before and are still watchable. Never bothered to format it yet.

Now for the disc that has videos on it that I've never been able to transfer over. Like I said before, the videos can be watched in the videocam but they're not when it's connected to the PC via USB cord.

Doesn't seem to be working. Been reading that disc for like 15mins. Looks like it may be the discs that aren't working somehow.

Oh wait now it responds...


Believe it or not, it's been about 2 hours and it's only at 9% of the third video out of 7 on this disc. True that they're of different lengths but it still is a very slow speed especially when its maximum capacity is only 2.8GB.


30mins later... 84%... of the third video still.

Oh well, at least it's reading at all. Those videos have sentimental value.


20mins later. 9% of the fourth video. Yes it's moving but I'm definitely blacklisting this disc and buying a few more new ones next time I pass a store that sells them.


Leaving it on. Setting the computer to shutdown at 1am. Not going to wait for it to complete the transfer for the entire night.

Endhiran or Robot was a 2010 film that I've never heard of. The trailer looks kinda interesting though. AFAIK it's supposed to have too much special effects.

Check out that cool expression at the end.

This video was actually played in reverse.

Bacardi Breezer has an even lower alcohol content than Jolly Shandy (4.8% vs 5%), yet Bacardi Breezer has a stronger alcohol smell. What's up with that?

I'm done exploring all the vaults in New Vegas, except for Vault 21 because it's been mostly filled with concrete and the remaining part was turned into a hotel. Not much chance of a surprise.

One of the more significant places I have not cleaned (ie wiped out every hostile thing and looted everything worth at least 8 caps per unit weight) is the quarry. I can't handle Deathclaws even at level 28. I've maxed out my Energy Weapons and I'm still using the Laser RCW, yet it takes too long to kill each Deathclaw with it.


My light armour isn't a problem. IIRC Deathclaw attacks bypass my armour, rendering armour completely useless in a fight with a Deathclaw.

I don't feel like sniping them like before, yet I can't just face them head on.

At this rate, I think I'll be skipping over the quarry this run and move on. I'll probably just clean up the NCRCF ( the Powder Gangers), finish Arcade's quest and end the game with me as king.

Since I'm so close to exploring everything in New Vegas as far as I can tell, it probably will be a long time before I play it again after this.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Rant 724 / La Brioche

For some reason I can't transfer my videos from my camcorder to my PC. The problem lies in the camcorder because I've tried it on 2 different computers now.

The issue is that the discs are unreadable to the PC. I can watch the videos on the camcorder but they appear blank (and full) when the camcorder is connected to the computer or when I place the DVD directly in my computer's DVD drive.

The camcorder is correctly connected because this was done before I could download the Picture Motion Browser software which enables users to do exactly what I've been trying to do. When I downloaded it, it checked for the camcorder's model and stuff before it could begin, so it's confirmed that the connection is fine.

Which stumped me.

The discs are readable only to the camera.

Oh wait... the programme isn't updated. Strange that they don't just let me download the latest version straight away or show me a list of patches on the download page.

Onion News finally writes something that's actually funny, after such a long absence of good humour. I'm not saying it's hilarious though.

What is the right age for marriage?

Who knows?

In ancient times, even unborn children can be engaged. I wonder how it felt to be a baby boy married to an adult woman (of course, an "adult" in those days could be any girl who's past her first period). Must have been pretty good when he reached puberty, then pretty bad when he grew older. Don't forget that in those days, they didn't have beauty products or even bras in China. Worse still if they worked in the sun all day, eg farmers.

No wonder they allowed polygamy.

As for now, things are different. Personally I think the practical view should be taken. In this case, one needs to consider at what age children will begin to really spend money and make it coincide with the rise of the parents' careers.

Suppose you expect your kids to discover the joys of buying unnecessary stuff by the age of 20. Even if you don't, there's still university (girls slightly earlier, boys slightly later). Usually, careers should reach their peaks by the age of 45 to 50. Then the right age for childbirth would be about 25-30 and marriage would be roughly the same.

The problem I see here is that there are just too many parents who aren't ready for children but think they are. For example, there are parents who seem to treat the welfare of their children as something they do only because they have to. In this case, they hate for work overwhelms their love for their children.

It may be partly a case of immaturity, but it can also be due to laziness. Either way, it points to the fact that they are relatively spoilt. Then again, I don't think it can be helped in the modern societies.

I'm not saying you can't get married without ever having children. You certainly can, except in Asia in general, that's kinda uncommon.

I feel like making bread, have been since Thursday, but I can't. I'm planning to make some traditional French loaf again but that takes hours to make. Missing the smell of hot bread fresh from the oven. Good exercise for the arms too since after the first rise I'd need to squeeze out all the air by kneading it hard, then again after the second rise.

In between I have to wait at least 2 hours for the first rise and less for the second.

Oh well, I think I'll do it on Sunday, after the cleaner tidies up the kitchen. Last week she left a few carrots hidden somewhere and nobody remembered about them. By Monday the kitchen was filled with flies and we had to make a mess by searching everywhere for the source, which we had expected to be a dead lizard or something. After I sprayed parts of the kitchen with insecticide, nobody wants to clean up those parts.

Anyway I can't do it because I would not have been able to focus on doing it. Unfinished assignments and tests today and tomorrow. Multitasking is fine on the computer but not in the real world. Things don't get burnt in the computer.


OMG! Since 2006! I'm so embarrassed that I wasn't aware of it sooner. Why didn't this ever got popular??

From what I've dug up on this product, there seems to be 3 reasons:

1) It's expensive. A normal keyboard costs a few dollars but that costs over $100.
2) Needs a change of battery every few hours.
3) Lag. Together with the fact that you can't feel the key being pushed down, it takes a long split second to tell if you have mistyped anything.

4) This is purely a guess from what I imagine it would be like. Since there are no keys to press, your fingers might tend to stay close to the surface. When travelling between keys, it might mistake the action as typing all the letters your fingers went over. If you keep your fingers high, you might hit the surface hard. That's not going to be comfortable if you're typing an entire report or essay.