My ELT107 tutor whines a lot about her life during class. "A lot" is a relatively term here and none of the other tutors talk about themselves during their classes. Just today she was trying to show us some papers via the UniSIM web portal and she had difficulty finding the correct subject to click on. That started a short rant on how the website is so unnecessarily complicated, followed by an apology and an explanation that was along the lines of how she had no one to complain to at home.
Then at the end she complained to us about this student in a previous year who typed in his online feedback nothing but "The teacher is very pretty." And she started asking us whether we have this belief that better looking people are not intelligent.
I think she needs a blog.
Personally I just whine about everything I need to whine about here and when I talk in real life, I don't really have anything to say anymore. All the random stuff I want to talk about is here and anything else is too personal for anyone to know.
This is one reason why I don't bother to have a Windows Messenger anymore, other than the fact that I found it annoying to have to worry about whether anyone has any urgent messages for me while I was out slashing Super Mutants in the Wasteland. Breaks the immersion, this distraction.
Women Gone Wild. Fuck no! Anyway IMO the GGW series is overrated, or maybe I just don't like teenage girls.
He's got a point. I think I've mentioned something similar before. Technology has not made our lives simpler. They merely made tasks simpler, hence causing us to have more tasks piled onto us and hence complicating our lives. Yes it's easier to do everything and everything is faster but now everyone expects everyone else to do more tasks proportional to how much less effort is required per task. Life never got any easier. Things just got easier but more complicated.
Shit I think I lost like 10 marks in the assignment (which is like a test/homework hybrid) for the module on grammar that I'm taking because I forgot that MODALS HAVE NO TENSE!!
That's not the main reason for why I'm annoyed. The most horrifying reason is that I WROTE IT IN BIG CAPITAL LETTERS IN MY NOTES!!!
Furthermore, I remember noticing it as I was flipping through the book to look for something else while doing this assignment!!!
For people who didn't study grammar as a module in uni, modals are words that determine the possibility of the event, like "shall" and "could". For example, in "I will be the best," the word "will" functions as a modal auxiliary verb and it has NO TENSE! Not present and definitely not past tense. Here's the surprising thing I learnt about English grammar in this module: there is no such thing as future tense in the English language.
Anyway I like this tutor's style of marking the assignment and how she rants in class to break the monotonously boring atmosphere. Since I've already discussed the latter, I'll just talk about the former here.
She actually typed comments to explain my mistakes at the end of the assignment. We got our papers (.doc files, since it's all done online) back after she marked it so that we could read it and see where we made mistakes.
Basically she analysed our mistakes and typed about why we were wrong, like "MODALS HAVE NO TENSE FFS!!!" except without the caps, the "FFS" and the exclamation marks, and sometimes even telling us to read specific pages of the textbook (not notes) again. She did that for each of the four questions in the paper.
I'm impressed. Even if she had a list of comments for every possible mistakes that we could make in the assignment so that she just copied and pasted according to what we got wrong, it's still pretty amazing.
Because of this, I decided to look at the other modules to see if our papers were available to us. Found that the tutor for the module on evaluating discourses and writing critiques also did the same thing, while the one for Managing Personal Finances didn't tell me much other than that my answers were too brief.
I'm quite happy with the former. She did the same as the grammar tutor, except this one was briefer in her criticisms and advices. In fact she didn't really tell me how I lost those marks such that the only relatively significant mistake I made was how I did not write in the writer's perspective when summarising his/her views in the first paragraph.
The latter was annoying. What the heck was I supposed to expand on?? It's like if you cook a dish and I taste it before merely telling you that it sucks and lacks something. WHAT DOES IT LACK?!? Salt? Sugar? Frickin caviar?!?
The SGD has hit a record high vs the USD of about 1.346 SGD per USD. When we buy foreign currencies, the bank usually converts our SGD to USD before buying the currencies, so now is a good time to buy foreign currencies.
I don't remember how many runs I've done in Fallout 3 anymore. This is my nth run now. It's actually pretty hard in the beginning at the highest difficulty when I didn't have about 80 points in melee. Yea I'm still using my Shishkebab, but now it feels like my weapons wear off much faster at this difficulty. So I've resorted to carrying two of them so that I don't have to get desperate enough to use Sledgehammers or Super Sledges which are both inferior weapons that are insanely heavy.
I'm now at the Little Lamplight part, which is IMO the later half of the game. Things are still a little hard. I wonder if I had changed anything that I have now forgotten. Those Super Mutant Overlords are tough!
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