Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Rant 631 / H2SO4

I don't know if this is the first stain but this is going to be a lasting stain on the government's reputation and might have given the lie to the rhetoric that the PAP is giving us a corruption-free government.

This is going to take decades to forget, so hopefully no other big shots get caught within the next 30 years. Nobody is going to be happy if the majority decides to vote for another party.

万厉是什麼? 原來萬歷是個年號﹐而明朝的萬歷是指1573年-1620年。這是明神宗朱翊鈞的年號。


廟號是什麼? 廟號是一個皇帝去世後用的名稱。


If the above looks like traditional chinese, I have no idea why it switches from simplified after I close my NJStar programme.

How does a Fruit Dealer get so good at using Zerg? Today's the semi-finals of the TG-Intel Open, which has the largest prize pool in Korea, if not the entire history of e-sports. Stopped watching it live directly from GomTV because there are people who subscribed to premium and re-broadcast their streams on although I don't know if they record their streams.

Anyway he has played 2 superb games so far against LiveForever. In fact, he practically outclassed his opponent because he never seemed to falter when he suffered serious blows. For example, he managed to survive the first game in which LiveForever successfully pulled off a bunker rush which destroyed his early Hatchery expansion followed by an early cloaked Banshee which killed a number of drones. Both attacks would have crippled his economy and most players would have conceded when the bunker rush was complete.

In both games so far, he practically wiped out LiveForever's armies with within seconds when both armies clashed despite all the skillful harassment LiveForever dished out.

In short, nothing LiveForever did truly hurt a Fruit Dealer even though LiveForever did not make a single major mistake in his play. It's insane.


The third game was just strange. Basically they both tried to destroy each other's base in early game simultaneously but a Fruit Dealer won by having Mutalisks to kill the flying Command Center that tried to escape while LiveForever was not able to kill the early Hatchery expansion.

Whoever wins the next match will play against a Fruit Dealer tomorrow, the God of Zergs. Kerrigan is nothing compared to him.

So I actually checked to see if it's illegal to possess sulphuric acid in Singapore after that last time I mentioned it because I was wondering why no one has it at home.

Apparently it is listed, together with hydrochloric acid, in the Misuse of Drugs Act under the Third Schedule, Part II. This may be because these acids are useful substances in the production of many things including explosives (at least for sulphuric acid).

So there goes my idea of self defence. But if you have access to a soldering gun and some electronic parts, you can probably make this:

It's intense enough to light cigarettes.

On second though, that's too much work. A brick would be easier to find and handle.

It is also possible to make pepper sprays at home but again, it's illegal to posses such a substance in Singapore. Unless you're willing to bet on the police believing you when you tell them you accidentally spilled chilli water onto their faces, this is an attractively simple idea that just won't work.

Alternatively, big knives are always good weapons. Hunting knives are perfectly legal in Singapore, so this may be the best self defence option available to Singaporeans. Samurai swords are also legal but must be kept at home at all times and must be declared. Should work too. The problem with this option is the possibility of committing manslaughter, unlike the laser burner or pepper spray which can't kill unless you force him to drink entire bottles of the chilli water.

At the very worst, we can just do what the police advise us to do - surrender and remember their appearances. The catch is that nobody is responsible for returning every single cent to you, so if the police can't recover everything they stole, that's it.

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