Violent protests at the G20 summit at Toronto? That's so stupid. Those guys are making themselves look immature and rash in the eyes of the rest of the world. Worse is that they even raided stores and coffee shops.
IMO people always need to hate something or someone. There has never been a time when people stopped all hate completely. That is exactly why it makes sense that the US has been fighting wars ever since WWII. The top guys most likely discovered that when the entire country is focused on hating an enemy, they not only unite but also have less complaints about everything.
In recent years most developed countries have little to do with wars. Newer generations no longer hate Hitler as much (and even Germans and Japanese in general), so they're basically hating anyone for the smallest reasons. I think this explains the degeneration of the youths in Britain as well, who seem to hate their own government even though they're living in levels of comfort that billions of people around the world can only dream of. I find it quite amazing that any of them would even support the idea of anarchy.
Similarly, this is probably why there are those who would be violently against the current world leaders. I'd say they're spoilt, but I have no right to do that. And neither do you if you take piped potable water, cheap food and affordable electricity for granted. I don't know about everyone else, but I have little reason to dislike the people who have so far prevented us from living lives that 2.7 billion other people are currently going through. (FYI there are only 6.7 billion people in the world today, so 2.7 billion is roughly a third and approaching half.)
In Mumbai alone, over 10.8 million people live in slums like these (pic taken in the slums of Mumbai).
In my home, my bathroom floor is almost clean enough to eat off of ("almost" because the tile grouts are turning grey now and I need to bleach them again soon). I'm proud of that and it's a constant reminder that life can't possibly be horrible for me. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but how can life suck when you have a sparkling clean toilet?
Life is complicated enough as it is. There is no reason for us to find more ways to get annoyed at everything. A lot of people need to be reminded that they should be grateful they aren't risking dysentery and whatever with every sip of water like the 2 million people who die each year from shitting too much.
Most of us living in developed countries are practically in Paradise already! To want more is to be greedy.
The spill has made landfall at Mississippi. They're still working plugging the leak but it's not quick enough. Up to 60k barrels of free oil per day is being distributed for the fishes' consumption and BP has, on Saturday, managed to get rid of an astounding amount of 22,750 barrels, which leaves another 37,250 barrels that's being allowed to spread on the sea surface.
It's not BP's fault. It's the oil's fault for driving us crazy over it and getting us to suck it up from everywhere it's found. I blame petroleum for being so useful. Damn you, black gold!
Avatar was an average film but I'm sure it would have been much better if I had watched it in 3D in the cinemas. The plot is almost generic - guy finds he's on the wrong side, betrays the greedy villains and magical forces aid him in his quest for justice.
I would have been much more impressed if, instead of having the local animals charge at the enemies, the sacred tree used the other plants and even the floating islands to defend itself. It would have been much more epic if the men and robots were defeated by the vines and roots while the last aircraft was crushed by floating islands. Or maybe a giant fissure could have opened and swallowed up all the land units.
If the plants could communicate with each other, it would not be too far-fetched an idea to allow them to move too. And if the plants could move, then why not say the planet itself was sentient too?
Another thing I want to mention is that the villains didn't appear as villainous as I expected. Throughout almost the entire movie they were building up the hate for the Earth people but right when the protagonist told the tree that there were no greens left on Earth, I started to think that maybe they weren't that bad after all.
They were just being desperate, right? You can't blame us for trying to survive. Those guys weren't being greedy, they just couldn't find a better option and really needed those resources.
So were the Earthmen evil or were the natives just being selfish?
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