Friday, 11 June 2010

Rant 559 / 3D Zombies!!

Just made a pair of 3D glasses by taping clear plastic that's been coloured with markers onto my specs. The red isn't dark enough but by painting both sides of the sheet with red it was dark enough to work. Sure, I can still see the red part but I'm fine with that.

Tested it on L4D2. My graphics card allows Stereoscopic 3D mode for most games at L4D2's compatibility for this is rated Good. It does work but feels unnecessary. Not only that, but my makeshift 3D glasses is a little blurry because of the marker strokes and the ink. Together with the generally dark lighting in the game, it can sometimes be hard to see.

The best is to find the perfect shade of red and cyan that is being used by the game/video. Since it is next to impossible to do that, I'll make do with having the darkest shades possible. This will make it look 3D but makes everything look blue and red, as far as I can tell.

Now that I've seen it work, I think I'll try to make one using coloured transparent plastic instead of using markers to paint them. Coloured plastic is clearer while markers blur the plastic when I try to make it darker. Problem now is finding shades of blue and red that are dark enough.

A JAV star, Dr Anri Suzuki, is offering free sex to Chinese students in Japan because she feels sorry for what her country did in China in WWII. Free sex with a hot girl with a Ph.D? Fuck you, Chinese students in Japan! FUCK YOU!

Wait a min! I'm born in HK! OMG I need a ticket to Japan NOW!

Ok, more seriously, here's a link to a Youtube video of her. It's clean obviously; Youtube has insane censorship standards. She looks too good, even unnaturally so I might say, hence I'm sure she's been through a number of cosmetic surgeries including her eyes, nose and breasts. 100% sure about the last.

Not so interested anymore.

So I've accepted the offer for BATI at UniSIM, where TI stands for Translation and Interpretation. Kind of excited, which is weird. Picked a few courses for the coming semester, 1 of them Chinese entitled "Introduction to Chinese Linguistics". Not so worried about this. More concerned about the English modules like "Analyzing Prose: Short Fiction and Essays". WHAT IS PROSE? DO I PRONOUNCE THE "E" AT THE END?

Being of science and maths background for most of my life, this may turn out to be quite challenging for me. It's quite possible I will have to get help from Vic in the future. Wonder who I can consult for Chinese literature. CZY? LOL!

On the other hand, at least I'm never going to touch shit like partial differential equations ever again, unless I'm unfortunate enough to find myself translating Uni-level engineering textbooks in the future. Woohoo!

That's kind of what I'm hoping for with this degree, translating books. Royalties... mmmmmm... I know, I know, royalty percentages for books are usually quite low, like 5% or below iirc. But who cares? It's just one huge shitload of work, then a trickle of free money for the rest of my life! All these, of course, I'm assuming to be part-time/freelance work in addition to a shitty full-time job.

I wonder what sort of work I can get with this degree. I'm guessing something at the MFA. That's fine with me.

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