Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Rant 490 / Click Click Click

I can't believe I've forgotten about for so long! It's changed so much since I last visited it.

For the uninformed, this website is a charity site where users can donate clicks. For each click they give Care2 or their sponsors will donate a certain amount of money for whatever category you picked. At the moment there are 13 categories ranging from poor children to rainforests to endangered animals.

There is now an additional feature which allows you to earn points. Clicking and "taking action" reward you with Butterfly Credits, which you can use to help some poor person or plant a tree.

There's even a one-credit reward for sending emails via my Care2 email. LOL! Looks like I'm going to have a 4th email. With 10k credits I can sponsor a loan to a woman in some developing country. Have 205 so far, long way to go. Or maybe I can just settle for less - 1k points to plant a tree.

Doesn't look like a scam. Been using it for a long time now. They don't ask for money or whatever, and they don't have the ads that most websites are filled with.

If you don't have an account there yet, make one now here. You get 200 credits just for that. Just with that you can either offset 4 pounds of carbon or sponsor a day's worth of clean water for a child. Then you can read their news and note or demote the articles depending on how important you think they are to earn 3 credits each.

No virus, no shock site. Serious business.

Read a few of the articles. One of them totally doesn't work for me. No packaging for those products? Just buy from the wet market.

And here's a recipe that looks good.

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