Monday, 1 February 2010

Rant 488 / Use Red Cob First

At first when I saw this pic I was like

And then I was like

When I finally got it,

Anyone hungry for some corn?

Been forgetting check my Hotmail inbox too much lately. Not installing Messenger = nothing to remind you to check email if you're expecting nothing important in that email. Finally checked after the time I sent out Christmas e-cards, had 165 unread mails. I have three emails so the number's about right.

I'm surprised I have followers at all! Wtf does anyone follow me on Twitter for? It's not like I use it. HX and Ivan following me is a small surprise, but still makes sense because they check this blog and I've mentioned it some time ago somewhere here. The third follower is just someone I took a certain class with in NTU. Never spoken to that person after that semester.

I'm suddenly a little worried. Are there people reading this whom I don't know about? People I believe to be ignorant of the existence of this blog? Or did that third follower just somehow accidentally stumble upon Senorhybrido on Twitter?

I don't know. I'm still ignorant of how you find other people on Twitter other than through the Search function. It's most likely a coincidence. Senor_Hybrido mostly keeps a low profile.

Whatever. It's not like I type anything offensive or embarrassing here, other than those rare occasions when I go mad and rant about Japanese porn. In fact I do try to keep this blog work-safe so that readers can visit here wherever they are.

Finally done with all those loyalty quests except for Legion's. I'm currently at the point just before I get the Reaper IFF on ME2, haven't recruited Legion yet. I'll probably get him after I've found my Geth buddy. I heard he's pretty handy with the Widow sniper rifle, but whether I'll use him on my team depends on his abilities.

Never really bothered to use him in my first run. Had Tali and Samara and they were enough. Now I want to get all the useful abilities because of the difficulty. I really like having Mordin's Incinerate because it gets rid of unprotected targets really quickly, so if Legion can replace Miranda it would be nice. Hell, all I really need is another Overload.

It's not easy, but I haven't died at all after that last time. Luckily those heavy mechs were too stupid to walk around the obstacles to shoot me. Instead they just stood behind the cover I'm hiding at and fire at the wall. All I needed to do then was to keep spamming abilities on them. Didn't even need to waste my clips on them. Ammo is rare on Hardcore difficulty.

Speaking of ammo rarity, there's a serious difference between the frequency of ammo drops of dead enemies between Veteran and Hardcore. On Veteran almost all enemies drop a clip upon death; on Hardcore it's about one in ten. There's never enough ammo for me to specialize in just one gun.

-------------------------------- SPOILER ALERT! -------------------------------------------

The following text might contain spoilers. This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that Lightning McQueen loses the race, Titus Andronicus bakes Tamora's sons in a pie and feeds them to her, the whole show was a dream in an autistic kid's head, the alien scum was distracting Duke Nukem all along while their real invasion force was moving in on Earth, the button in the hatch really does have to be pushed, King Arthur and his knights are arrested for supposedly killing the historian, ending the movie before the final battle can start, Janus grows up to be Magus, Milton burns down the building because his stapler was taken away and his desk was moved to the basement, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!


Then again, if I recruit Legion early to complete sidequests with him, I'll be sacrificing my entire crew. After getting the Reaper IFF and finding Legion in the process, I have a certain time limit after which my crew will be dead. I don't know how long it takes, but in my first run I only went through Legion's special quest before heading to the finale to save my people.

Basically it means if the player wants to be a hero he must not have Legion for most of the game.

------------------------------------- Spoiler end. --------------------------------------------

I don't know if you've ever thought about it this way, because I haven't. This photo above, taken by the Hubble Telescope, is not just a picture of things far away, but also of things from long ago.

Think about it. Light-years (yea I know astronomers prefer parsec, but this is better for proving my point). It's how far light travels in a year. All those galaxies millions of ly away, what we see of them is really what they were millions of years ago.

We're looking at prehistory. Those dots in the pics probably look like that before there were dinosaurs. It's about both time and space!

Another thing is how we can detect the echoes of the Big Bang even today. It's beyond incredible! The impact of the Big Bang is so great, we can still hear it now if your TV uses the antenna. Part of the static you get from it, those black and white dots, is your TV's interpretation of those echoes. They have only been reduced to the frequencies of microwaves and radio waves, but haven't disappeared.

If you didn't understand the meaning of "omnipotent", here's a vague measure of it - the power to create an explosion so great, its vibrations and radiation are far from vanishing even after about 13 billion years. This phenomenon is probably the closest to the concept of infinity that we can detect.

It is this radiation that made Big Bang more than just a theory, ie its discovery in the 60s kind of proved Big Bang. Given that nothing has witnessed the actual explosion, this is the theory that fits best with the radiation.

Not surprised Obama is cutting spendings for NASA. Space exploration serves no practical purpose except for being the ego of the nation, a luxury and not a necessity. As wondrous as those discoveries are, they don't do anything to help us even in the long term, unless by "long term" you mean 200 years or more.

Space colonization won't be possible for another few centuries despite our current pace of technological advances. The best we can do today is merely send a pod with a couple guys with a bare minimum of machines in it to the moon to dig up some rocks. Today's AI and mining machines are far from capable of creating a purely automated mining operation. Terraforming a planet like Mars has costs so obscene no one has even bothered to calculate it.

And the space station? It's barely in space! Check out this chart!

It takes 100 billion Euros to have that International Space Station (ISS) up there for 30 years. That's about 3.33 billion Euros per year to keep that machine flying (and send up people and upgrades). Just for comparison, the US loaned 25 billion USD to the three car companies when they were having that crisis last year.

I support space exploration, but I don't agree with pouring much money into that field yet. It's better to invest in either AI research or ways to colonize planets more effectively (eg farming techniques/machines).

It turns out no one actually knows how gold is formed. There is only a theory, nothing more. This theory states that gold is created by supernovas. So all the gold in our planet really originated from before Earth was formed. The dust containing gold had travelled from supernovas somewhere else and got stuck with the rest of the dust here when our Solar System was formed.

Actually the creation of Carbon is slightly similar. Carbon is formed in stars which then explode (star explosion = supernova), scattering carbon dust everywhere. Gold is different in that it is created in that explosion, not before.

Ever wondered how all these elements in the periodic table came to be? This is it. They were all formed somewhere else and blown here, except for some of the special elements that have insanely short half-lives and are either formed purely by artificial means (eg Roentgenium) or by decaying elements (eg Francium's max half-life is only 22mins and pops up only when uranium ores decay).

The amount of coincidences necessary for all these is simply mind-boggling.

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