Friday, 30 October 2009

Rant 456 / WWE, For Kids!

Borderlands multiplayer mode allows 4 players but doesn't restrict all 4 players from using the same characters. I just went through a game with 3 Hunters and it was pretty interesting. Apparently, they don't just snipe - a few of them actually ran ahead and used their swords while some used shotguns.

Unlike other games, Borderlands require the players to forward 4 ports in order to host online games. Quite troublesome but didn't cause further problems for me. Another complaint from me is that the chat messages appear on the right instead of the lower left corner of the screen which is the standard for 99% of the games I play.

Interestingly, it has no copyright protection at the moment. Players using original or pirated copies can all play online using GameSpy, a legit online gaming service.

If you're planning to host, you need to forward several ports beforehand so that other players can join your games. The ports are 7777(UDP and TCP), 29800(TCP), 28910(TCP), 27900(UDP). Your router's port forward menu should look something like this:

So WWE is "toning down" its violence to attract more children. Are they going to give us G-rated wrestling action? I know they said they've been keeping it PG, but that may not be enough. Why not have a WWE Kids, where there is no violence but is still wrestling.

Come to think about it, that would be rather hard to accomplish. Yes, it would be hard to distinguish from gay porn. 2 half-naked men in a ring, no violence. =/

Next thing we're going to see will be the porn industry trying to nurture a new generation of audience with the same method. It will be porn, but without the private parts shown and with the erotic moans muffled. The actors will be so discrete and everything will be so covered-up that you won't be able to tell that it's porn unless they say so.

Porn, for kids!

Reminds me of this video.

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