Saturday, 3 October 2009

Rant 440 / The Big Bright Orange Button

It seems I often know things that I'm not expected to know, yet remain ignorant of things I am expected to be aware of. The first time I heard the name "lobster bisque" it was during NS. I thought he said "lobster piss" and I was like "uh... what?"

The canned hamburgers are old news since last year, but was still news to me yesterday.

Let's have a McDoubleCheeseChicken. Double the trashiness, double the cholesterol. The staple food of the passively suicidal.

This is like some kind of natural disaster season. We're getting earthquakes and floods left and right recently. Floods are to be expected since it's the season for them, but there has been quite a few quakes last few weeks.

I believe the world's governments need to stop spending on space technologies. I know its the political equivalent of an e-peen , but seriously if they can't even send men to Mars with the best scientists of today, I don't see the practicality of funding more. Let them be privatised and leave them be. Those hundreds of millions can be better spent elsewhere, like research in stem cells and GM crops.

Even if we can get people to Mars, it merely boosts egos, nothing more. There is absolutely not a single shred of usefulness in sending people to space unless:

- we are able to mine resources from other planets/bodies in our Solar System.
- we can find a habitable planet.

Since neither can be accomplished, all we can do today is observe and theorise stuff no matter how far we fling our machines out into space.

So after the bees disappeared from some parts of the world, farmers in those regions are resorting to using feathers to hand-pollinate their vegetables and fruits. That job must really suck in more ways than one.

The Colony Collapse Disorder sounds creepy, rather like one of those stories about the abandoned ship with everything intact but also with everyone gone, where the things are placed as if the people were planning to return and the food is still on the tables.

In the case of the bees, they simply disappear altogether, leaving their pupa and food behind. Even stranger is that other bees don't steal their honey right after they leave, and other insects don't attack the hive immediately after their departure.

Lots of theories, but no proven cause. Makes this even more mysterious.

This is certainly disturbing...

I'm considering the notion of publishing my post on a daily basis instead of whenever I feel like clicking on the bright orange button.

There really isn't a bad point about it, except I don't want to be expected to post something everyday. The good point is that my posts get less confusing chronologically if I just post whatever I type on the day I typed it.

So the assignment for my Thermodynamics module is to design a desalination system, preferably using renewable energy sources, within a month. It's interesting, but involves a lot of work.

Good thing desalination plants can look quite similar to steam power plants. The only difference is that the seawater is not boiled at 100 degrees Celsius and the steam isn't superheated. Plus the messy steam turbine crap is skipped.

Now I did wonder why I can't just use the same system to both desalinate water and drive turbines. My answer is that to drive turbine, the water must be chemically treated to become soft water. Normal water causes calcium deposits in the system over time, while soft water doesn't. Cleaning the system would mean a complete shutdown, which cannot happen in a power generator unless you spend twice as much to build a spare.

Still, this is the only interesting thing I've encountered this semester.

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