Sunday, 15 February 2009

Rant 305 / I Can't Upload Pics!

I'm having trouble uploading pictures onto the blog. For some reason the pictures don't appear on my blog after I'm done uploading. So I'm forced to produce boring wordy posts again. Oh well, at least the videos still work since they all just a bunch of HTML codes I copied and pasted.

Even though I've been living in Singapore for 19 years, I never knew that the locals eat Chilli Crab with bread until recently. I mean, they dip the bread into the gravy. And it's even mentioned in the Wiki article on Chilli Crabs. Just when I thought I'm no different from any Singaporeans...

As I checked on the Cell Experience yesterday, I saw that they'd sent in the goats before the 45,000th visitor's arrival. Maybe they couldn't keep the goats in the studio for too long, who knows? I thought it was actually pretty nice to see him have some real physical company. Those goats did look quite friendly, and he got to feed them some food.

I missed the part where he fights a bear because it happened when I was sleeping. By the time I check again after school, he was at the 70k mark and wearing a fake Sumo costume that was basically a huge plastic bag with nipples and sumo "underwear"-thing painted on it.

He didn't look hurt so it was probably a fake bear fight using a trained, tamed bear. They're cheating!

Anyway he's approaching the 90k mark now and going to have a food fight with sexy girls. I'm going to miss that because of classes. 17 hours to go and he'll be free. I'll bet my laptop if the website hits the 100k mark his arm-cutting stunt will be some sort of magic trick with which his arm would appear to be missing.

Finally ran out of episodes of Heroes, so I've resorted to watching CSI. Now beginning with the original CSI, sometimes known as CSI: Las Vegas, Season 4. Think I've watched many of the episodes in the first three season back when they were aired on AXN Asia.

If I finish Season 4-8 before the lastest season of House/Lost/Heroes/Scrubs has finished, then I'll go on to CSI: Miami and New York.

FDA Approves Depressant for the Annoyingly Cheerful

Sony Releases New Stupid Piece of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

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