Thursday, 12 February 2009

Rant 303 / Which Stall?

Are you turned on? Because if you are, you've just become a pedophile.

I'm beginning to understand why pedophiles are pedophiles. I guess everything has its consequences, even the innocent desire to be beautiful.

Among all American game music, Portal's ending theme, Still Alive, may be the best of them all, albeit a little creepy if you know the story behind it. It's the first Youtube player on the left of my blog. The second player is for Aria of the Soul, one of the best pieces of game music I've ever encountered. Damn, the Japanese are good at this.

Merril Lynch awards a million dollars or more each to 696 employees as bonus, right when the company is announcing losses. All that amounts to about USD3.6bn.

JB robbers are getting bolder - now it's not safe even on a SBS bus at the checkpoint.

Some guy in Florida, called 911 to complain about Burger King's food even before he ordered... Sooner or later some guy will call 911 because his wife refuses to have sex with him. Can't wait to see that.

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