If they trip, do they really need to stretch out their hands to break the fall?

Oh wow, so I suck. I've been playing this Soviet mission that began with the assassination of the Japanese Emperor followed by the destruction of the palace grounds. The former was easy, the latter is still too hard for me.
I tried a few strategies. The first I used was a crappy teching style that involved building few tanks and teching all the way to the Kirov. Didn't work because I got raped before I got the first one out.
Second, I tried the mass anti-armour tank strategy. Didn't work because that Japanese Oni-whatever walking mech giant raped my tanks at full force. Sorry if you don't get the "at full force" joke completely.
Third, I spammed infantry, mostly anti-tank guys and some Conscripts. Worked for a while but I couldn't attack. Also, my ally got destroyed after a while and I couldn't help him. I did get about 10 Kirovs but it seemed that they suck against the Japanese. After that, I got killed destroyed too.
So now I realize I cannot just spam 1 kind of unit. If I spam armour, the Oni-whatevers will rape me. If I spam infantry, I will need more than 2 barracks to both attack and defend, but I'm too demoralized to try that now. I think I'll build 4 raxes to spam loads of antitank and make 1/5 of the army Conscripts.
The one obvious fault with this is that tanks can just roll over my men. So I will need to create a bloody tsunami of soldiers to overwhelm each of the 3 bases. Overwhelm them with shit. And I'll skip the Kirovs. All that will take a very long time to amass...
Oh hell, I'll just lower the difficulty back to Medium.
Wait a min! I can just visit all the Red Alert 3 forums for hints. LOL!
"When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling, 'I've been on line since Friday morning!'"Cribbs said. "They kept shopping."

Strategies for RA3 are quite different from the rest because of the limit of 1 refinery to 1 ore mine, unlike the olde days when I need to build several collectors to maximize collection efficiency. Which means income is rather limited and has become the same for everyone in their main base no matter their skills and APMs. Just as well, because it's so hard to use the individual skills of the units if you have a mix of several units in your army.
Just when I managed to set my display settings of Fallout 3 to Low, I find it too low. I'm happy that it doesn't lag anymore, as in the screen moves almost as quickly as my mouse, unlike the 0.5s lag when I was on the default Medium settings. However, now I can't see my enemies soon enough. The range where enemies appear in my view is shorter than the range of a bloody Missile Launcher. I know because I just got attacked by a Super Mutant that attacked me with 2 missiles before I got close enough for him to appear. That's way too close! I have to see them before they see me because I'm not a melee specialist!
Somehow Fallout 3 is making me nauseous too. Either I've been eating too much or there's something in the way I move in the game that affects me.
I'm also not getting enough ammo for all my guns. Even the Craterside Supplies back in Megaton has run out of ammo for sale for all guns. I'm now using my solid wooden baseball bat (dmg 6) as my main and using my guns only when it's dangerous to get close, like when I fight Fire Ants. Good thing I have an immortal dog that tanks for me, or I'd have died a dozen times over by now. If only I can create custom armour for my dog, it would be like those attack dogs in RA3, except tougher. Those RA3 dogs can get squashed by tanks; I bet Dogmeat can destroy a tank by biting off the armour piece by piece. That dog is stronger than my guy who's wearing armour and a helmet.
The game is interesting enough, but it suffers one shortcoming that is similar to that in Oblivion - everyone looks quite similar, especially the white ladies who all seem to have large foreheads. Not to mention I keep seeing men who look just like the protagonist's father.
It is somewhat easy in that with a decent set of armour and enough Stimpaks, even a baseball bat is a good weapon against giant ants and huge ogre-like mutants.
Okay finally bought my books. The last time I said I bought books off opentrolley.com, I hadn't bought them yet but had all of them in my Shopping Cart. I thought I was going to buy them then but wanted to wait for a few more hours in case I suddenly remember books that I had forgotten.
When I decided to finally buy them, I had already closed the browser to restart my com. When I reopened the browser, the website did not save what was in my cart! Oh well, service is slightly lacking compared to acmabooks but still, they have all the books I want. No choice. But I forgot the whole list of books I had chosen that night, so I gave up.
Chose my books again yesterday.
The books I bought:
(The latest of the Sword of Truth series)
(The latest paperback in the Runelords series)
(The Mars trilogy, apparently an excellent classic sci-fi series recommended by quite a number of people at Amazon.com)
Red Mars
Green Mars
Blue Mars
(The 1st trilogy of the famous Dune series, thought this is something I cannot miss if I start to read sci-fi)
Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
(The 1st trilogy of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever)
Lord Foul's Bane
The Illearth War
The Power that Preserves
(Just because I like how V always wears a Guy Fawkes mask and sounds so cool using all those words that begin with a "v")
V for Vendetta
Somehow I can't make myself reread the Hyperion series because I still remember the ending of the Rise of Endymion and hate how it ended. I have already forgotten most of the plot but I still remember the ending quite clearly. Damn, I may have to store this series in the bottom shelf and bury it in the rest of the shitty books that include those by Robert Stanek. Books that I cannot make myself touch again. Yea I have castes for my books too. Those by Robert Stanek are automatically placed in the Untouchable caste.
My Indian friend recently enlightened me on how the Indian social caste system is like. It seems that the system they taught us in secondary school is an extremely simplified form of it. In fact, there are many subclasses within each caste. I cannot remember the details, but whoa, no wonder he has no wish to go to India. Life would be so complex and his choice of girlfriends would be severely limited. LOL!
4chan is so crazy sometimes. I find it hilarious how people would give fake advice, tips and stuff and many others would join in and exclaim how useful they are. Like recently someone posted a link and said that it was a video of Emma Watson's nip slip. It turned out to be a rickroll. When I returned to the link, everyone was exclaiming how epic her tits were and how people should take screenshots before Youtube delete it. Of course I joined in the fun.
Another time, a long time ago, I remembered some guy asking for advice for some skin problem on his penis and everyone recommended Bengay, which is like Tiger Balm, that stinging cool paste stuff meant for muscle aches. I smile everytime I think of how it would feel if someone would put that on his penis.
Sometimes, Anons can spontaneously develop a group mind temporarily and it can be quite fun.

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