Sunday, 16 November 2008

Rant 227 / Abortion - I Blame The Baby For Being There

The education system is no longer an education system. The focus has changed from "education" to "grades". No student I've met in uni really cares about what he/she is learning. All that matters is whether good grades are easy to get from the modules. Seriously, if they decide to allow modules like how to make a living as homeless people or fundamentals of begging, no student would complain if they can get their aces more easily from these modules than, say, German Level One, despite these being very obvious insults aimed towards us.

We might as well rename our education to "Social Caste Grading System" because it's a more accurate depiction. Not true? How often do you see PhDs mixing with ITE grads? Extreme, but shows my point. The number of PhDs who have ITE friends is inversely proportional to the number of pubic hairs I have. Not exactly true because the number of my pubic hairs is not approaching infinity at the moment, but again you should get my point.

This is not the only thing that has deviated from what our education system was supposed to be.

The difference between universities and polytechnics was not supposed to be the grades. Everyone seems to see polytechnics as the lower version of universities. That is so untrue!

In every trade, there are the thinkers and doers. The thinkers study the trade and improve on the skills/science involved. The doers apply them and make those thoughts reality.

Universities were supposed to produce scholars, people who study and think but not required to apply them in real things. They are the ones who come up with the ideas.

Polytechnics, as their name implies, produce people who have the skills required to work. They are the ones who use the ideas.

For example, a car requires scientists who thought of using combustion to produce kinetic energy. Little explosions produce forces that can be harnessed to make the vehicle move in the desired direction. Engineers then design the car and the little details like the materials needed and etc.

I'm not saying change is bad, I just find it wrong that the names do not reflect the changes and evolutions that our society has been through. Social inertia?

Maybe that's why violent revolutions are always necessary in any society. So many things need to change but don't. The faster we "progress", the more we need to change. Eventually the little things build up and create a giant explosion. Revolution is inevitable.

So I finished The Experiment in 2 days. Didn't even play all day. It's easy because you can't die. The puzzles were rather easy too, after I got used to the controls. In fact, the game was simplified by the indirect control, because you don't have several functions to choose from like the way the Curse of the Monkey Island series had the "Look", "Use", "Speak" and many other functions. Not only that, The Experiment also has no inventory for you to choose items from, so everything is done by the person you're controlling.

All I had to do to search everywhere completely was to tell her to go to every corner of the room until she had no response. Sometimes I had to tell her repeatedly to go somewhere because she was programmed (by the game designers) to find the item only on the third time she was sent to that spot.

The end was not satisfactory. I never got to see the person she was trying to find. So many loose ends still dangling. Too many. I feel as if this was a mere half of the whole story, but no sequel has been announced. Damn these small game companies! I had so much hope because the story was pretty good, albeit vague on so many aspects.

For example, they explained why everyone was killed, but I've not seen a single trace of these soldiers. C'mon! Not even a photo or a corpse? And the robots! If the Tyriades could destroy one in front of her with 1 bite, how was it possible that 3 were still standing and patrolling the Gate after 34 years?

I can tell that the designers had a great story in mind but decided to cut back on many things to save costs and thus made the game shorter than what it could have been. In fact, with proper funding, it could have rivalled Mass Effect in scale, if not gameplay-wise. If only its replayability value isn't as low as all other adventure games. This may be the most serious downfall of the genre because the story is the most important part of the experience. Once the game has been completed, a major reason to play the game is lost. Unless the player has amnesia, it'd take years for him to forget enough to replay the game. By then, it'd be regarded as subpar because of its graphics.

By the way, who the fuck am I in the game??

The offical website is not help at all. A whole year since its release and it does not have a forum nor a FAQ section up. It's publicity and marketing is crap despite all the positive reviews it has received. It doesn't even have any news since Dec 07. The website's probably abandoned.

Lexis Numerique, WTF!! The game was not bad at all! But with the lack of any community for the game, it will soon be forgotten.

Now trying to get The Witcher Enchanced Edition. On Wikipedia, it made it sound like the original version was a beta and this is the working version. What a way to sell the game. Basically they sold the incomplete form for some extra funds and sold the finished version and say it's upgraded.

Commercial ingenuity or greed?

And people wonder why we have rampant software piracy everywhere in the world.

If piracy is as devastating as some organizations claim to be, why isn't Hollywood buckling under a whole load of financial problems yet?

All I can see is that the gaming industry is evolving. The focus is now on multiplayer modes and downloadable content, anything that will make the players connect to a centralized server the game companies control. From patches in the beginning to the downloadable content that Mass Effect is offering to people with accounts at the offical website.

Anti-piracy softwares are useless because hackers can always crack them with enough time. Hell, I think those hacker groups take cracking games as some sort of game by itself. Or a competition where the programmers try to create an impenetratable wall and the hackers try to bypass it. Today, those protection softwares have reached the point where they're a nuisance even for legit users. On the other hand, the hackers seem to have found a puzzle they can't solve in the latest downloadable content for Mass Effect.

If Mass Effect 2 comes in a set with Mass Effect, I'm definitely buying it!

Abortion, where the baby gets punished for your lack of self control! And wait, there's more - it's a capital offense!

Abortion - don't punish me! Just kill my baby!

Abortion - because it's cheaper than the alternative.

Abortion is justified murder just like capital punishment, except the one being killed didn't commit the crime.

Abortion - because its existence is a crime.

Abortion is why the penis is a deadly weapon.

Abortion - because it's too late for condoms and too early for infanticide.

Abortion - because giving birth is painful!

Abortion - you forgot your pills, now someone's gotta pay!

Abortion - keep telling yourself the thing in your uterus isn't alive.

Abortion - because a puppy is cuter.

Abortion - because you're never too young to die.

Abortion - because sticking it in the butt is painful.

Abortion - the epic sequel to the New York Times bestseller Sex.

Abortion - because the sex was fun but the condom wasn't.

Abortion - don't give pedophiles a chance!

Abortion - quick, get it before it starts screaming!

Abortion - a life you take for a night's mistake.


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