Friday, 26 September 2008

Rant 187 / Neca Eos Omnes. Deus Suos Agnoset.

Tried to upload some photos just now, but something kept my computer from uploading them into FB. WTF? No idea why. Managed to upload the first 3, but nothing after. Not even a single one. Tried uploading the 4th pic by itself 3 times and failed. So I aborted.

Also discovered my previous numbers were wrong. I took about 350 pics, and only 185 aren't deleted. And only about 80 are to be uploaded.

If nothing can be "known", and that to believe that something is true has nothing to do with the fact that the something is actually true, then science is no different from any religion.

Science is based on centuries of experiments, observations and logical deductions. Most laws can be proven by anyone performing the right experiments under the right conditions. This is something most religions cannot do.

But many laws in what we understand are wrong. To say that something is true for most situations, but is false in others, is to say that it is false. It takes only one example of error to prove a theory wrong.

From what I have seen so far in my studies, a vast number of theories are based on Newton's 3 Laws. Everyone knows they are not true when it comes to matters of astronomical scales. Neither are they right when we discuss atomic science.

Therefore, one can argue that these Laws are untrue.

This implies that everything we study in Mechanical Engineering is untrue.

Yet we trust in them despite acknowledging this.

This is faith.

Religion. Y/N?

On the other hand, we can say that Mankind is trying to come up with a better idea, and that the 3 Laws are the best we have so far. Plus they're pretty close to being correct in the situations we apply them in.

Therefore, if it is very close to the truth in some cases, then it IS the truth in these cases. Is this it?

Or maybe, the logic is that if it works, who cares?

I believe it is the last. The most practical reason.

It is scary how people take the Bible literally. There are people out there fighting to prove that God did flood the Earth and he had Noah build the Ark for that. No this isn't the scary part. What makes me nervous is that fact that there are evidences that seem to support their theories. Not that I believe the story at all - it's utter bullshit no matter what they say. But still, those are probably enough to help them recruit more gullible people to join them in their "researches".

I'd say I'm an Agnostic, since I recognize that some supernatural being(s) may exist - there is no evidence that disproves their existence nor prove it. But sheesh, Noah's Ark?? If God is omniscient, he'd not even have made a mistake in the first place! He'd not have made those humans knowing he would have to wipe them all out by fucking drowning (which is a slow way to die) them because that'd have been pure evil sadism.

This is but one logical argument of why the story is fiction. It just takes one example to prove a theory wrong, remember?

To recruit new members, aka spread their religion, they tell the newbies not to take the Bible literally, because if you take it metaphorically, then it all makes sense. Yet you cannot deny that sooner or later, some of the recruits will become zealots who fight at all costs to prove everything in the Bible true.

Everyone in the world knows of these people, yet they continue to advise Christians and Catholics not to take it literally, all the while not excommunicating nor denouncing the fanatics. Heck, they do not even discourage such behaviour!

Moral of the story? The Catholic Church, like the Papal States in the past, is really yet another political entity that gains power through the faith of the followers. 2000 years of history should teach us something, but today, only those whose histories are intertwined with the Church's understand it.

"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoset."

translation: "Kill them all. God will know His own."

Christian history. The best.

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