The emos on Youtube are amazing. They are emos, but medically speaking, they're probably manic-depressive. How did they end up like that?
The Second Congo War and the consequences of the war have killed over 5.4m people so far. It started out as another civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and has caused the more deaths than World War 2. Remember, World War 2 was a global affair and involved 2 nukes; the Second Congo War occured within just one country without the help of nuclear weapons.
Basically, more people have died due to this war than there are people in Singapore. The last population estimate in 2007 was about 4.6m Singaporeans. GG? A picture of one of the mass graves was posted on 4chan. There was a dead little boy lying on top of the pile. Fucking tragic. Makes you ask yourself why anyone would be willing enough to believe in a religion/benevolent supernatural being/etc.
Unfortunately I did not save that picture.
Officially, the war ended in 2003, but because the situation didn't getting any better for the past 5 years, about a thousand innocent civilians die daily due to hunger and disease.
It's so bad, child soldiers aren't even considered a real problem there.
'Christian' Game Leaves Behind A Pile of Corpses
This is from 2006.
WTF is wrong with Christianity and America these days? Christ-sanctioned weapons? And the developers pray that "customers will buy their products at select Wal-Mart stores"? And "God will bless this game and it will honor Him"??
On one hand, it's supposed to spread Christianity. On the other hand... wtf???
Legal action
In October 2007, Left Behind Games sent letters to various bloggers demanding removal of certain material from their blogs.[25] The letters read in part:
Left Behind Games Inc. is demanding that you immediately remove any and all information contained on your site about the above stated game that is false and/or misleading, including any such statements or commentary and the responses thereto. This includes posted comments made by others in the context of reading the incorrect or misleading statements. If you do not comply immediately, the company will be forced to pursue additional legal action which will include claims for damages, costs of suit and attorney’s fees. This may subject you and your organization to significant legal and financial damages.
None of the letters specifically identified what information was false or misleading. However, some sites removed their entire blog and some removed specific sections after contacting LB Games.
I haz a mooncaek!
If there is no problem, there'd be no story. Therefore, why would I type non-problems? I'm telling my stories as is, without all that sugar-coating shit I have to use outside.
The guy next door has a fetish for repeating songs. Even though I have to admit his tastes aren't bad, but fuck man, even I can't listen to the same fantastic song for half an hour!
Love is blind. Insecured men too.
Defying the laws of nature is as advisable as looking into the barrel of a loaded shotgun.
Sometimes, surrendering to another's will is a form of manipulation too.
Serious philosophical messages. Windows Messenger personal message. Fuck, why do people type such shit on the Messenger all the time?? It's like a fucking gallery of "deep" quotes that no one really gives a fuck about. "I'm sorry, two words, I always think after you're gone." Do you really care?
Put yourself in another guy's shoes. How many people actually discuss philosphy on Messenger, of all places? Can't you put something more interesting? Something that can potentially brighten someone's mood? Or just leave it blank so that at the very least, you don't make an emo guy more emo?
I can think of a thousand philosophical emo bullshit that I can type. I can pull a hundred more out of my ass right now. But most of them are already spread throughout my past blog updates and I'm not the kind who likes to repeat.
Anyone can come up with a bunch of words that no one understands or care to understand. The important thing is whether these words are used properly, said at the right time. You don't just go up to one guy on the street and tell him," Hey, you can't have everything under the Sun." That'll be crazy. What makes it so different from what I'm seeing right now on my list of friends in Messenger?
Perhaps it's because I do not understand. Perhaps many people out there cares and I'm a fag for not caring.
Yea, right!
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