Sunday, 27 July 2008

Rant 153 / Nothing Goes Nowhere

Three Legs Cooling Water, containing 200mg of Gypsum Fibrosum extract, is supposed to be cooling. I just downed 2 puny bottles together with some mixed nuts while watching the last Naruto movie. This is going nowhere.

Another bomb blast in India. The last one happened less than a month ago. What on earth is happening to India?

Watched a fakesub from DB after the movie. Very entertaining. Nothing amazingly hilarious, but the subtitles are full of shit consistently throughout the episode. It's probably good that I have no idea what they're actually talking about so that it appeared that they were really saying all those things with straight faces. Whoever those morons were who thought the show was funny because of this episode, they can do the Universe a favour and shoot themselves in the head with a shotgun. The starting theme song's subtitles were already mocking the show, saying it doesn't deserve a great song like that. The ending theme's were about the singer who wanted to be doing something else, somewhere else. In one part of the show, the two main characters were discussing how the scene was dragging for so long. It'd be retarded to think the subtitles were real. In fact, almost nothing was translated.

Very entertaining. Going to get the rest of their fakesubs.

4chan is still down. What a pity.

I have become almost nocturnal now. I can only sleep after 6am and wake up after 4.30pm. Once I woke up only to sleep after dinner, which was at 5.30pm, and woke up again at 8.30pm. Then I slept at 7am. Wtf is happening to me?? Why am I not sleeping later and later now that I'm actually sleeping in the day? I think I'm a night person. Or early morning. Whatever.

Been watching the games on The semi-finals were nice, but were not as entertaining as some of the matches back in the quarterfinals, where the more daring tactics were tried and could succeed. Things like the Dark Templar rush, where the protoss player techs up to the invisible Dark Templar as soon as he could while building a mere token force for defence. Then he gets a Shuttle and the DT out, sends the DT in the shuttle and quickly get the shuttle into the enemy's base.

If done quickly enough, the enemy should not have any turrets to detect the DT. Then he just massacres the enemy SCVs and.. gg. This doesn't work when the enemy is a zerg player, since zergs start with the Overlord which detects invisible units.

But in the semifinals, there were some amazing tactics like the Reaver rush that Baekho loves so much that he tried it in all 3 matchs, all of which he lost. Similar to the DT rush, he sneaks the Reaver into the enemy base using the shuttle. Reavers do heavy AoE damage at the cost of slow firing rate, slow movement and the need to manually build its ammo. The skill level involved is obscene, since the moment the Reaver alights, it has to shoot immediately and board the shuttle again within the second so as to avoid fire from enemy land units.

However, this will do away with the requirement of a complete lack of enemy's detection units/structures. Instead, all this needs is for the enemy not to have anti-air stuff to kill the shuttle, near the base.

Unfortunately, though the rushes were successful in the first two games, Baekho was completely outclassed by Flash, who is officially the best Starcraft player in the world right now. I was surprised when Baekho tried it again in the second game, seeing how he lost the first despite the rush. However, he was more successful in that game, killing more SCV than he did in the previous. In the third game, though, his Reaver died to a few randomly placed Vulture mines before anything happened. It was a stupid freak accident that caused him to lose control of the situation right there and then.

Something I found on the net that made me chuckled.

"Important Roman Catholic leaders and Otakon staff have frequently claimed that attending Otakon is not effective in preventing AIDS. In addition, otaku-friendly websites such as 4chan have aggressively questioned the efficacy of abstinence at Otakon. They argue that attending Otakon should not be promoted as a way to fight AIDS because the virus that causes AIDS is small enough to pass through Naruto headbands and Bleach masks and can hide in any stick of stale Pocky purchased in the dealer's room. To further prove said case, the non-profit HIV research group, OtaAIDS, has determined that:

1. Dicks carry AIDS
2. AIDS has high statistically high transfer rates among homosexuals
3. Everyone at Otakon is a dick.
4. Otakon is gay.
5. Hence, everyone who goes to Otakon gets AIDS.

8-8-08: Otanational AIDS Day"

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