Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Rant 148 / FileSharing Will Never Die! Media Companies Should Adapt Instead Of Wasting Resources To Sue People

Considering whether I should join an overseas attachment program organised by my uni. France isn't in my list, since only the research option is available. I'd prefer the study programs, which is offered by unis in Switzerland and the US. A shame that Canada isn't available. But it is on the list of another program which requires a GPA of 3.5 and above. I'll need divine intervention to hit that score by the end of this year though.

Therefore, if I ever go for this, I'll apply for those in the US and India. My 3rd choice would be Switzerland. US would be first because it's right next to Canada, which is where I want to go. India's second because Indian food rox and their spoken English is not that hard to understand, as long as I stay in the campus(lol). Switzerland is 3rd because one of the two universities requires me to take French level 3, which is also the end of the Beginner level. The other doesn't, but I've only taken French and German level 1. Seriously, just because they claim that that isn't necessary doesn't mean I won't need to improve my German and French before going there. I'll definitely need them when I go travelling during the vacations.

But after dreaming a dream, one must always wake up. One of the selection criterias is the academic performance. Mine's shit. As for the interview and CCA records, the fact that I'm in the exco of my Toastmasters Club should solve those two. Ah, I'll just apply during sem 2 this year for this attachment program in next year sem 1, and see what happens.

There goes my dream of going overseas for 1 whole year by combining this with overseas industrial attachment. Didn't know until the talk on this program during this afternoon that I can only take elective modules when I'm overseas. Bleh. Some guy I know is doing this and now I know he must have been overloading like crazy. Enough modules to skip one whole semester of school. How the fuck did he do it? Did they allow him to take year 3 core modules when he was in year 2? Holy cow...

And the very worst thing is, I've already fulfilled my requirements for Unrestricted Electives. If I go, I'll be doing extra modules just for the sake of going there. Perhaps I should consider the overseas industrial attachment program instead...

I cannot find any Italian sweet sausage anywhere! I guess I'll need to improvise. I've got everything but that to use this recipe. Just need to buy some beef and onions and tomato paste tomorrow.

Disciples 2 has such great music, especially its battle themes. I look forward to fighting my enemies just to be able to hear them. LOL! So far I've completed about 3 levels in the Elven campaign. The story is kind of cliche because all those troubles were caused by one guy who's just too stupid and rash to listen to sensible commands, and attacked the humans during negotiations. It is obvious their god, Gallean, has gone mad, and how this is going to turn out is what drives me to play. I just want to know what they'll do when they finally admit that they've been listening to seriously bad advice. Maybe all the wild elves will die.

The original game is good, but the expansions were not that well designed. The one thing that really shows that is the Elven units that are available. Obviously several things are missing in their tech trees. Hell, the melee unit's only got 3 possible upgrades. Wtf man? 3 upgrades occupying 2 branches total is not a complete tech tree.

Damn whatever their reasons were for releasing such bullshit.

At least they hired a great composer.

Sexism was once a bad thing. Women were considered inferior to men then, so treating them bad is like rubbing salt on the wound. But now, I believe sexism is just a natural urge to balance things. Men and women are generally equal on most things that have to do with work. No doubt certain trades still have a glass ceiling for women, but on the whole, women are no worse than men these days in their work.

So what's to offset sexism? The fact that men want pussys more than women want penises. All that being nice to someone you will never understand, treating her well and all those additional problems that comes with a relationship, they are just for one thing. Sex. Everything else is just an additional bonus. Yes, love may be involved, but love is but a fleeting dream these days while sex is something you will never stop desiring.

How many couple out there are in love but unable to have sex? Almost none, because such relationships rely on pure love so much only true love can support that.

Yet how many people out there just want sex? Need I say more?

I will never understand how people can breakup after decades of love. All their deepest secrets must have been shared with each other. I cannot stand someone who isn't close to me knowing mine. Everyone has secrets. It's something that makes us human. But I prefer to keep what is mine, mine. Perhaps I will keep my secrets to myself till the day I die, and let them die with me. Doesn't hurt anyone.

Which is one reason why every person's life story is so epic. There are just so many intersting things that happen to everyone. I believe this is pretty obvious to those interested in celebrity gossips. They are just people, yet their lives seem to be so damn interesting that people will risk getting beaten up or shot to take a few photos of their daily activities.

What is the difference between a female celebrity having sex and the hot girl next door doing the same? Seeing both will give you the same huge erection. Yet why the fuss when secret sex vids get leaked? It's their personal lives and that's what makes it so interesting. Also explains why reality TV is popular.

I believe this is why the Paris Hilton vids were such a phenomenon. Her videos were crap and so's her looks. But despite all that, those vids made her famous. People want to know about the lives of other people. The lives of others are always interesting. Few lives are ever uneventful. Every once in a while, something significant must happen in everyone's life.

Once I had hoped that my life could be a completely flat line. Nothing good nor bad happens. But I have long since given up on that. Life just doesn't allow itself to be go straight; it has to have ups and downs. I'm willing to pay the price of having no downs, which is to have no ups, but just because I'm willing doesn't mean it'll happen.

Need to sleep.

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