Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Rant 090 / Why Pay Good Money To Detox Your Body? Just Eat Spoilt Food!

A fantastic in which nothing happened. Life is good when nothing happens. At least nothing that I don't want to happen didn't happen. What's wrong with a life that lacks that special spark? Nothing. You're just greedy wishing for more.

Sometimes I wonder why people wish for an exciting life. Can they handle the price? Or have they ever thought about it? I believe not. I mean, if they had they wouldn't be wishing for it. Like climbing Mount Everest, the chance of a lifetime. One of the greatest honors a person can have in life. Until one starts thinking about why it is such a feat to reach the summit. The countless unmarked graves in the area may be a clue.

Would the goal be worth the price? Is reaching the summit worth the risks? It may be so for some, but not everyone.

Boredom is a reason. The lack of interesting activities can drive one to do things that one wouldn't dream of doing in other circumstances. Kind of like love, drugs and cash.

Excellent weather right now at 4.30am. Windy and sunless. If only it can be the same in the day everyday. I'm allergic to the local climate.

What can one expect from another year of academic work? What is life?

On the bus, I took a seat on the first storey of the double decker. Two girls, also from NTU, were standing in front of me. The seat was one of those that line the sides of the bus. Opposite of me were my friends, but there was no seat for me over there. I saw the seat that I eventually took at the wrong side, and with the weight of my laptop pulling on my shoulder, I sat down.

At one stop, one guy who sat next to my group of friends alighted, together with the person sitting next to me. The two young ladies then started telling each other to take the sit next to me, not seeing the one behind them(they were facing me). I didn't see the empty seat opposite of me either, until a friend pointed at it to me. And while I was waiting for the bus to stop, they started to play "Scissors, Paper, Stone" to decide who sits down next to me.

It seemed ludicrous to me. It was just a seat, and they weren't even carrying anything. So just when they were going to conclude their important decision-making process, I smiled and asked them both to take my seat and the one next to it, while I move to the opposite side next to my gang.

One of my friends said I was a "gentleman". The girls laughed quite a bit and sit down. I was not actually amused, but I smiled politely. I am not a nice person, but I was the most logical person in that situation.

Putting myself in their shoes, if a friend and I were telling each other to take that one seat, I'd not argue and just take it. By the time we finished deciding, we may already have reached out stop. What's the point of putting in effort to decide small, insignificant things?

It is like holding a debate to argue whether a pencil you are going to sell should be priced at $0.55 or $0.54. Useless chatter.

Or is that what makes me less talkative?

I believe in logic, but I am an illogical person. Am I a hypocrite?

How does modern democracy differ from hypocrisy?

Who cares?

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