Friday, 4 January 2008

Rant 086 / Girlfriends Are For Lozers Who Can't Download Pr0n!

Miracles of miracles! I can actually play Natural Selection in campus!! Well, only for a few hours a day, but as people start to waste bandwidth surfing their pointless websites during their free time I will not get to play again. In hall, at least. But there's no hurry! I have planned my schedule in such a way that I have every alternate Friday FREE!! Together with the fact that my first lesson of the week falls on Monday AFTERNOON, it is going to be a great semester... theoretically.

But as long as the ping doesn't hit 600, I can still play as the builder and camp in base lol.

But it is so hard to get the right electives!!! Right now I want to take 3 electives, but I can only confirm 1. I have successfully got 2, but Digital Lifestyles is really about the technical stuff of everyday electronic devices. Fuck that! I want something that's quite simple, like Cyber Security. But right now it's full. Patience is a virtue, in this case. I have up to 20th Jan to wait. Patience.

I have given up on Simcity Societies. It sucks balls. I have just removed it from my laptop. Even removing it was troublesome. It took just about forever to "retrieve necessary information", and made me worry that it had crashed. EA can go screw itself. Everything EA buys, it ruins. Heroes of Might and Magic, Command and Conquer, SimCity. Why doesn't EA get sued the hell out of it like Microsoft does? There is no justice in life, apparently.

So now I'm installing HOMMV with both expansions. New races, 1 in each expansion! Weeee!

My clock tells me I need to sleep. My mind tells me I need to sleep. The construction yard outside my window tells me I better sleep. But I can't sleep. I keep thinking about things. Many things. Things like what I can use as the topic for my next speech in Toastmasters. Things like how I'm going to handle Maths 2 this sem. Things like how EA should suck my balls. I have difficulty sleeping. And it seems my roommate is some sort of robot and doesn't sleep. He can mug all day, chat all evening, play all night and next morning he has lessons at 8.30am. I need pills.

I was reading this article on these 2 time capsules buried 60 years ago in New York, and are supposed to be opened in 5000 years time. Yes, they are to be opened in 6939! Holy cow! The metals used in each are supposed to withstand 5000 years of corrosion. In it are items from that time, microfilms containing a whole bunch of useless things and messages from lot's of people including Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and R0bert Milikan.

Their messages are available in the article in Wikipedia, and they did write them expecting the readers to be living in the year 6939 CE. This feels to me like a outstandingly romantic idea. It is completely motivated by the heart, not the mind. There is no reason for the capsules' existence other than emotional reasons, like the expectations of great emotions when the people in the future finds it, or that the sponsors wanted to be remembered for as long as they can make the capsules last. There is no practical reason for spending money on this, for the people who built them.

This is a classic case of "I'm spending truckloads of money just because I feel like it."

Some people are just too rich. I should set up a charity fund for these people. A charity fund that benefits people who waste time blogging about how people are just too rich.

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