Trivia 01 : 99.9% of all mothers in this world are female.
A : I've got 6 penises and 12 balls in my pants.
B : Tell those 6 guys to go away.
Night time is the best time to do everything. It is quiet. One can do anything in peace. Well, anything except group activities that have nothing to do with sex. But then, we, pure and innocent souls blessed by everything that is holy, are not interested in group sexual activities, are we? Of course not. Even though sex is holy. Even though we are born to reproduce. Even though everyone wants sex these days, we do not want such filthy things. Yeah, it would be unforgivable...yeah....
Do you know what Jesus Juice is?
Excerpt from the article "Goa Tse" in
"Goa Tse (Pinyin: Goatze, Wade Giles: Koa Ze) was a Taoist monk in the line of Chuang Tse (Tzu), active in the Chinese province of Yughease around 455 BC. Famous for writing an early I Ching lecture book, Goa Tse was to become a key figure within Chinese philosophical thinking, and although many of the tales surrounding him are more mythological than historical, a number of facts about his life have survived."
This is the sacred symbol of Goa Tse.
For those who get it, have a good laugh. For those who don't, too bad.
I still can't get out of my mind the stuff the Minister of Education of Taiwan(or whatever they call him there) did last month. San1 Zi1 Xiao3 Zhu1 is an idiom.... ROFLMFAO!!! Then after that he says that studying idioms is wrong. Idioms are a symptom of the degradation of the Chinese language. Or something like that. Repeat after me: R-O-F-L-M-F-A-O-!-!-!-!-! This is so incredible. This, said by a Minister of Education. From a country that is sometimes considered as part of China. I just can't get it out of my mind. You've got to hand it to him, man. He's got guts! Maybe some years later, their Minister of Health or whatever it is they call him there will encourage people to smoke cocaine instead of cigarettes because cocaine doesn't cause cancer the way tobacco does... "Cocaine contains virtually no nicotine, therefore there is no carcinogen in cocaine. This makes smoking cocaine the healthier choice. Be smart. Smoke coke. Even Bush did it." Hearing this from the Minister will really make my day.. LMFAO!!!
The fact is, there is no need to follow the crowd.
The fact is, there is no perfect government.
The fact is, there is no Prince Charming.
The fact is, there is no such as thing as being fearless.
The fact is, there is no way you can leave this Universe.
The fact is, there is no infinity in the real world.
The fact is, there is no spoon.
The fact is, there is no truth that you cannot twist into a lie.
The fact is, there is no lie that cannot be changed into truth.
The fact is, there is no way to truly tell if a person is lying.
The fact is, there is no way you can lie to others without lying to yourself first.
The fact is, there is no difference between a glass that is half empty and a broken glass.
The fact is, there is no need for war if there is no greed.
The fact is, there is no life if there is no greed.
The fact is, there is no money if there is no greed.
The fact is, there is no way you improve yourself if you do not first admit that you have a problem.
The fact is, there is no Private Ryan.
The fact is, there is no spoon.
The fact is, there is no Secret of Monkey Island.
The fact is, there is no entertainment for you if you keep asking for it from the same guy.
The fact is, there is no use crying over spilt milk.
The fact is, there is no way someone can have more balls than the average guy on the streets.
The fact is, there is no difference between chinese rap and english xiang4 sheng1.
The fact is, there is no reason that is good enough to justify the murder of anyone, except those who have terminal illnesses.
The fact is, there is no free lunch.
The fact is, there is no free sex.
The fact is, there is no abortion, only murder.
The fact is, there is no way you'd believe all these were created by me.
The fact is, there is no need for you to.
The fact is, there is no point for me to prove it.
The fact is, there is no perfect soul.
The fact is, there is no Santa.
The fact is, there is no community of wise old elves in any ancient forests.
The fact is, there is no freedom in a country where many streets have surveillance cameras 24/7.
The fact is, there is no freedom when living in a densely populated place.
The fact is, there is no need for freedom.
The fact is, there is no distinction between giving a blowjob and licking a toilet bowl.
The fact is, there is no distinction between getting a blowjob and sticking your penis in a warm wet hole with teeth.
The fact is, there is no need to tell complete lies.
The fact is, there is no spoon.
The fact is, there is no need to read all these.
The fact is, there is no reason why the Tooth Fairy would want cold, dead teeth with bits of your gums still attached to it.
The fact is, there is no such thing as being busy.
The fact is, there is no end to this if I wish it to go on.
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