If the Matrix is real and everyone is really living in a pod, doesn't it mean I've been soaking in my own piss for the past 21 years?
The gateway used for Travelling in the Wheel of Time series must be an incredibly dangerous phenomenon. It is a "hole through the fabric of reality" that one person can just step through to go to anywhere in the world. Since it cuts through anything with an obscene amount of precision when it opens, it makes sense that the edge of this gateway is infinitely sharp. This is because time and reality can be sliced into infinitely precise moments.
Think of reality as a roll of film, and time is the time that is used to "play" the film. The gateway would be like pasting two frames together and cutting a hole through. And the frames "played" in each moment encompasses all possible parts of reality of that moment. Meaning that there are more than one reel of film, and all of them are playing at the same time, or (a more direct but harder to understand view) that all frames are really one infinite-sized film, and yet are also an infinite number of frames( because no one view can encompass all angles). Btw that's also caused by the fact that infinity is a paradox by itself. There are infinite number of frames each moment because all of them have to contain all parts of reality from every single angle possible.
Back to the gateway, since each frame would be infinitely thin, pasting both together would make the thickness of the 2 frames still infinitely thing, and sharp. Infinite sharpness would be cutting through anything, even through sub-atomic particles, EVEN CUTTING THROUGH PHOTONS!
What would that imply?
Once it opens, it should immediately start nuclear reactions because air molecules and light would already be getting sliced the moment it opens. A number of free sub-atomic particles will be roaming about. And what would happen when electrons and even photons are cut into pieces? Yes they will be cut as easily as just by colliding into the edge of the gateway.
The actual implicatons are hard to imagine. To me at least.
One more thing: the space where the gateway occupies(albeit the impossibly thin amount of it) is also where 2 moments of reality exist at the same time.
Therefore Travelling is an impossibility no matter how far Physics can go in the future.
My view of the idea of infinity as a paradox is that it is, at the same time, both a number (that cannot exist) and a range of numbers(that also cannot exist) that contains the forementioned number.
Numbers are infinitely precise too! No drawn/printed point on any scale can be totally correct when it means a number. Even a tiny dot u poke on a graph chart, with the ranges as small as u can possible fathom, will not be totally precise. Instead it can only be a rough estimate of the position of the number in question, and within the diameter of the dot are the range of values u are including in your answer. Of course, usually the difference is negligible, but what i'm saying is that is technically not completely correct.
One implication here is that numbers do not exist, and yet they do. They cannot exist because they are "infinitely precise" and infinity cannot exist. But they do exist. Just count your fingers and see!
There is no "good" and "bad" in the sense that good is what should be embraced by all particles of the Universe and "bad" doesn't belong anywhere. No, such is an idea to simplify life, created by smart guys before and embraced by all humanity to make life easier.
Good and Bad are really one and the same. But in most minds, Good is symbolised by one giving another person stuff that the person wants, and Bad is symbolised by one losing one's stuff to another involuntarily. The "stuff" here encompasses anything a living creature may possibly want. Money, privacy, relations, material belongings, etc.
But the truth is, whenever one loses something, someone always gains something. It may even be the person who lost whatever was lost.
The phrase "something for nothing" is as possible as infinity itself.
Another way to see it is that something that is good for someone may be bad to another. And vice versa. I think it's easier to understand it this way.
To summarise, Good and Bad are really just an idea, not a truth of life.
Nothing is black and white, precisely because they don't exist! Everything is really gray!
Time to end the rant. I know I have no proof and such but everything is derived from logic. No research was done and if anything here is printed somewhere(that is one insane hope though), I did not rip it from anywhere. That would really be pointless. In any case, all these may also seem very shallow to some. I have no idea.
Logic isn't everything, but sometimes, it helps.
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