Why blog?
Why bother to make what used to be your private thoughts known to anyone who cares/ accidentally came to the web page thinking it a chance to know his/her dream life partner?
There must a kind of attraction to telling people your beliefs and showing others how your mind works.
I do agree that for one to find someone who thinks like oneself is a joy. Therefore according to my logic, bloggers are waiting for someone who thinks like them to show up and respond. Kind of like fishing.
What I do not agree with this idea is to know someone who thinks just like oneself. It would be wrong to know someone who thinks exactly like you. There are things that one always wishes to hide from oneself. Everyone has a secret. Or more than one anyway. Everyone has something he/she wishes to forget/ignore about him/herself. To know someone exactly like you will remind you of everything you are, good or bad. This would be wrong. It is only natural that everyone is both good and bad. If one is to know exactly who one is, one would be able to change oneself till one is perfectly good or bad. That would be most unnatural. Of course, there are many who are perfectly confident of themselves, thinking themselves already perfect, or very near it. But that is only because they do not remind themselves of what they are. They do not reflect, enough, of everything that they have ever done. They do not see deeply enough who they really are. What they see, though, is an image of themselves that they wish to see. That is normal. People tend to see only what they want to see. What they do not wish to see is blasphemy.
I am, in no way, implying that I am perfectly aware of myself and my deeds. No one is perfect.
But how many people really do reflect on their actions and change what they find wrong in themselves? How many people actually remember significant deeds they have done at all and think about the consequences? How many people make the same mistakes twice even though they have ages to think about it since the last time they make that exact mistakes?
Of course I make mistakes more than once. Not many people can remember every single thing they have ever done.
Yes, that is the basic element for the process of mistake making. No one can avoid this trap. If one was to make not a single excuse and do everything as should be done, 24 hours a day would not be enough.
That is precisely how the world works. Everything is both good and bad. Name one thing you find is totally good/bad and I'll name you one thing that does not exist. Either that or you're wrong. Unless you believe in one religion or another. That would be a story for another time.
To achieve something that is perceived as good, one has to abandon something that is equally good, embrace something that is bad to the same degree, or abandon something good and embrace something bad such that the sum of their values is the same as what one is getting. Something for something, nothing for nothing.
If one is to think on the above paragraph enough, one will realize that according to the value, one can never gain anything more than what one ever had. The price is never the exact same thing(s) for anything for any two person, but what is gained in the end is worth exactly what one spent to get it.
For example, the Holocaust may be considered as a "price". What was paid is too much to describe. But what is gained is the collective agreement that such a thing should never occur again. What is also gained is a greater aversion to bloodshed in anyone who understood what the Holocaust is. A greater collective conscience of humanity. The greater the price, the greater than gain.
This is so shallow. A piece of nonsense typed by an ill-informed person. And such an abrupt end. Simply horrible.
I love to divert.
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Dear Ritsuki Nohara (Japanese name bestowed on request of the author)
ReplyDeleteThe first few lines caused an epiphany which I banished after the first para and even though I wish to express it, I shall not for fear of being judged as:
a) a shallow bimbo.
b) not having understood the author's text/intent
c) an intolerable stalker
d) all of the above.
I do, however find you witty, mature and amusing. The post taking on a slightly philosophical tone which I admired and all in all, a fun beginning.
You, sir have a great thought process.
Katana Mitsubishi.
P.S. I would like to have your babies but cyber sex is not really high on my bucket list right now. Until then, Sayonara.