Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Rant 013 / Sight is the most important sense of all, because without it you cannot tell if its a girl or a fag with a high-pitched voice

Never judge another's grains with your own bushel.

Translation: Your own standards are not accurate when it comes to the actions not of your own.

This is entirely logical. No two person can think completely alike. Therefore the same action can be done by 50 different people for 100 different reasons. Precisely why "there is the truth, and there is the truth." There is the truth that you perceive, and there is the truth that really is the ultimate truth. And (Surprise!) it is the truth that one perceives that matters the most. What really happened, what really is, does not truly matter. Just think of the legal system. We rely of proof, and witnesses to guess what happened. There is NO way we can actually see what really happened, unless we were there. Proof only provides clues. Witnesses cannot be always honest. Thus people are judged by the perceived truths. This is inevitable, but this is not entirely correct. We have no choice, but no one should care if it is wrong. "Truth is perception", as said by someone in the Sword of Truth series.

But to judge someone using your own standards can be fatal to your interpersonal relationships. Euthanasia can be seen as murder, or mercy. If a friend of yours has euthanized someone, would you see him as a killer, or the kindest soul you've met? If you can adjust your standards to as similar to that friend's as you possibly can, you will see him as the latter. You can either try to understand his pains to alleviate a person's useless pain, or you can try to hate him for killing an innocent life. Both ways, you can only see the perceived truth, but only one way is the right way to judge the person.

To change your standards to suit another person's, you must first understand that person. This is a very hard thing to do, but observation is the key. A quiet person sees the most, but silence doesn't really do shit. Talking is another way to observe. Ultimately, it is really useless to do this for a stranger. It takes too much time.

Democracy is a farce when it is used by a society that is at least large enough to be referred to as a city. To let the people vote is ridiculous in a society of such scales. Before voting for a leader, one is supposed to know who one is voting for. One must vote for the person in that society who wants to lead, and is the most suitable to lead them. This is one critical point that is being ignored. People do not truly know who they are voting for. All they know the leader is entirely from the country's media. Do not imagine for one second that any government has no hand in the media of their country. When it comes to an important event as this, where democracy is proving to be still in existence in that country, no government can let the process go uncontrolled. And even before that, the candidates are "filtered" by government officials. It is good to know that no one we vote for has any serious criminal records. But there is no way to know anything deeper than that.

Even for a town-sized society, people barely know everyone else. They may be able to recognize some faces, gossiped about the others, but that is as far as it goes when it comes to recognition. But at least, most people in such a society may know someone who knows someone who knows the person being voted for.

The smaller the society, the better democracy works. This is unavoidable. Democracy requires the people to trust in the leader who wins the election. How can people trust someone they know only from the papers??! Hell, there is probably just barely 7 degrees between anyone in the country and the leader. In a democratic society, we trust someone who is a total stranger to us!

The fact is that democracy requires more efforts than is being spent by most governments of the world. They know that people can be "tuned to the right frequency" with an education system that is controlled by them. To hear something being repeated over and over again for years is a form of brain-wash. Therefore with this shortcut they can minimize the efforts they need to maintain this mockery of democracy, and maximize revenues. This world is being dominated by people who exploits the ignorance of billions of people. Singapore may be seen as trying to do something about this by introducing the idea of "grassroot leaders", representatives of the government who interacts with the general population regularly. This is not enough. The only way for the people to have complete trust in the government, to make an indestructible bond between the leaders and the people is to emulate some useful ideas in the leadership system in the military. They have to go deeper into the population, to the basic units of the society. Just like in the army, several men form a section, with a section leader to tell them where to go. Among section leaders, there is a platoon leader. And so on. So it must be for the society as a whole. Every family should have a representative, who in turn chooses a leader for each street, or road, who in turn votes for a leader of that "zone". These "zone leaders" should then choose their own leaders for the town/city and so on. People will trust in whoever they choose to represent their families, and trust their opinions. And this chain will apply to the whole process all the way to the top.

Only with this method can the people have complete trust in the leadership of their government. Thus can peace be maintained indefinitely, and maybe even permanently. It may sound ludicrous to some, but in chaotic times like this, even dry straws on the side of the cliff is hope for the falling man.

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Rant 012 / "Leadership qualities are practically oozing out of me! Look, even my fart smells of Leadership!"

When you're in a French restaurant, don't order a "quickie". Quiche is pronounced as "keesh". Unless, of course, you are interested in a short but intimate relationship with vegetables, seafood or meat.

Hillary may be the next U.S. President. Blue shirt, anyone?

To want!

Desire is not a sin! It is what makes us us!

Hopes and wishes are all formed from desire. To hope for nothing, to wish for nothing, to want nothing, is to be nothing. Even a unicellular organism desires to live. It is inborn, a gift for the strong, a curse for the weak. But to ignore it, one is to be unnatural.


Ever wondered why some people always seem indecisive when asked what they want, yet when they are given something, they suddenly become as decisive as anyone else, in such a way they reject what is given because it "is not what I want".

To answer such a question with such an answer as "anything" is spouting nonsense. The fact is that the person who is answering really knows what is wanted, but feels it hard to admit the truth, for one reason or another. It may be because the truth is absurd, or the answerer's honest reply is in conflict with what the person wants to be seen as.

In short, there is a lack of guts to face the truth, to admit the truth.




If you want to eat "anything", there's food floating in my toilet. No, I know what you mean. "Anything" here would mean "anything edible". The ketchup's free. Enjoy.

The thing I hate about such people is not because they answer with such an indecisiveness. What I dislike is when they reject what is given in the end. "Anything" does mean anything.
If there is something not wanted, tell us what is wanted then. Few of us are psychics. Those who are, wouldn't be here serving you anyway.

Indecisiveness is understandable. When overwhelmed with a large amount of choices, the mind cannot accommodate so many new things and become confused. But come on, just choose something, at random if you cannot decide on anything. Choosing something you do not like by mistake is better than rejecting what others chose for you. If anyone else can know you better than yourself, you're pretty much a failure. The fact is, no one but your parents, siblings and lover can know you as well as yourself. No one else really cares about you like this group of people. Therefore, do not expect anyone to know what to decide for you when you cannot decide for yourself!

If the worst comes, and you cannot allow yourself to choose even randomly, accept what is decided in the end. It is never their fault for the wrong choice. You were the one who cannot express what you desire. You were the one who let others choose what is good for you. If you are unable to bring yourself to accept the decision made by them, you should have said something more than just "anything".

This applies to all facets of life. Whether it is something as small as a meal, or something far more important like marriage, a decision you gave to others to decide must be accepted by you, good or bad. It is only logical.

Calmness is always necessary to argue the right way. Anger can lead to incoherence, in speech and in thought. Precisely why I don't argue. I get pissed easily, especially when I find that the other guy is arguing for the sake of arguing. Many people do that when I burst their ego bubble. Argument is healthy as a form of hobby (lol) but it is absolutely useless when it comes to important decisions that require a fast response. Like a rescue mission. You can argue about the whether or not the person is worth risking the volunteers' lives, or you can argue the best method to rescue that person. In the end, you are just indirectly trying to kill that poor guy.

If unable to decide, and time is running out, choose anything. If a wrong choice is made, you may just be able decide on the right one quickly next time. Take that mistake as a lesson. And don't fuck around with others just because you suck.

Saturday, 27 January 2007

Rant 011 / Bingaling Bongolong Bangalang Bungulung! BANG!

At the absolute zero temperature, time stops.
So is the transfer of energy really time?
Or is it just somehow proportionate to time?
Does this mean time is NOT an independent dimension, but a dimension that's completely dependent on every other dimensions?

This is where confusion occurs for the unlearned.

/script confusion

Life has no one meaning. It has infinite meanings and it is up to the living to decide what it means for them to live. But thinking is the world's toughest job, therefore having a religion makes things way easier. A religion is able to tell you why you live and how to live. It is like a pillar to rest on for those who do not wish to see the endless wilderness ahead. It is not a form of deception, just a guiding light for the ones who wants help. But the living is not limited to the choices offered by religions. Not all religions are good, or helpful. Some religions focus on the dead and thus believers live for the dead. That is wrong. It is a distortion of what should be respect for the dead. To respect the dead is not to worship the dead, and the dead do not belong in this world anyway.

People can form their own purpose for living. It may not be to help others, it may not even be beneficial to the society, but all is necessary. Not everyone can be good. Not everyone should think alike. A world that consists only of people who are good and think alike is not Utopia. It is a warped idea thought up by people who have been scarred for life by inhuman acts.

Ever noticed that in all the food chains and cycles you have ever seen so far in your life, humans are never a necessary part in any of them? Ever noticed that if humans are extinct, none of the naturally occuring food chains will be disrupted to the point of destruction? So, what are we here for?

Ironically, despite the fact we are not necessary, we are also the only species that can save our environment. The Earth doesn't need us, but it does. But then, if we were not here in the first place it wouldn't need saving, now would it?

Therefore, what is the purpose of humanity?If you believe in one religion or another, this question would be easier than 1+1. See now how necessary religions are for those who wants to stop wondering about this? For the non-believers, there is a purpose. Just because you cannot see it, feel it, or understand it doesn't make it non-existent. You cannot see, feel or understand some countries on the other side of the globe, but they are there, aren't they? Yes, it can also mean that they aren't there, just like the belief that the moon-landing by Neil Armstrong was done in Hollywood. But it does feel better to believe that we have a purpose. To live a life when one does not see one's own purpose is to live a very empty life.

The thing is, the world can take whatever purpose you give yourself. Good or bad, the world will absorb any impact you made and move on. Nothing has proven that even the whole-hearted actions of an entire race can destroy our world. So far, the event with the biggest impact by our entire race was World War 2, if not our global warming. We are still here, and we will always be around. Humans can adapt with amazing speed, compared to any other primates. Yes, it doesn't mean that we are invulnerable to anything, but for such events to occur, it will not be of our doing. Or at least not completely. If you sincerely believe humanity is weak and easily destroyed, you have watched too much TV.

So do anything you want! Set any purpose you want to set. Kill yourself, by all means. It will benefit those who knew you, for they will learn not to be so frivolous with their purpose in life. And in turn, fewer people will do the same as you. Think of how many lives you can save if you have thousands of friends. But of course, there are those who won't learn, and those who cannot control their emotions sufficiently. The world will move on, with or without them.

So yes! No longer should you see life as finding your way through darkness, in need of a light of guidance. Think of life as a sandbox. Everything is malleable. Everything can be shaped as you will, as long as you have enough will. The world is your playground. Stop whining and start building. You can choose to burrow into a hole and never look into the Sun, or you can build the tallest tower and let the rest look up your shorts/skirts. It is all up to you. The world will move on, nonetheless.
Understand this: Utopia doesn't exist in the afterlife. It exists here and now. This is perfection.

Friday, 26 January 2007

Rant 010 / A Dickhead is where the real brain of a man resides


A sin. A natural phenomenon. A necessity in Man.

It may or may not be any any( or even all) of them. But I see Lust as is a burden.

Sex is the omnipotent solution for any problems in guys. Generally, men see sex as the goal in life. In fact, I have heard some guys saying that everything a guy does, always lead to sex. Which is what inspired me to make up the saying, " All roads lead to sex."
And it is true! At least for non-celibates. A general description of the life of a guy would be: birth, play rougher games than girls, study, girlfriends, more study, work, marriage, kids, death.

Birth. Look at it this way: U cry, and tits get pushed into your face.

Then you start playing soccer, baseball etc. An inborn urge to get fitter. Someday later u will find that useful in attracting girls.

Study. U try to be the best. Why? To get a better pay! Why? Better future! Why? Better sex.

Girlfriends. The word speaks for itself.

More study! College. Sex, study and sex all day long.

Work. Pay. Promotion. CEO. Supermodel wife.

Marriage. Mistresses.

Kids. Oh never mind that..

Death. End.

See? Everything a guy does, eventually leads to sex! If my summary isn't satisfying enough, just think on your life and everything you have been doing.

Enough with this. Time to go back to Lust.

Some women wish they were born men. Some women were born men. The former group doesn't understand what they're wishing for. The latter are smart. Being a woman without having periods must be comfortable.
Lust is like a film over a man's eyes. When a man is horny, or haven't been sexually satisfied for some time, he sees the world differently. Thoughts gradually become more inclined to sexual desires, women gradually grow hotter and eventually they will do anything for sex. When a guy hasn't had sex or masturbated for a long enough time, anything looks hot! And when he's done, it is as if he wakes up from a trance and wonders: How the heck did it/she look so sexy just now?? It is sad, but if you are a guy, you would know.
And because of this, men cannot think properly if they do not satisfy themselves regularly. Regularly can mean any amount of time to different guys. Some need it monthly, some weekly and some even daily. But the result is the same: they would do anything if they are horny enough. And whatever they do, they might not have done if their minds were clear.
Therefore it is a burden. A mental problem, and a serious one at that. It is incurable, other than by castration. But the temporary cure is pure euphoria, an ultimate happiness that cannot be found elsewhere.
The price is not worth it though. To live in this world but not be able to think clearly all the time is just horrible. Lust would make a man agree to anything when he is horny enough. But castration is just evil. Women think that their periods and the pain and such that comes with it is the greatest burden, making women deserve a better treatment than men. I think, men got the worse deal. To choose between a mental burden or a physical burden, I think the physical would be the lesser evil.
But we do not have a choice. We are born who we are and we shall be who we will be. A sex-change does solve some problems, but it brings about even worse problems. I would say daily masturbation/intercourse would be the best solution to this because it will reduce men's lust to the absolute minimum. There are studies that claim that this is not healthy, which would make sense. Men are made to help reproduce, but they aren't born sex machines. Just sperm dispensers.
However it may seem, men generally aren't the better thinkers. Lust is an incredible obstacle in men and unless one can remove it, it is better to leave the decisions to the female partner. Not that I'm saying that men aren't capable of better logic, but not all men can get rid of their lust whenever they want. Unlike women.

Gah! It sounds as if I'm whining halfway through the rant! But what's wrong with a little whining once in a while?

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Rant 009 / Sheeps! I despise sheeps! Except the edible ones!


Maturity is overrated!

People listen to this person talk, and think: what an immature guy!

This is wrong.

Never judge others with your own scales.

Instead, try to understand this person and adjust your scale accordingly.

But it's your life!

Who should care about what you do besides yourself?

Who should judge your actions besides yourself?

Who should tell you how to live your life besides yourself?

No one!

To listen to others, to follow their instructions, to do what others do.

Do you just want to live their lives?

Do you just want to be "them"?

Are you "them"?


You are "you"!

You are who you are, no less!

But maybe more.

You live your own life, not follow what everyone else is doing!

Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't make it right!

Just because everyone else believes in something doesn't make it real!

Millions of people around the world believe in Santa!

Millions of people around the world believe in Elves!

But are they real?

That is precisely why one should hear what others say, but take their advices with a pinch of salt!

Life has infinite angles.

But no one angle fits all.

Everyone should strive to find themselves the right role, and the right way!

The right way for one isn't always the right way for another!

You are who you are and you will never be who they are!

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Rant 008 / Life has infinite angles

If the Matrix is real and everyone is really living in a pod, doesn't it mean I've been soaking in my own piss for the past 21 years?

The gateway used for Travelling in the Wheel of Time series must be an incredibly dangerous phenomenon. It is a "hole through the fabric of reality" that one person can just step through to go to anywhere in the world. Since it cuts through anything with an obscene amount of precision when it opens, it makes sense that the edge of this gateway is infinitely sharp. This is because time and reality can be sliced into infinitely precise moments.
Think of reality as a roll of film, and time is the time that is used to "play" the film. The gateway would be like pasting two frames together and cutting a hole through. And the frames "played" in each moment encompasses all possible parts of reality of that moment. Meaning that there are more than one reel of film, and all of them are playing at the same time, or (a more direct but harder to understand view) that all frames are really one infinite-sized film, and yet are also an infinite number of frames( because no one view can encompass all angles). Btw that's also caused by the fact that infinity is a paradox by itself. There are infinite number of frames each moment because all of them have to contain all parts of reality from every single angle possible.
Back to the gateway, since each frame would be infinitely thin, pasting both together would make the thickness of the 2 frames still infinitely thing, and sharp. Infinite sharpness would be cutting through anything, even through sub-atomic particles, EVEN CUTTING THROUGH PHOTONS!
What would that imply?
Once it opens, it should immediately start nuclear reactions because air molecules and light would already be getting sliced the moment it opens. A number of free sub-atomic particles will be roaming about. And what would happen when electrons and even photons are cut into pieces? Yes they will be cut as easily as just by colliding into the edge of the gateway.
The actual implicatons are hard to imagine. To me at least.
One more thing: the space where the gateway occupies(albeit the impossibly thin amount of it) is also where 2 moments of reality exist at the same time.
Therefore Travelling is an impossibility no matter how far Physics can go in the future.

My view of the idea of infinity as a paradox is that it is, at the same time, both a number (that cannot exist) and a range of numbers(that also cannot exist) that contains the forementioned number.

Numbers are infinitely precise too! No drawn/printed point on any scale can be totally correct when it means a number. Even a tiny dot u poke on a graph chart, with the ranges as small as u can possible fathom, will not be totally precise. Instead it can only be a rough estimate of the position of the number in question, and within the diameter of the dot are the range of values u are including in your answer. Of course, usually the difference is negligible, but what i'm saying is that is technically not completely correct.
One implication here is that numbers do not exist, and yet they do. They cannot exist because they are "infinitely precise" and infinity cannot exist. But they do exist. Just count your fingers and see!

There is no "good" and "bad" in the sense that good is what should be embraced by all particles of the Universe and "bad" doesn't belong anywhere. No, such is an idea to simplify life, created by smart guys before and embraced by all humanity to make life easier.
Good and Bad are really one and the same. But in most minds, Good is symbolised by one giving another person stuff that the person wants, and Bad is symbolised by one losing one's stuff to another involuntarily. The "stuff" here encompasses anything a living creature may possibly want. Money, privacy, relations, material belongings, etc.
But the truth is, whenever one loses something, someone always gains something. It may even be the person who lost whatever was lost.
The phrase "something for nothing" is as possible as infinity itself.
Another way to see it is that something that is good for someone may be bad to another. And vice versa. I think it's easier to understand it this way.
To summarise, Good and Bad are really just an idea, not a truth of life.

Nothing is black and white, precisely because they don't exist! Everything is really gray!

Time to end the rant. I know I have no proof and such but everything is derived from logic. No research was done and if anything here is printed somewhere(that is one insane hope though), I did not rip it from anywhere. That would really be pointless. In any case, all these may also seem very shallow to some. I have no idea.

Logic isn't everything, but sometimes, it helps.

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Rant 007 / Sight is the least valuable of the 5 senses. Blind men can fuck anyone.

Stupidity is a wondrous thing. It is what makes brave men brave.

Never judge a dollar bill by it's face. A uglier face doesn't make it worth less.

Cosmetic surgery's greatest and most horrifying side effect? Ugly babies.

There is the truth, and there is the truth.

Male mouths and female mouths are of different shapes. Penises fit in most female mouths but not most male mouths.

Never download pron. Pron makes hands smelly.

Nubtards are not smart and they are not pro.

This aint no rant! tis jus a list! wth!

Humour requires at least one of these 2 things:
1) A less stringent filter for your thoughts,
2) quick wits.

What is a 1? Everyone filters their thoughts. They think many things every moment but only some ever remain in their minds. The rest are discarded, forgotten. Ever had a moment when you were proven wrong in something you did, and when you look back you remembered thinking about the right choice but discarded it as impossible to be right?

A less stringent filter allows one to keep somewhat random thoughts about one's current situation that may seem funny. People laugh at things that are impossible or outrageous, and related to the present. This is how 1 works.

Another thing that humour needs is diligence. Not every joke is funny to everyone. It's usually a trial-and-error thing. The only times when you can make everyone laugh is when when you know them well enough to deduce what they will all laugh at. Keep trying and surely someone will laugh at at least one of your jokes.

But humour doesn't consist of jokes only. Pranks can be funny. Comments can be funny. Many things can be funny if you put your mind to it.

Depending on what you have, you may need to abandon some types of humour. Personally I do not have a great memory. Jokes require memory. When I hear a good joke, I laugh and usually forget about it. It's tough to remember many jokes when you know not everyone you know will laugh at most of of them. One group here will laugh at these few. Another group there will laugh at those few. What is really worth remembering are, of course, jokes that most will find funny. But people often find jokes that have to do with their lives more funny. That's why your colleagues will be tickled by jokes that are related to your jobs.

In Singapore, jokes that have to do with racial differences are the most welcomed, generally. Such jokes are not told loudly for fear that others would think the joker racist. But it is not racism! Technically it is, but unless you are telling such jokes with the belief that they are not exactly wrong, you are not a racist. One does not have to believe anything about a joke to tell it. And stereotypes are funny, sometimes.

Da meaning of LIFE is in the hands of the living. Let not the dead change what the living is living for.

Confusion is in the eyes of the beholder.

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Rant 006 / Pacifist vampires keep about 28 women with them for food.

Fuck! There's a fucking place in Austria that's fucking called Fucking! This fucking link here fucking shows that there are several Fucking roads in that fucking place. A fucking look at the fucking satellite view fucking shows a fucking lot of fucking trees and fucking farmlands. A fucking good place to fucking go to for fucking people who fucking appreciate fucking natural beauty. Fuck doesn't seem so tasteful anymore after this paragraph...

Then there's also a village named Petting in Germany, another named Intercourse in the US, and Climax!
For a list of interesting names, click here.


Actually only pacifist vampires who feed an average of once a day keep 28 women.

I believe that (if it doesn't happen to us first) the generation after mine will not live with the same priorities as us. For now, we live in a world where money is THE solution, and our salvation. Its blessings will save us from the tortures of Hell and give us a place next to the heavenly throne where the $ sits. Don't lie to yourself. How much of your life is spent on getting money, or getting a way to get money? More people worship $ than anything else. $ > Earth.

But the next generation will live in a different world. Katrina was only the beginning. There is no turning back now. Hybrid cars do reduce CO2 emissions, but it is not enough. Even the famous (or infamous, depending on which country you're from) Kyoto Protocol will not stop CO2 emissions from increasing. It will delay the inevitable, nothing more. Supporters see it as the first step to saving our environment. Critics say it's a white elephant with catastrophic consequences on the economy. What supporters want is to slow the arrival of Hell on Earth while they find better technologies to boost their efforts. What critics want is to use what we can while we can and find some way to save our asses ( or our kids' asses anyway) at our present efficiency. What I think is it's too late to stop the ice from melting. We will be better off finding a way to survive what is to come. Floods, hurricanes, droughts and the rest will be arriving with a fury never before seen.
Just one very strong hurricane like Katrina can do so much damage to a country. Imagine in 50 years' time, when things like these are becoming common, what the state of the world's economy will be like. Yes, Singapore will likely not be hit by hurricanes and such, but it will not matter all that much by then. And fuck the IRs!
The thing is, radiant heat is absorbed by water at a much faster rate than ice. Ice at the 2 Poles are melting at a dangerous rate. Meaning an increasing surface area of the sea and a decreasing surface area of polar ice. Meaning heat is absorbed at an increasing rate. Meaning the polar ice caps are melting at an increasing rate. And so on. Sucks, doesn't it?
And to reinforce my point of Hell arriving on Earth, this graph here shows that for the past 650,000 years, the CO2 level in the atmosphere has never been as high as it is today. The last highest record wasn't even close to what it is today.
Nobody cares, except those who are directly affected by it. Look at the Alps! They're using enormous "blankets" for their snow-covered peaks already. Already, polar bears have been found dead in the sea. Drowned, to be exact. The generally accepted theory is that these bears were no longer able to find ice after hunting and, therefore, succumbed to exhaustion.
It is time to learn survival techniques against floods, and maybe something about agriculture. You may not be the one to use this knowledge, but someone in the near future will surely find it handy.

For more details on global warming, watch "An Inconvenient Truth", and/or click here.

RAWR! Spelling check is for noobs!

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Rant 005 / In the name of Hybrido, put down your swords and witness the truth of Obesity!

Suddenly, i have this idea of a suit i would want to get if i ever have a single-breasted 3-piece suit( or a coat, at least) custom-made for myself. No idea where it came from but it felt freakin cool.
It would be double sided. On one side it would be plain white. On the back, in black, will be the names of the 3 orders of the first hierarchy of angels: Seraphim, Cherubim and Ophanim. From top, downwards. On the each sleeve, sewn on the forearm, will be the name of a Seraphim. I'm not sure how to describe it but if circling around the sleeve is horizontal, then i want the name to be vertical. The name will be placed at where the rank would be sewed on an army uniform sleeve, facing the front, and will be "Seraphiel" on the right and "Jehoel" on the left. Also in black. In front, the following will be on the left half of the coat:

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

On the other side, it will be all blood red. As for the words, it would be black only if the words can be read without much difficulty. If black is not right, white will be used. On the back will be, from top to bottom, Luxuria, Gula, Avarita, Acedia, Ira, Invidia, Superbia. "Lucifer" on the right sleeve and "Azazel" on the left. Lining the chest pocket's opening: "Book of Mark: 3:28-29".
The 2 sides are not meant to be opposites. That would be too simple an idea.

But suits cost a lot. Custom-made suits are worse. Custom-made suits like this should hit S$2k. If not 3k.

My guess is, you're probably thinking something along the lines of " Dream on!".
Who knows? A few centuries ago, people did say things to this effect to the Wright brothers.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Rant 004 /

If you cry when you masturbate, you grip too hard.

Ok, I don't know where that came from but it sounded interesting.

I was watching an episode of "Perfect Disaster" on Discovery Channel about a "megaflood" in London when one guy mentioned that if he were to suggest an evacuation for London, and no floods came, he would be blamed. Is there not something wrong with this? I do not expect many to understand this but why is it wrong to be cautious, especially when its about 7 million lives? His predictions may be wrong but, hey, no one's prefect. If he's smart enough to be right all the time he wouldn't be slogging in that job, would he? And if he's just trying to save your life in case of a strong possibility of a disaster, what's wrong? Sure, the city may lose much in terms of profit but what's that compared to lives? A living man without money can still possibly be happy, but a dead rich man surely can't. Just look at the Beatles. Or Picasso. Being buried 6-feet under is no fun, money or no.
But of course, there are many who love money more than their lives. These are the sad souls who have lost sight of their original goals. What original goal? All people strive for happiness. How they achieve it is incredibly varied. But one common way to acquire it is through money. Money is a simple and effective solution to any lack of happiness, simply because it is very much like electricity. Electricity is the form of energy that Man has found to convert to any other forms most easily. Money, likewise, can be converted to almost anything easily: just buy it.
It is believed that money cannot buy some things, like love and immortality. This is not true. Money can buy love. This is the point when all of you will then rephrase it to "true love". This is also wrong. When something can be felt, tasted, smelled, seen and heard, is it not real? Just like in sci-fi, when a man-made humanoid can do everything a real born-from-the-womb person can, is that humanoid just a "humanoid"? Or is it a he/she then? And that's just like "true love" bought with money. If it feels like true love, the girl insists she really loves you, and there is no way you can prove that she does not, save by faking a bankruptcy, then is it not true love? And what about losing her love when you're broke? We're talking about true love that's bought here. And then this must be the point where you point out that true love cannot die, especially not from that. And then this is the point I say," Bullshit!" True love dies everyday. In every single beautiful wedding ceremony in churches, couples swear on their lives "till death do us part". And bitter divorces still occur. Ask any divorcee if they did not truly love their spouse on their wedding day, and tell me again if true love truly does not die. Therefore, what's the difference whether it's bought or not. Hell, when you're rich, you can even control how long that love affair lasts by dumping her when she gets on your nerves. Just give her some money and tell her to leave quietly. Unlike divorcing a wife who would likely try to get as much money from you as possible.
And then comes immortality. This is rather debatable. What kind of immortality would it take to satisfy you?
If it's the kind that makes you live forever in people's memories, then it's quite easy with money. A simple example is Mansa Musa, a 14th century king of the Mali Empire( ). On a hajj to Mecca, he gave away so much gold in Cairo that he caused a massive inflation that took the region's economy over a decade to recover. From Wikipedia, "According to Professor Ross E. Dunn, 'In the history of medieval West Africa no single incident has been more celebrated.'". The actual source of this can be found at the bottom of this article in the website. In fact he's remembered especially because of this hajj.
Cloning is another option. "You" will be able to live as long as you can afford cloning yourself, but with the present technologies, your memory will not live as long as "you" do. On the other hand, every single "you" will be identical genetically so it will always be "you" living. Though cloning humans is illegal, it is surprising what money can do to the right people at the right places.
So what can money not buy? Many things. The relatives you lost. The pet that died. Many things. But nothing can bring you any of them. Money is a man-made idea. Anything man-made can only be as good as Man himself, if not inferior. Therefore money can only get you things that Man himself can get.
So does that mean that the richest people in the world are also the happiest? Surprisingly, no.
To gain an obscene amount of money, you have to sacrifice or use an equal amount of something else. This is explained in a previous entry.
I talk trash. But what is trash? Are you sure this is truly trash? Are you sure this is not trash?

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Rant 003 / I do not know what I did last summer.

I was reading a thread in the forums of when i found something really astounding. This thread was discussing about the results of a recent survey on how we Natural Selection(NS) players want NS2 to be like. Things were fine when suddenly this CS fan announces that CS is more complex than NS. Worse, when a hardcore player argued that point with masses of logical points, all the CS fan did was insult him. There was nothing in his reply that could deny anything but the fact that he has played NS.
The point is, no FPS can beat NS in terms of complexity. I believe the main thing that caused its relatively small fanbase is its complexity. But it is precisely because there are so many elements in the game that makes it so fun.
Let's start off with what NS is all about. NS is a FPS that involves 2 teams, the Marines and the Kharaa. The point is to utilise the 10 resource nodes on the maps, gather resources, secure the pre-arranged hive areas and wipe out the opposite team. Most NS players love the game for its teamwork. If you have played any cooperative/team FPS like Day of Defeat, Team Fortress and such, you should know the feeling of fighting as team. Multiply that by 10 and that's the amount of teamwork NS players have and need.
The Marines is where noobs should start as. Marines start off with 3 weapons: the Light Machine Gun, the Pistol and the trusty little knife. The most unique thing about them is the lack of recoil and the obscene accuracy of the Pistol. In fact you can snipe with the Pistol. But don't get it wrong. Marines don't have it easy at all. But let's leave it for later. Marines play as a team with a commander. A player becomes a commander when he gets into the Command Chair. He then sees the map from above. He is in charge of basically how the whole team will work. He can use beacons to tell each marine where to go, what to attack, drop medpacks, ammo, structures, advanced weaponry and many other things. Non-commanding marines, other than building stuff, play in a similar style as CS. Strategic items of the marines include the mines and the catalyst, which increases the player's movement and shooting speed( as in the case of the grenade launcher).
The Kharaa(aliens) is the tough part. Where marines specialise in ranged weapons, aliens have to counter them with guile and speed. All alien players start off as skulks, and "evolve" as they get more resources. They start with 2 weapons with the 1st hive that have and most lifeforms can move much faster than the marines. Each additional hive, up to the 3rd hive allows each player 1 additonal weapon. In the case of the skulk, it has the Bite and Parasite. 2 bites can kill a marine unless the commander researches additional armour for the marines. To build structures, players have to evolve into the gorge, which is considered the backbone of the team. Advanced alien lifeforms have strategic "weapons" like the umbra, a gas-like substance that reduces the number of bullets hitting aliens standing in it, and the stomp, which stuns all marines in front of the player for 1 second.
Both teams start by fighting for and securing resource nodes which gives resources to the team that has a "resource tower" on it. Resources is need by marines to afford the structures, advanced weapons and researches, and by aliens who need it to evolve into advanced lifeforms and also building structures.
Marines require structures to research improvements in armour, weapon damage, advanced weapons( the Heavy Machine Gun and grenade launcher), jet-packs and the heavy armour suit. They also have structures like the turret is the static defense structure of the team.
Kharaa require structures to gain additional "traits". Each hive allows the construction of 1 type of "chamber", chosen by the team among the 3 types: the sensory chamber, defense chamber and the movement chambers. These chambers play a critical role in the strategy of the team. The sensory chambers allows Cloaking( invisibility), the wall-hack-like Scent of Fear(SoF) and Focus which slows the attack speed of the primary weapon but doubles the damage. It also offers invisibility to all aliens near it and has SoF.
The defense chamber allows Carapace(increased armour), Regeneration and Redemption( gives a small chance to teleport a dying player automatically to a hive) , and heals nearby aliens. The movement chamber allows Silence( really complete silence in movement and almost complete in attacks), Adrenaline(1/3 increase regeneration speed of energy, which aliens use to attack) and Celerity( increased movement speed), and replenishes energy of nearby aliens and teleport aliens to a hive. Each alien can choose 1 trait from each chamber that the team has. As you can see, all these can result in great strategic and tactical advantages for the aliens( Silence and Cloaking, for example, is very useful).
That's where Marines' strategies come in. In response to Silence and Cloaking, the commander can research motion-tracking which allows marines to see any alien movement through any walls. Jet-packs allow marines to fly and heavy armour makes players last for a long time. To repair armour, commanders can drop Welders which allow marines to "heal" other marines' armour. Marines also have the phase gates that allows instantaneous teleportation to each other phase gates. Many good rounds are caused by jet-packers flying solo to areas near a hive undetected and/or killing pursuers, and building a phase gate quickly. Upon which the marines rush into the hive and create havoc and thus turning the table. Of course usually the jet-packers are killed before they can finish building the phase gate, but that's the risk of the whole idea.
And that is what many NS players play for: the sense of exhilaration when a sudden tactical gamble by the team causes them to gain a strategic area of the map and destroy the enemies' morale. This can easily be felt by both teams in a single round. A round in which the marines have lost everything suddenly succeeds in the above mentioned tactic, which results in a great morale boost and strategic advantage for team. Suddenly players who were thinking about where to hide before they die, turn their attention to struggling for another hive. And the aliens who thought they were winning suddenly find themselves fighting hard just to keep the marines from advancing.
But what is gained can easily be lost. A skulk that slips into the marine-secured hive can evolve into a gorge. If undetected so far, he can then build a hive when he has enough resources. If any marine sees the unfinished hive and attacks it, all aliens can then use a movement chamber to teleport to the attacked hive and do whatever is necessary. Just as the marine's tactic is risky, so is this. The marines can wipe out the invading aliens as the alien players need a moment or two to adapt to the sudden change of view. Or the commander is smart enough to fortify the area with turrets quickly and assemble the team to the area before allowing any attack to the hive. Aliens cannot teleport to the unfinished hive if it is not attacked.
This is but one example of what is done in NS. There are many strategies involved but one thing is constant throughout NS: teamwork is vital for any sort of victory.
Sadly, the NS community in Singapore is very small. I blame this on the fact that Singaporean players generally do not like to try new games, unless billions of others have tried and mastered them. In addition to this is that many people around the world do not understand tactics and guile unless it's shoved up their asses.
Therefore I prefer to play in aussie and european servers, where there are more players and more maps and more alcohol-induced humour. The ping is not as good but being "Top Frag" is hardly as important in NS as in CS. Strategy and teamwork here is more valuable than individual kills.
Buy a copy of Half Life and join me!

Friday, 12 January 2007

Rant 002/ If the wrong ppl see this i'll get flamed...big time!

Why do kids want to grow up faster than what is natural for them? I personally do not like growing up. To summarise what i think of it: it sux.
The apparent attraction to an earlier adulthood seems to be that adults are not screwed by parents when shit happens to them. Another would be the "freedom" adults get. A last point I can think of at the moment is that to be associated with adults intellectually when one is not an adult is an honour.
This is what kids see because they are unable to understand what kind of shit they're trying to wade into.
When adults get into trouble, parents do not punish them. They do not need to. That's the job of the police force.
Adults get more freedom. Any consequences from their actions, good or bad, will be their responsibility. Unlike kids, who just get a scolding and a bit of grounding. No jail, no hanging, no fine.
Of course, it's an honour to be considered an adult, at least in terms of one's mind, before one is adult. But, their childhood is no longer a childhood. Some would consider that a sad thing.
Adulthood is a pit of vipers, albeit an unavoidable one. Taxes, jail, monotonous work, taxes, marriage, children, taxes, STDs, terrorism, new home, in-laws, deaths, taxes, politics. It's a wonder anyone would want to grow up at all. And did I mention taxes?
Let's try to argue that these "negative" points I brought up above.
Taxes. Without them, a country cannot grow. Bullshit. Taxes came about only centuries ago. Before that, taxes were not collected but nations did grow. Taxes were first introduced to keep the rich from being richer. You know as well as I do how well it worked ever since. Hoorah...
Jail. Keeps the wrong ppl out of our clean and pure society. Makes bad people turn good. I can't say anything bad about jailing criminals. I mean, do you want that sick piece of shit who molested a 12-year-old girl, who happened to be his niece or something, be let off with a scolding and a spanking from mum?
Work. No work, no money. No money, no honey. And no one love me. It's something we can never get enough of. There's no such thing as being too rich. Hollywood is proof. Most people cannot get jobs they are most interested in. Most people, in the end, settle for a decent job, with a decent pay and future, which won't make them feel like killing themselves every morning when they wake up. Maybe slit their wrists a bit, but not enough to kill. It's a necessary poison. Most jobs are monotonous, and kills brain cells. What's not monotonous are jobs that require the worker to think, everyday, how to stop themselves from joining a mass suicide cult. Worse still, when something happens to stop the monotony, usually its something that'll make u wish the monotony didn't stop.
Marriage. Enough said.
Children. It's supposed to be a magical moment when u first see that bloody thing get sucked out of your wife's loose hairy vagina. Things then go downhill thereafter.
STDs. Just when you thought it was great to have done it with every single cheerleader/netball player/female carbon-based lifeforms in college, you discover why God invented Matrimony.
Terrorism. Everyday when u take a train to work, you have to look out for suspicious items like that bag the old lady left under her seat. What if it's a bomb?!? Then there's the cab driver driving u back home after a night at the pub. Does that thing in the tray look like a small pack of C4? Hey he's Arab too! The guy seeming to be waiting for his girlfriend in the bank. Are you sure that's his "girlfriend"? Are you sure he's waiting for her at all? On National Day, those choppers fly above you with the Flag. HIDE! They may be hijacked and will crash any moment now!
New home. You can't live with your mum after you're married. What if she find's your wife's S&M leather suit in the laundry? Even if you're single, do you want to live there forever? But new homes are expensive! Then the worries go on and on and on...
In-laws. Lucky couples have nice parents. Unlucky couples have to be nice to their parents. Very nice. If they want to live peacefully. Or live at all.
Deaths. People start to die when they get old. People die sometimes even before they get old. Sad, but true.
Politics. You play a part in choosing your country's leader. Theoretically, when the leader is chosen by the majority, the whole nation should stand by him. When fractures occur, chaos ensues, and the nation is unable to work at maximum efficiency. In practice, fractures occur. People get divided. People fight for everything. Chaos ensues but the police and propaganda department keep it to a minimum.
The conclusion of this one-sided rant is obvious.

This is an incredibly bias essay. No mercy is shown to the bright side of growing up. The reason: there is no bright side.

Welcome to the Dark Side.

Wednesday, 10 January 2007

A beginning / Gah! I hate this slow Internet speed! I can't do shit!

Why blog?
Why bother to make what used to be your private thoughts known to anyone who cares/ accidentally came to the web page thinking it a chance to know his/her dream life partner?
There must a kind of attraction to telling people your beliefs and showing others how your mind works.
I do agree that for one to find someone who thinks like oneself is a joy. Therefore according to my logic, bloggers are waiting for someone who thinks like them to show up and respond. Kind of like fishing.
What I do not agree with this idea is to know someone who thinks just like oneself. It would be wrong to know someone who thinks exactly like you. There are things that one always wishes to hide from oneself. Everyone has a secret. Or more than one anyway. Everyone has something he/she wishes to forget/ignore about him/herself. To know someone exactly like you will remind you of everything you are, good or bad. This would be wrong. It is only natural that everyone is both good and bad. If one is to know exactly who one is, one would be able to change oneself till one is perfectly good or bad. That would be most unnatural. Of course, there are many who are perfectly confident of themselves, thinking themselves already perfect, or very near it. But that is only because they do not remind themselves of what they are. They do not reflect, enough, of everything that they have ever done. They do not see deeply enough who they really are. What they see, though, is an image of themselves that they wish to see. That is normal. People tend to see only what they want to see. What they do not wish to see is blasphemy.
I am, in no way, implying that I am perfectly aware of myself and my deeds. No one is perfect.
But how many people really do reflect on their actions and change what they find wrong in themselves? How many people actually remember significant deeds they have done at all and think about the consequences? How many people make the same mistakes twice even though they have ages to think about it since the last time they make that exact mistakes?
Of course I make mistakes more than once. Not many people can remember every single thing they have ever done.
Yes, that is the basic element for the process of mistake making. No one can avoid this trap. If one was to make not a single excuse and do everything as should be done, 24 hours a day would not be enough.
That is precisely how the world works. Everything is both good and bad. Name one thing you find is totally good/bad and I'll name you one thing that does not exist. Either that or you're wrong. Unless you believe in one religion or another. That would be a story for another time.
To achieve something that is perceived as good, one has to abandon something that is equally good, embrace something that is bad to the same degree, or abandon something good and embrace something bad such that the sum of their values is the same as what one is getting. Something for something, nothing for nothing.
If one is to think on the above paragraph enough, one will realize that according to the value, one can never gain anything more than what one ever had. The price is never the exact same thing(s) for anything for any two person, but what is gained in the end is worth exactly what one spent to get it.
For example, the Holocaust may be considered as a "price". What was paid is too much to describe. But what is gained is the collective agreement that such a thing should never occur again. What is also gained is a greater aversion to bloodshed in anyone who understood what the Holocaust is. A greater collective conscience of humanity. The greater the price, the greater than gain.

This is so shallow. A piece of nonsense typed by an ill-informed person. And such an abrupt end. Simply horrible.

I love to divert. SAVES LIVES!