Friday, 6 September 2013

Rant 1172 / Japanese Curry With Minced Pork

This is so fugged up. After worrying about the bigger sizes of this batch of jackets I had mentioned in the previous rant, now I realize none of the colours will last.

I'm looking at the eventuality that the design will be sold out before the peak period.

On one hand, I'm so happy that I have a design that can sell that quickly but on the other hand, this means I'll have little to sell when the most people are shopping for jackets.

Right now, I'm looking at the best-selling colour going out of stock a week after I started releasing the design. Seriously, in my storage area I only have 1 piece of size L and 6 size XL left for that colour. I'm so fugged, so happily fugged.

The next time one of the shops ask me to restock, I might as well tell them the colour's totally out.

This is notable because this is the only item I'm having this problem with. I've already ordered a second batch but since this is custom-made and the supplier has no stock ready, there will be a long period of time during which the shops will keep nagging me about it.

Failed again in the sauce. Added sugar a few times but was still too "herbal" in aroma. Diluted it and added sugar again only to realize there was too much garlic and the new mix was smelling like bak kut teh instead.

Another pot down the drain.

I think maybe I'll just stick with the pre-made stuff from supermarkets.

But first, I'll try another packet. And before that, I'll try again using the undiluted half a pot's worth of the sauce I had kept frozen. Maybe this still can be saved.

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