Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Rant 1167 / We Require More Durians!

Happy mood tonight.

My jacket supplier actually replied within 24 hours, an unusual occurence given how he had neglected to check his email for more than 2 weeks... twice!

Moreover, this order was sent late so this gets some weight off my shoulders.

Also have a hearing test on Monday. I've always thought I might have some kind of mild hearing problem and when I saw that promotion for PAssion Card members at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, it seemed like a good opportunity to find out once and for all.

Payday 2 is being turned into a farming game. First, the short missions were being farmed. People were farming the shortest mission to gain experience and items, mainly through the Ukranian Job which could be completed in less than a minute.

Now, after the recent tweaks to the experience rewards to make the longer missions more worth the time, people are farming the Rats mission by rushing through it. No cooking at all, brute force through the rest and etc.


Since it's close to the end of the durian season, I think I shall buy a lot of durians the next time I visit a durian store, then store them in the fridge.

So during one of the last RT sessions, the trainer explained that one of the types of diabetes involves our body growing "numb" to insulin. Does that means that my current habit of skipping breakfast is actually a good idea? Because there will always be more than 12 hours everyday when my body gets cold turkey from insulin.

So I went for the hearing test at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Good news is that my ear drums appear to be fine but I'm kinda sure there is a problem, so she recommended another test that involves the same stuff but in a noisy environment. Apparently, there's a chain of steps so this is the next step.

Although it's considered "private" and hence gets me an unsubsidised price, it's just S$40 so I booked an appointment for it immediately.

The most important thing she told me was that it's completely unnecessary to clean my ears unless the wax is blocking it, not even by pouring water in with my head tilted. In fact her facial expression said it was bad, so from now on, no more cleaning of ears unless it's blocked. Apparently, the skin in the ears grow outward so wax sticking to it is gradually shifted out of the ear anyway.

Woohoo! All is done. I'm all set for the peak season. By that I mean there's really nothing more that I can do about everything now, despite the late order.

Ordered a floor protector mat from Aliexpress. US$40 for a 90cm*120cm 1.5mm-thick transparent mat, shipping included. I could also have bought from IKEA but they sell it for S$47 and I would have also spent about S$15 on taxi, so this is actually a better deal assuming they're both of similar quality.

My mobile router died. It's working perfectly except the USB port no longer functioned properly.

The backup isn't working very well either. For some reason, it's impossible for my iPad to connect to its WiFi network, and it keeps dying when connected to my PC via ethernet cable.

I guess this is what happens when we only buy cheap stuff.

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