Saturday, 6 July 2013

Rant 1156 / Busy Weekdays Make Us Appreciate Weekends More

After a couple of chapters into Remember Me, TR suddenly felt like such an awesome game.

The latest problem I have with RM is the camera control - they like to have that panning shot whenever they change camera to make it look good. What irritates me is that I cannot control my camera when it's panning for those several seconds, leading to confusion about whether the camera can be controlled.

I know it looks good if you're watching someone else play but if you want to make a movie, just make a damn movie!

The other thing about the camera is that it sucks at finding the right angle. Often during battles I would find my camera jammed into some corner and all I see is a jumble of unidentifiable graphics as I try to roll around dodging all the attacks indicated by the exclamation marks. Basically, I'd get blinded by myself.

What I think it needs is to allow the camera to move beyond the walls and turn the walls invisible when I'm close to it, just like any decent PC game would.

Although I didn't know this beforehand, I can now tell that this game is a console port, and it got ported badly. The camera's programming is just so bad for a PC game.


Finished it. Was tempted to quit but the story dragged me back.

This game has taught me one thing about game design: don't mess with a gamer's camera. Seriously, when I'm given control of my movement, don't touch my camera. Not only does it cause confusion, it annoys me too when it delays me unnecessarily as I wait to regain full camera control.

I also realized that lag caused my combat to get horrible. Not only do my buttons not get detected, causing my combos to break, but also it makes me dodge at the wrong directions as the camera changes angle but the orientation does not follow immediately.

Many times during the battles at the end of the game with a whole bunch of enemies, I'd keep somersaulting right into them when I really wanted to roll away from them. That forced me to spam dodge to get out again and thus broke my combo.

If these problems didn't occur, this game would have been so easy because I noticed that dodging actually gives a split-second of invulnerability.

One thing I have to admit is that they really know how to control the camera in the cinematics and the memory remix scenes. I guess they thought a game's camera works just like a movie's.

As for the plot, it was nice but full of holes. For one, wouldn't everyone have noticed that something was wrong with their memories when the other memories don't match up? For example, when Olga thought David had died, wouldn't she have thought about why she was after Nilin at all? Something doesn't click there, right?

In any case, this was a semi-decent game to pass the time while we wait for better games.

Went back to NS2 after a long break and it's now a totally different game compared to the release version.

For example, there doesn't seem to be the simple invisibility anymore and it got replaced by a combination of it and silence - Phantom. This new evolution turns me invisible when I'm stationery and keeps my attacks and movement silent. Totally an ambush ability.

Another new thing is the alien tunnel. I think it's built by gorges and each gorge can build two tunnel openings that will connect to each other when both are completed. Basically an alien phase gate except it's dropped by the players instead of the commander as in the case of the marines' phase gate.

The tunnel is really cool because players actually have to run through it instead of just popping out at the other end instantaneously. When one opening hasn't been built, only half the tunnel is lit by the eerie alien lights. Even when incomplete, I think it still serves the purpose of giving newly hatched aliens a safe haven to regroup and buy their evolutions in.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any SG server anymore so the best I get are Australian servers that give me 110+ ping. Although I don't miss the horrible SG alien players, I like the gameplay better when my bites can actually hit something.

Best moment at 1:07.

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