Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Rant 1118 / My First Trip To An OG OP Private Sale

Pope Francis Resigns

仙剑奇侠传3 was a little troublesome. It's the first in the series to require a Chinese locale set through Control panel. Without knowing which version of the Chinese language it used, I had to reset my PC twice before I finally got the right one.

Immediately after the little cut scene in the beginning, I tried to alt-tab out... and found that I can't do so without crashing the game. Good thing I saved but this really really sucks.

On the bright side, I have the iPad, so if I ever need to take a peek at the walkthrough, I could use my tablet.

As for the game itself, I quickly realized it seemed familiar. The conversation of the cut scene too. These first several minutes brought back some very vague memories of gameplay in this game.

I'm now fairly certain I have seriously played this game before, which in turn means that I have indeed finished the second game.

I think it's only been about 2 years since I stopped and I've already forgotten the ending of that game so cleanly. I wonder if this is normal at all or if there is something wrong with my memory. Compared to other possible issues that I may eventually have, this is actually pretty good. At least I won't know what I'm missing since I can't remember what I've forgotten.

EA CEO just got fired. He's "stepping down" and since it's been done so abruptly, he probably was forced to resign.

I'm not sure if the CEO was the problem because their problems had more to do with the execution than their ideas. Like the stupid always-on DRM on SimCity. They wanted a way to stop piracy; they just didn't come up with a proper way to do it without hurting their own customers.

A CEO doesn't deal with crap like this! He's too far up the hierachy to be involved in something as lowly as choosing a form of DRM.

Unless, of course, I'm mistaken and he's the kind of boss who prefers to micromanage.

However, he was probably in charge of picking people for the jobs so that's an issue.

So I decided to go to the OG Orchard Point one-day private sale. I'd only arrived half an hour after opening and this is what I found:

My first time going to this kind of sale (other than warehouse sales) so this caught me offguard.

Now I know I have to go there at least 2 hours before opening to queue up. This time, with the queue this long and everything I want to buy has limited stocks, I just gave up right there.

Not worth queueing up even for the slim chance that they won't run out by the time I can get in because I only wanted a few shirts, bedsheets and a handbag, and none of them are actually urgent.

What is somewhat urgent, however, is my need for a new monitor. I could just repair my current one but:

1) A new monitor will only cost me $100 more than a repair.
2) The repair will not be completed on the same day.

Fortunately, Philips is holding yet another Carnival Sale this weekend, so hopefully they sell those there. I'm using a Philips monitor currently so I have nothing against them.

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