Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Rant 1095 / Where Are My Glasses?

Finished Max Payne 1. The length feels just right because by the last few chapters of the last part, I was getting bored and ready to just finish the game without going for anything else like listening in on the conversations of the mobsters.

SAFRA is offering the supermarket vouchers again! Big problem: they're being offered during my coming overseas trip.

They are being released on a specific date and from my previous experience, they are sold out within hours of release, so I have no chance of getting them, especially when they have stated explicitly that the purchase must be made in person.

My plan was to get them while buying a new pair of combat boots and PT shoes since I can only get a new pair of shoes this year. This would have been the perfect chance to get so much out of a single trip!

Oh well.

I think I will have to find some way to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner at one go because I am now very sure that it is the meals that are causing me to lose interest in games on my holidays.

It's not the eating, but the preparation and the time needed to think of things to cook with what is available.

Moreover, I have also concluded that I cannot simply make one dish for all three meals. I have tried stew for two meals. Nope. It was boring enough that I had to cook something else as a second dish, like scrambled eggs.

In addition, I do not like to get out of my house on holidays because I prefer to feel and be very lazy for the entire day, so I'd rather not go out and buy.

I can, of course, call for delivery, but I only have one call a week and sometimes I am just too lazy/busy to cook on weekdays.

This means I need to make 2 dishes in the morning, and they must last the whole day and not be too complicated.

Not 2 stews.

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