Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Rant 1056 / Back In My Day, Condoms Were Expensive So We Used Leaves Instead.

Fur-lined trenchcoats for S$30, shipping $7. Initially I was wondering how people could compete with that.

But after some calculations, it felt right.

I'm just used to the commission levels physical stores charge for their sales and forgot that Qoo10 only charges 12% at most.

My claypot cracked. At first there was a burnt smell, then it got really strong so I turned off the fire and moved it to a cool stove. That's when I saw the two black lumps it left behind.

The first thing that came to my mind was that the claypot melted, but that didn't make any sense at all. So I thought, and really hoped I was wrong, that the paint that lined the inside of the claypot melted.

That didn't make much sense either but I didn't think the food could go through the claypot unless the crack was huge, and if it was just liquid, it shouldn't burn and form lumps.

Lifting and tilting the pot a little, I saw the blackened crack underneath but I could not lift it high enough to tell how bad it was because it's a FILLED BURNING HOT CLAYPOT THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN LEAKING.

Everything inside had a burnt smell, and when I scraped all the way to the bottom after it cooled, there was a layer of completely burnt rice that couldn't be removed. Fortunately, it wasn't the paint that melted.

So it really was the food. The crack was probably much bigger when it was hot, because when it cooled it didn't leak after I filled it with water to soften the burnt parts. The meat juices might also have been part of the reason there were lumps, as well as the fact that I had my door closed so I couldn't smell it immediately.

I could have just thrown it away, but if I had dumped it down the chute, someone's chute door downstairs is bound to get smashed in. The only decent way to get rid of this was to leave it at the ground floor next to the rubbish chute for the cleaners to collect, and I can't do it when it was filled with burnt food.

Now I know I'm supposed to season the claypot before use. A little late, I know, but I can do it again.

And that's how you waste money through ignorance. That was S$12 down the drain.


It seems I was supposed to soak it in water for 24 hours before boiling water with some rice in it as if I'm making porridge.


Got a new one. It's completely submerged in a tub right now.

This one better not crack, or someone's skull will be meeting the same fate.

The terms and conditions of StanChart's Priority Banking reminded me that its eligibility requirement is to maintain S$200k in deposits or a million in housing loans.

Well, I guess this ends here. I'm not going to get the card any time soon now.

Although, this is something interesting to work towards.

Holy shit!

Natural Selection 2 is finally on Steam.

My body is ready!

I really want to buy it now despite the lack of discount but according to my bro, there aren't a lot of active servers, and for some reason, the Australian servers have US pings (~200ms) when they usually have around 100ms for us.

Moreover, the engine is not very optimized because my bro's laptop experiences graphics lag even though it's a pretty good gaming laptop comparable to my desktop.

These are not really major reasons because I used to play NS1 on US servers anyway.

Furthermore, I've played NS for years since v1.04 and only stopped in recent years. In fact I'm very sure some of the posts in the earlier years of this blog mentioned the game.

Back in my day, lerks had spikes, and sieges in which the marines made their last stand in a hive can go on for half a day.

Ah, the bad ol' days.

I'm definitely pre-ordering it. The question is now or later.

Later, since I've got enough retail therapy for the day. Bought some designer scented candles on Gilt because they seemed like such great deals.

They're almost S$20 each with shipping fee included but they burn for around 60-85 hours each. It really sucked that a lot of them couldn't be shipped to Singapore and I didn't want to fork out another S$15 for a third-party forwarding service.

I really don't understand why anyone would buy that US$575 candle but it was already sold out when I got there.

The brand's Missoni Home and it's a 7" by 7" (diameter and height) 4-wick Italian "Torta candle" with wavy rainbow layers made of hand-poured wax.

Is that supposed to be incredibly special?

The funny thing is that it's available for "50% off" on Net-a-porter at S$244. Herp.

Not going to buy the lanterns though. I'm planning to get one from IKEA when they have a sale. IKEA also offers cheap candles (compared to these) but they're all made of paraffin wax, and I've been hearing bad things about it.





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