Monday, 9 July 2012

Rant 1023 / BRB Army (July 2012)

Lost another kilogram. Just weighed myself and discovered this.

Absolutely no idea why this happened. In fact, this defies logic IMO.

Here are the many reasons why this is how I feel about it:

1) I've just rediscovered deep frying at home.
2) I've a box of 20 frozen hashbrowns in my freezer, over half of which has already been consumed over the last three week by myself alone.
3) I have not been cutting down on my fast food deliveries at all.
4) I have been splashing oil liberally when I cook because this makes my food taste better.
5) I have been frying a lot of fishballs before using them as ingredients for other vegetable dishes. In fact I buy at least 60 fishballs a week and usually some fishcakes too.
6) I've been eating breakfast recently, and not light ones at that.
7) More like fried ones, even.
8) I have not been going out much due to a lack of business during this part of the year, ie living a more sedentary life.

On the other hand, there are a few possible reasons for this:

1) I've been having light dinners because heavy dinners make me very sleepy and recently I came to realize I have to, as much as possible, avoid repeating my old habit of sleeping too early and risking waking up at 3am and badly screw up my body clock for several days.

2) I have almost completely cut off my coffee intake, partly because I haven't been needing it and partly because the remaining ground coffee in my kitchen is now stale. Speaking of which, I'm very surely going to buy whole beans from the vendor next time and grind only what I need when I need it. Right now I still have 500g of it that's destined for the bin and it's such a waste.

3) I've been practically preventing myself from having supper ever since I began to brush and floss my teeth again at night. I just don't want to go through it twice a night. My laziness overwhelms my hunger and it's awesome. But it's also like saying I'm so lazy I'd rather starve than eat, which... is actually true in this case. Oh wow. Seriously, I'd rather spend the whole night with a growling stomach due to having a light and early dinner than eat, floss and brush again.

Also, it's 6am and I've been up long enough to be fully prepared for what's to come. A large cup of coffee and final packing stage (toothbrush, deordorant, etc). It's no big deal since it's likely I'll be back for tonight before staying there for the rest of the week, so if I'm still forgetting anything, I can return to get them.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if I should bother coming back if there's nothing I need to take. I'll decide later.

I'm not sure if people are supposed to really want to go home when they're in reservist training, but I don't care. In fact I didn't bother going home the last time I got a night off. There's just nothing at home that I miss that much after merely a few days.

The best thing about this, other than the single night off, is that it's confirmed that I can book out early on the final day, again due to the fact that I cleared my IPPT for this year. Dohohoho!

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