Saturday, 5 May 2012

Rant 991 / Baby Steps

There's really nothing much I can discuss today, so I visited Imgur and threw in stuff that I found.

The EA indie bundle is out on Steam.


They're really willing to do anything for money, aren't they?

A Queen's Blade MMO?


Queen's Blade was just an fan service anime, kinda like High School of the Dead but with less zombies, less panties and more boobies.

I'm just curious because there are few reasons to make a MMO filled with skimpily-cladded ladies (it's a female-characters-only game too) when there are NUDE MODS for most popular games anyway.

Why bother?

Modders for games like Fallout 3 have even gone one step further and made sex mods.

Fan service for games don't mean much these days except for the initial impact, and MMOs don't really rely so much on that for their revenues.

In Soviet Russia, zoos visit you!

When you're a basketball celebrity, you won't even have to pick your own nose anymore.

Anytime. Anywhere.

For the first time I've made something original. Just a sweater but I think it's going to be too expensive. Too much workmanship required.

Also trying a wool mix I've never used before just to experiment.

This time, if this mix does what I think it does, it's going to be fun.

Now for jackets.

Maybe tomorrow.

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