It does have a point though. Many articles written by people around the world seem to agree that the US is really practically living on borrowed money.
"The U.S. government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone," Xinhua said.
Oh man, there is absolutely no mercy being shown here. China's seriously going all out to embarass the US.
On the other hand, its total debt versus its GDP is still rather low compared to that of other countries.
That really drives the point in.
And I guess it could also incite hatred which explains the ban.
Sometimes I wonder if my mental image of myself is the person I believe I am or the person I've convinced myself that I am.
But this path is futile. The objective truth is never within our grasp.
Which leads to the conclusion that it doesn't actually matter which it is.
Holy crap! I'm not sure if I can even finish that if an athletic girl can barely handle the whole workout.
Bought 250 namecards from VistaPrint using a voucher ($25 for $75). Also threw in a card holder for an additional $7 because the cards alone only hit $74.
Total original cost: $81
Total discount: $50
Total amount paid: $31
Free delivery because I picked the slowest option (21 days).
The design is as close to my mum's as I could make it, except I didn't use hot foil stamping and the font for my name is a more cursive one.
Feels so good to save so much.
Hopefully it won't come out badly. I have this sneaking suspicion something might go wrong.
Fucking morons! I hate how people keep running around unnecessarily in Killing Floor!
First and foremost are people who just run back and forth as if the movement improves their bloody accuracy. What do they think they're accomplishing by moving around like that?
Not only does it do absolutely nothing (especially when they're not even in front doing the tanking) but it fucking blocks my syringe shots!
In short, you're fucking blocking your healer and indirectly killing your meat shields!
Stand the fuck still!
Second are the morons who run around like headless chickens when they get hit. What are they trying to do? Nobody's shooting them anyway now that they're in the safe zone among the rest of the team.
All they do is block us and fucking dodge my syringes!
Fuck you for making me waste my ammo and keeping my attention away from the meat shields. I don't have to heal you, y'know? The ones who absolutely need my attention are the ones at the frontlines, not the rest of you!
Damn them all!
I really should sleep early. For some reason I cannot sleep beyond 10am these days, just like how I used to keep waking up at 12am. I could close my eyes and relax but no matter what, I'd just wake up within minutes.
I shouldn't get pissed off by such small matters.
But the riots in the UK pisses me off whether or not I'm tired.
Fucking morons.
Violent riots and looting do not solve problems that they're having now. Heck, they don't solve any problem at all.
Now they're costing the country even more money that they don't have.
Fucking morons.
And we all know what happens to those who were involved.
Most likely, absolutely nothing.
Even when they do get arrested, and even if the police can even prove they did anything, all they'll get will probably be a slap on the wrist and a stern warning.
How did it start? Some dude got shot by the police. Apparently it was just a clean shot to the chest. Buggers didn't even try to aim for the limbs and went straight for the heart.
Sure, that's how armed forces actually do things, but seriously, there's no need to be so obvious, right? At least fire at the limbs a few times just to confuse the coroner. It's not like he/she's able to tell which was fired first.
But that was just a relatively small matter for the police force to settle quietly on its own.
And that was the last straw, I guess.
They were already sitting on some highly flammable problems that arose from foreign immigrants and government budget cuts. All it needed was that bullet to the heart.
Then the copycats came. That is the very part that makes me angry.
What kind of sick fucks do this kind of thing? Honestly, the only reason I can understand is that they really had nothing better to do than to try to destroy their own country.
I mean, how else can you explain the fact that some of these rioters were as young as 8?
You don't get annoyed by your country's economic and social issues at that age!
Those boys probably saw that the teenagers were getting away with all kinds of things and decided to join in!
I don't even want to discuss what that implies about their parents.
Freedom's pointless if you don't treasure it. You don't treasure something until you understand what it means to be deprived of it.
Fucking give them martial law. Let the idiots know what they've been missing.
Why am I angry?
If you see some dude inherit his parent's enormous wealth, then proceed to burn them all like the Joker did, won't that piss you off?
Well, now there are thousands of them in the UK burning away and trashing what their forefathers left them.
Worse is that they're ruining the lives of others who didn't even do anything to them.
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