No longer thinking about the THQ pack. Not worth it. I don't feel like replaying most of the games inside and there's no guarantee I will suddenly feel like playing it. It happens but it's too random and there are too many possible games.
My package from China has arrived. Now using the black silicone protective case, the screen guard and the more expensive stylus.
The silver hard casing was too gaudy and I don't think it's as good a shock absorber as the silicone one. But it's not hard to change the former.
The screen guards are identical as far as I can tell so far. I'm probably using the second cheapest because:
1) I haven't seen a single scratch yet.
2) The reviews for the cheapest said it was prone to scratches.
I also realized I suck at putting on the screen guard because now there are lots of very tiny bubbles underneath. I tried to use the sticky tape on those spots and then press it down with a card, but after some time I just decided it was too much work to clear the smallest ones.
Oh hey I didn't notice that one of the redeemable prizes on Steam is a playable game!
Alien Breed 2 is on the right lower corner of the menu and it's kinda like Alien Swarm as far as I can tell. Usual price is US$10 and current Summer Sale discounted price is $5.
Probably will redeem it near the end if I have to choose between this and the TF2 spectacles.
And it's free for anyone because 3 tickets can be collected easily without playing any games.
First ticket can be collected when you join the Summer Camp Official Group on Steam.
Second one is for linking your Steam account to your Facebook profile.
Third is for entering a comment on a friend's Steam profile page.
Fourth is for recommending a game that you have on Steam.
Fifth is for posting a screenshot by hitting F12 while playing a game via Steam.
Sixth is for playing a free demo on Steam.
Seventh is for downloading (must hit the Download button!) and watch a trailer on Steam. Don't have to watch the entire trailer.
There, seven tickets. Those that require a game, there are free games that can be used like Alien Swarm, TF2 or any of the free MMORPGs currently available via Steam.
仙剑奇侠传5! Whoa! That's probably the most successful Chinese RPG series ever.
Looks like they really didn't change the game much other than improving the graphics. Exactly what I like in sequels. It's a sequel, I don't want an entirely different game.
Nothing that interests me in today's Daily Deals. Universe Sandbox looked good at first but I just somehow don't want to buy anything that doesn't have at least a 75% discount.
And now that I have enough games to last a while, I feel even less compelled to buy new ones.
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