Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Rant 587 / Dots

Why does the US want to piss off China? Personally I find this misleading:

China's angry response to a U.S.-led confrontation over the disputed South China Sea raises the specter of a fresh rift between Beijing and Washington just as wounds from a combative start to the year are healing.

That's kind of true, but the root of this problem isn't "China's angry response" but Washington's nosiness. This problem has been around for a long time and it doesn't even have anything to do with the US directly.

"The seemingly impartial remarks (by Clinton) were in effect an attack on China and were designed to give the international community a wrong impression that the situation in the South China Sea is a cause for grave concern."

Why now? Hasn't the US government got enough shit on their hands at the moment, what with the recent document leaks and stuff? There is definitely something going on that I must be missing.


"I was told by a high-level Singaporean official in May that China has warned them all not to discuss the disputed island even among each other," he added.

... China rules Asia. It's a fact now, if not an official one.

Disciples 3 turned out to be a pretty good game. I've finished the tutorial and the first stage of the human campaign at the moment and have experienced not a single crash.

Graphics are excellent, at the same standard as most Korean/Taiwanese mmorpgs.

Music is average, not as dramatic as those in the previous Disciples games and nowhere as dark, though inferior to those in HoMM V.

Gameplay has been changed a bit, keeping only a few things from its predecessors like using only a few units in the army and having a chain of structures for each level of upgrade of the units.

Combat is almost exactly the same as that of HoMM, but because there are fewer units everything is simpler in Disciples 3.

The one thing I must mention is its bad voice acting. The narrator sounds like he's reading and the Titan has a much younger voice and style than one would expect from a giant. Some of the upgraded soldiers sound like green recruits and lacking confidence, which makes it feel slightly unnatural.

Overall I'd say it's a good game but HoMM5 is still better. Most importantly, it's not worth 40USD.

Starcraft 2 has been cracked by multiple groups. It's only been about 24 hours. Leeches and seeds number in tens of thousands. This is the same as when ME2 was first cracked.

It has begun.

Will they make a Starcraft version of DotA? It will probably be called Defense of the Space Station, or DotSS.

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