Thursday, 29 April 2010

Rant 533 / Ah We're All Heroes! You And Boo And I, Hamsters and Rangers Everywhere, Rejoice!

Not having decent coffee at home is a terrible thing. The coffee they sell in coffeeshops in my neighbourhood may be excellent stuff, but an obvious problem exists whenever you find yourself in need of a delicious stimulant at 2am in the morning.

Therefore a bag of Capparoma Low Fat 50% Less Sugar now exists to replace the bag of crap they call Super Regular 3-in-1 Coffeemix. All of Capparoma's coffee are Low Fat, but there are also Regular and 25% Less Sugar. The price also greatly differs from Super in that this Capparoma Bag of 25 sticks (packets) goes for S$6.90 compared to Super's 40 packets per bag priced at S$4.90.

After a few days of Super, this cup of Capparoma tasted fantastic even without adding any additional stuff.

This is it. The end of human celebrities is at hand. With Japan pioneering the virtual entertainers technologies, we no longer need to have homosapiens humiliate themselves for the sake of "the performing arts". No more shall people appear on ugly celebrity gossip news and drop from the apex of their careers to become known as sluts, playboys and scum of society.

And to think the Japanese government is still unable to solve the problem of their stagnant economy after more than a decade. This is sad. They need so much entertainment to keep the people from becoming one giant mass suicide cult that they're running out of real good-looking people to do it. Japan, as developed as it is, is one place I'll not consider living in permanently.

If things don't improve, eventually something big is going to happen there, and it won't be pleasant. Not for the entire Asia.


Actually I can but I will need some special gadgets and cables. It's cheaper to just get the emulator.

It's spreading! It may be Greece at the moment, but far-seeing investors are now also looking at Portugal, whose credit rating was also reduced to A- at the same time as Greece's was slashed to BB+. Hopefully the Portuguese will look hard at the Greeks and do whatever it takes to save themselves before this plague of crises spreads further.

(explanations of acronyms in red)

This has to be one of the best 4chan threads I've seen in a very long while. What kind of suggestion is that?? Let an old, desperate and ugly gay man (if he was young and handsome he wouldn't be desperate; if he wasn't desperate he wouldn't need to check Craigslist for sex) suck on your penis just for free alcohol? What the heck?

And I love the reply at the bottom about free housing.

No woman, no cry = if you don't have a woman in you life you won't cry.


That's one of the most ridiculous interpretation of song titles I've ever seen.

Here's WWII, summarised into an animated GIF and translated to modern Internet English.

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