Tried making omelette like Howard did (Youtube video 2 rants ago). Tried twice (2 eggs each) and somehow it didn't work out as well as I thought it should. The egg didn't flow as smoothly down to the empty space when I pulled the cooked part back.
It was only after I was done eating my "swiss cheese" omelette (with button mushrooms, garlic and Kraft cheese) that I remembered I hadn't added water into the egg before cooking. :\
Also, I learnt that I can't wait for the garlic and mushroom to brown before adding the egg. It doesn't taste burnt but the end product doesn't taste much like garlic and mushroom. It's mostly guesswork, can't pour the egg in immediately because the mushrooms must be properly cooked, but the egg must go in before it browns. Did this the first attempt, but didn't fold the omelette properly. Browned it before adding the egg in the second attempt, but folded it nicely. Thought the garlic would taste better if a little brown, but the mushroom's flavour was probably unexpectedly changed.
Also, shouldn't have done this with button mushrooms. Should have sautéed it separately and pour it onto the cooked omelette before folding. Maybe I should add some of those chicken cocktail sausages with cheese in the fridge, sliced and mixed with the mushrooms. Hmm... And remove the garlic. Sounds like an tasty idea.
Atheism is a religion. It is a religion based on the assumption that where one sees nothing, there is nothing. Monotheistic religions, on the other hand, are based on the assumption that there is always something.
All logic is based on a set of assumptions. Alas it isn't intuitive for most people, hence the arguments.
Vitagen tastes like crap compared to Yakult.
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