OMG McLobster!

ANNO 1404 is a good game. It actually made me lose track of time for hours. There were only 2 things that gave me a sense of time's passing - the reminder to take a break that plays every 2 hours and the autosave that stops the game for a few second every half an hour. Once I managed to hit 6 hours and the game said that I "really should take a break".
There is something special about relocating resource production sites from the mainland and reworking the goods transport network every once in a while to accommodate the growing population.
My bro bought a new wireless adapter for his own laptop because the one in his laptop doesn't support Wireless-N mode. Setting the router to Wireless-N Only mode wasn't easy. I had expected no trouble at all, but for some strange reason my computer couldn't connect to the network when that mode is on.
B/G is fine, but N is not. The network is visible but it says the router does not respond when I connect. My bro did not have this problem. What the heck?
It took some random experimentation to find out that I had to disable the wireless security before connecting in N mode for the first time. Only after that can I change the security mode back to WPA2. I haven't tried to restart the computer/connection, but I'm not eager to try.
Why? Because Wireless-N mode freakin rocks! Now my connection speed is even faster than before.

My guess is that this is because most of my neighbours are not using Wireless-N, and Wireless-N is inherently faster than B and G.
Seriously, I'm not pushing any limits even if I download stuff at 1Mbps now. This is insane. I'm having much more bandwidth than I need. I'm taking into account my family's usage too. At the time of the tests, my utorrent was running and my bro was playing TF2 with Vent on.
Edit: It's ok to restart. Guess the security just needs to be disabled only for the first connection attempt.
I don't know what exactly it is about this wallpaper that made me use it as my desktop wallpaper right away.

It never occurred to me until recently that you can make garlic toast by rubbing garlic onto a piece of toast. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!?!? That's such an easy way to do it!

Disclaimer: The following two paragraphs contains incredibly twisted facts and may give you nightmares and/or scar you for life. S_H is not responsible for any negative effects on readers who are unwilling to scroll down without reading it.
I just found a really disturbing fact. Most guys actually did have incestuous sex with their mothers at least once. That is when their mothers give birth to them. Technically, when your penis is in a vagina, it is usually considered as penetrative sex. Hence, you probably had sex with your mother before and for months, you were in pretty deep inside her. Also, you fingered and fisted her.
From now on you will never look at your mum the same way again, if you're male and it was not a C-section. Now you may grab your head and scream in agony, motherfuckers.
Tired of low interest rates and risky investments? Here's a new one - invest in Somali pirates! For a low initial premium of a rocket-propelled grenade, you can make up to 75000USD in just over a month! Most importantly, there are no Nigerians involved!

Shit I was so close! Instead of fried chicken in a can, there really are canned whole chickens! The gel thing is the jellied chicken broth. But chickens are so common everywhere in places where people can afford this (ie developed countries) that I don't see the point of it.
Notice that the second pic looks as if the can was giving birth to a whole, hairless chicken?
Finally got a new oven. This one is bigger and has a rotisserie. Now I can finally bake cakes and bread or roast meat! CAKES! But first I'll start with bread. Baguette sounds simple enough, just need flour, salt, warm water, yeast and a little oil. But according to many people, it won't come out exactly the same because home ovens cannot go above 250 degrees Celsius. Apparently it's supposed to be baked at extremely high temperatures to vaporize all the water quickly to create all the holes inside.
No idea if I will ever use the rotisserie though. Maybe I'll make char siew someday lol!
Putin is basically the Russian version of Lee Kuan Yew, except with an even harder iron fist. He's most likely never going to leave power, even after retirement age. Unlike presidents and prime ministers in democratic countries, this guy's been at the top for years. He may not have been the one who built his country from scratch, but it did get filthy rich under his reign.
I don't understand why he would even bother to consider becoming the next president again. He obviously doesn't need to. Even after stepping down, the new president basically lives under his shadow. Big news about Russia almost always mention Putin, but not Medvedev. It's like the latter is there just to fill the space.
I think the biggest difference between him and all the other world leaders is how he improves his image as times change. I don't believe I've seen any prime ministers attend hip-hop concerts or pose half-naked for photos.

It just gives a different feel.
Anyway he also described the nouveaux (French masculine term for new, feminine term being novelle) rich as a problem. He doesn't seem to like how they show off their wealth. The thing is, doesn't this happen everywhere? When people get rich suddenly, they are usually unable to change their mindset of spending whatever they have fast enough.
I mean, their way of thinking is exactly how they get rich quickly. To make lots of money, you have to work very hard and/or sell your soul. But how does one motivate oneself to do so? With promises to buy this and that when they have the money. It is the lure of spending money that made them wealthy in the first place, not the security of having money. It takes time for the urge to buy stuff to disappear as the novelty of it wears off. It's like turning from "OMG I like that! I must buy that!" to "Yeah I can afford it but if I buy it, will I just put it somewhere and forget about it?"
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!! Just made 2 attempts at making bread. First time, too much water (slightly over 2 cups), dough didn't rise. Second try, perfect dough, didn't rise still. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!
4 cups flour, somewhere between 7/4 to 2 cups of warm water, 1 tbsp instant dry yeast, 2 tsp coarse salt. Mixed water with yeast, then added flour and salt. Dough formed at second try, very sticky but undeniably solid. SO WHY DIDN'T IT RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE????????????????????
I'm blaming the fuckin yeast for this. It's supposed to expire on the last day of next year! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!!!
I picked Friday night to do it because the housekeeper comes on Saturday. Now it's Saturday and I have a bowl of 3-hour-old dough and a bag of 7-hour-old white goo. I can make some kind of brick from them and kill people with it, but it would be a waste of electricity and no one has pissed me off like these bread-making attempts did.
I'll retry tonight, with a new bottle of yeast.
Also, 4 cups of flour and 2 cups of water DOES NOT FORM DOUGH! IT FORMS GOO INSTEAD!