Thursday, 16 July 2009

Rant 393 / BRB

It is amazing how I'm reaching the 400th rant despite having an abysmal readership. I've seen many blogs that died way before that. They say that persistence will eventually lead to success and I'm here to prove that wrong.

Within another 4 years I should be hitting my 1000th rant. My prediction is simple: this blog will not receive regular comments and responses even by then.

My blog is the pinnacle of obscurity, a webpage that exists and is not going to end in the foreseeable future but will remain unknown throughout its existence. It is exactly like the hermit living the depths of the Amazon jungle - is there one?

So while I sip this foamy watered-down coffee-of-some-unknown-variety from McCafe, trying to phrase my words in a less Singlish way, I do it knowing that typing secrets here is only slightly less safe than announcing it on 4chan /b/.

To prove it, I'll type my credit card number right here:

Just kidding. I don't have a credit card. Don't need one.

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