Saturday, 6 June 2009

Rant 367 / Le Fuck?

The latest addition to the Mastermind series, my favourite Newgrounds creation. This time the Mastermind calls for a meeting.

Here's an extract from a thread that began with "Describe your last bowel movement using only film titles"

there will be blood
Apocalypse Now
A new hope
Deep Impact
gone in 60 seconds
Fast and Furious
The Rock
The Perfect Storm
cheeper by the dosen
Gone with the Wind
the fountain
Hot Rod
2 Fast, 2 Furious
Terminator 2 : Judgement Day
Final Destination
The Thing
Dante's Inferno
28 days later...

Today I had yet another monologue from my mum that reminded me why I should never, ever argue with her.

I was busy making war in Empires when she came into my room, holding this red mug I bought in the NTU supermarket at the Cafe by the Quad. I had bought this when I was living in the NTU hostel because I needed a mug and I didn't want to bring one from my home (too fragile).

Anyway she began by telling me to stop putting it into the microwave oven. I often use it to heat milk (for hot cocoa) and water (for coffee). The problem was that the microwave would make the lead and whatever toxic stuff in the paint on the mug come off and get into the drink.

I did not know what to say. If she could believe that based on probably some second or third-hand account of a cousin of a neighbour of a pet's previous owner's ex-wife's grandmother's god-grandson, then I don't think anything I say would convince her otherwise.

Unfortunately my mind was on the enemy's mortar shell that had just exploded in my face, and I voiced my disagreement. Then she said that there was no "microwave-safe" label on it and it was made in China. I replied that it had never exploded nor cracked. It wasn't enough. She went on to say that I'm going to get cancer and my brain cells will die if I go on using it in the microwave oven.

It was then that I remembered that I cannot openly disagree with her. Mothers are always right, even if they're wrong. At least that's true in my family. It's ridiculous to me, but what can I say? It's the same with so many other things I disagree with, like her belief in afterlife and that the air that is blown out of the ventilators in desktops contains radiation and causes cancer.

Yes I'm pissed because I felt helpless. The things she said were so wrong they were laughable, but there was nothing I could do to convince her that she was wrong. So here I am ranting about it.

I need to kill someone. Back to Empires I go. This time I'll stop using the Engineer and be a bad-ass Rambo-ing Rifleman...

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