Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Rant 243 / Ridiculously Ridiculous

Check out this amazing vid from Youtube. No idea whether its stated sources are real, but some parts are hilarious. I don't understand the Korean, so I can't tell what those Korean words mean. But they have english subtitles.

According to this video, Koreans appeared out of nowhere and created several ancient civilizations. In fact, the ancient Egyptians, the Sumerians and even the Native Americans were originally Koreans.

It's definitely a joke.

Found this webcam page. Sad in a way, funny in another.

At first, I was like

Then I was like

In the end,

Some of the easiest topics for a noob troll to practise with is the question of "Atheism vs Christianity". Unfortunately, 4chan is filled with so many trolls people no longer respond to this. However, I'm sure if someone in real life were to mention this in a conversation, it would still spark a lively debate.

Rarely do I know people who agrees with my philosophies. Recently, I met another person who saw that our system is distorting the meaning of education. Not the definition of it, but the purpose. I'm not sure if anyone else feels anything about it but I know, like her, I feel that it's a lamentable occurence.

She has personal experience with children, since she's going to be a teacher. She was able to identify children who didn't have the spark in their eyes, and they are usually the better students. I know because I almost became that sort of student. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending on where you're looking at this from) I questioned the purpose of sacrificing my soul for grades.

Eventually I asked the big question, the meaning of life itself. Took a decade to become a full-blown case of nihilism.

Not everyone did that. So they became the good students, the ones who have no life but will probably grow up to be scholars.

I'm not sure that's a good path to take. Unfortunately, our system wants that sort of students. If you know any teachers, ask them if they like the sort of students who don't seem to do anything but study. They may not like it, but they cannot deny that it's easier to teach them than those who have poor discipline.

The purpose of our education is to produce great data processors.

Extreme it may be, but you should understand what I'm trying to state. The point of education was to let the curious sate their hunger for knowledge, let the intelligent understand and advance their fields. The point of education, now, is to produce better workers. Get good grades so that we can get better jobs.


As I have mentioned before, no longer are we mugging to learn; we are mugging for better grades.

Grades. Grades are the ultimate purpose in life, for students. Nothing matters as long as we get good grades. Or would you sacrifice your studies for love? They say love is the ultimate power, the answer to everything. So would you?

I hate the fact that children can become zombies for the sake of "education". Children! What are our schools? Grinders that grind your souls to dust? Children who no longer know the meaning of fun are not children anymore.

Another reason why people shouldn't have children anymore. Life, in this aspect, has become disgusting.

Troy Dixon from PurePwnage passed away last Sat. T-Bag's gone! What will happen to the show?!?! Will there be another weird transformation again???

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