Friday, 17 October 2008

Rant 201 / Life Is Like A Game Of Chess. Every Move Counts, Except The One In Which You Sacrificed Your Queen For A Pawn, Because That Was Too 1337.

This blog has always been about negative things. It is time I make it a little more positive.

I like grapes.

Okay Positivity Session over. Back to the normal me.

I have a theory on why the download rates of my torrents in NTU are so inconsistent. On weekdays, nothing can be downloaded, probably because the network in the campus is being heavily used.

But on weekends, some torrents can be downloaded at very decent rates while others can't even find the tracker. Why?

One of my theory is that these people I can connect to are in the campus too, that I'm downloading from the intranet.

Another is that while something is blocking my torrent connections, it is not perfect and some of my connections actually succeed. I don't know; I'm no network expert.

Coming Friday: mini steamboat. Just to try.

I must be the most shyest person I know. Fuck, even some of the most retarded-looking guys I know from before are attached. No, not you. Anyone who even knows I have a blog isn't one of them. Sorry, but I'm just an asshole sometimes.

A friend who's married told me that if a girl you like gets a steady boyfriend, it's always your fault. If you hadn't told her, how could you expect her to know?

Another benefit of telling her is the phenomenon called Reciprocal Love. Reciprocal love happens when you love someone because that person loves you. But, it is basically conditional love. It is unlike unconditional love because that sort makes you do anything for that person. Conditional love doesn't. Plus it is often temporary.

Many reasons, how many lies?

Watched 8 episodes of the first season of Prison Break. Pretty good show. Now I see why so many people talked about it.

Now I see I'm not the only person who thinks WoW tournaments is not something for watching. It freakin sucks for their audiences because they're so repetitive. It's fun to play though, because you'd concentrate so much you don't notice the time and thus, unaware that you've been doing the same actions, pressing the same 5 buttons for the past 15mins.

Made choc fondue again jus now at 4am. Added milk before throwing the choc on top to see how much I added. The ratio of sweetened condensed milk to choc was like 5-1 and it turned out similar to my last attempt when HX visited my room. So... I added more, till the ratio was like 7-1 and it didn't matter.

Now I see how much sugar they dump into those choc bars to make them so sweet. It's probably similar to my adding the sweet milk till it's 25-1.

More wallpaper dumping again.

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